Manly Senior Takes Out Top Fitness First New You Award

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1st November 2010, 01:47pm - Views: 4066

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OVERALL WINNER - Wendy Starkie, Newport Sydney, NSW

STRENGTH - Andrew Kim, Waitara, NSW

SPORT -Victoria Mitchell, Newport, VIC

SENIORS - Warrick Try, Berowra NSW

SHAPE -Rebecca Watson, Lilyfield, Sydney, NSW

STAFF - Adam Sacca, Millers Point, NSW

HEALTH - Wendy Starkie, Newport Sydney, NSW

Wendy Starkie, 64 years old, of Newport, NSW was named the Winner of the Fitness First ‘New You’

Achievement Awards at a gala celebration at The Westin Hotel in Sydney on Friday 29 October 2010

The Fitness First ‘New You’ Achievement Awards celebrate the outstanding accomplishments of people

who have made significant changes to their health and lifestyle through fitness – Wendy and all the finalists

have proven that making healthy changes can turn lives around.

When Wendy Starkie joined Fitness First Newport in 2007, she was recovering from a mastectomy,

chemotherapy and radiotherapy. She was bloated from heavy medication and inactivity, weighed 95kg and

had no self confidence. 

Wendy started with group training classes and went on to take up personal training sessions with Dan

Penny, who helped her rehabilitate her shoulder and arm, increase her strength and regain her balance. 

Later, Wendy was introduced to weight lifting, pliometrics, circuits and interval training when she began

training with Matt Battaglia. 

Today, Wendy is cancer free, fit and healthy, weighs 65kg and enjoys a full and active life. She prides

herself on her new found knowledge of her body, nutrition and training. 

Among her many fitness achievements, she has become a formidable force on the golf course, and has

even climbed Mount Kilimanjaro. 

Wendy hopes to inspire others to make positive changes to their lives through fitness.

“I have achieved a lot, but more importantly I hope my story will inspire other cancer patients and older

members of the community to get in there and try harder,” said Wendy.

“If you persist you will achieve little by little - I am living proof of this.”

Geoff Huegill, Commonwealth Games champion swimmer and Fitness First New You Achievement Awards

Judge, hopes stories such as Wendy’s and the other finalists will inspire others to get active.

“The stories we’ve heard from the Fitness First New You Achievement Awards Finalists are truly amazing -

all of these people have made a change to their lives through fitness for the better,” said Huegill.

“That’s something I definitely relate to and I know how hard it can be and appreciate what these people

have done.

“We all have the chance to be our best, but sometimes things in life distract us from what is important for us

to live and healthy, happy life.

“All the award finalists and winners are an inspiration to all of us to live life to the full.”

As the overall ‘New You’ winner Wendy will receive $30,000 thanks to Aussie Bodies. 

The winner of each category will receive a free Fitness First club membership for one year, a Vodafone LG

Optimus Handset Pocket Wi Fi, 2XU High Performance Compression Packs valued at $250, New Balance

voucher valued at $250, Ticketek Entertainment Pack valued at $200 and a Clinique Gift pack valued at


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The category winners are:

SHAPE: Rebecca Watson, aged 32 from Lilyfield NSW, joined Fitness First Cronulla in April 2009. At this time she

weighed 137kg. Rebecca had once been an elite athlete, and was ashamed of the habits she had fallen into - frequent

overeating and comfort eating. Rebecca realised something had to be done, but after an accident was then told she

needed reconstructive surgery on her shoulder. Her doctor told her she would never swim the way she used to, and

would never be able to lift anything over 5kg. Rebecca joined Fitness First to progress her rehabilitation after surgery.

Despite her injury, Rebecca undertook group exercise classes, followed the advice of personal trainer Nick Reiger and

to date has lost an incredible 58kg. Rebecca can now lift much, much more than 5kg, and has been able to return to

her beloved sport of swimming.

HEALTH: see above overall winner, Wendy Starkie.

SPORT: Victoria Mitchell, aged 28 from Newport NSW, joined Fitness First in 2009, a year after competing in the 2008

Beijing Olympics in the 3000m Steeplechase. After Beijing, Victoria found herself struggling to advance her sporting

career, injured and feeling burnt out. Her constant over-training led to numerous stress fractures and surgery on one

foot. Personal trainer Darryl Leech at Fitness First Richmond introduced Victoria to functional training, educated her

on nutrition and taught her how to listen to her body. She soon felt stronger and more confident than ever before.

Victoria has undergone a major transformation, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. As a teenager,

Victoria's goal was to "run in the Olympics". Now Victoria has learned to visualise her objectives, and has a much

more ambitious goal in mind - to smash her personal best and win gold in London 2012.

STRENGTH: Andrew Kim, aged 33 of Waitara NSIn just one year, Andrew has transformed his body from 112kg

and 30 percent body fat to 79kg, 10 percent body fat. He is now a novice Australasian Natural Bodybuilding champion.

Although Andrew had been training regularly for years, he had always focused on strength building and ignored the

problems he had with his weight. Today, Andrew is a role model to many and is an outspoken promoter of drug-free

bodybuilding as a healthy way of life. While supporting his family and working a busy full-time job, Andrew continues

to work towards his next bodybuilding challenge thanks to his willingness to work hard and his enthusiastic outlook on


SENIORS: Warrick Try, aged 67, Berowra NSW.  Warrick was surviving on only one lung and, after 12 years of

cancer operations, found himself overweight, fatigued and lacking strength and muscle. When he was again

diagnosed with advancing cancer, he decided to embark on a fitness regime as a last ditch attempt to keep the

disease at bay. Warrick joined a gym, Fitness First Hornsby. Eight months later, Warrick's cancer symptoms have

almost disappeared. He no longer suffers from high blood pressure and has shed his beer belly for a flat stomach!

Warrick's change in fitness and physique has vastly increased his energy levels and given him a newfound pride in his

appearance. From being close to defeat to feeling completely revitalised, Warrick's amazing achievements prove that

even later in life, a dedicated approach to health and fitness can overcome the most imposing odds.

STAFF: Adam Sacca, aged 19 from Millers Point NSW, became a Fitness First receptionist in 2009. Adam had just

completed the HSC, and his results placed him in the top 500 students of Australia. Adam was proud of his results,

but not proud of the way he had let his health suffer to achieve them - now weighing 130kgs. Despite his amazing

success, Adam was depressed. A negative body image stopped him from enjoying life. After a few weeks of personal

training sessions and group fitness classes, Adam was inspired, motivated and already seeing results. Adam now

weighs 85kg and still attends at least one class a day to maintain his fitness. Full of energy, confidence and

enthusiasm for life.

Fitness First Australia Managing Director Peter Stirling Benson said all the finalists in the Fitness First New You

Achievement Awards were truly amazing.

“At Fitness First our aim is to make Australia a fitter place and after hearing these stories it shows how important this

is,” said Benson

“These finalists have aided their recovery from illness, achieved great things in their chosen sport and lost huge

amounts of weight all through introducing fitness into their weekly routine.

“In research* recently conducted by Fitness First we found that one quarter (25%) of the Australian adult population is

obese, a further 29% is overweight and only 13% of Australians exercise on a daily basis.

“So now is the time to take inspiration from all the finalists in the awards and make a real and lasting change to your

life through fitness.”


Research commissioned by Fitness First Australia and conducted by Galaxy Research in August 2010.  A national study    

  of n=1,263 Australians aged 18+ years.


For further information or interviews contact:

Zannie Abbott

Nicole Browne

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