Mi3 Brings Hi-tech Opportunities To Bangladesh

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17th September 2009, 07:09am - Views: 695

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Mi3 Brings Hi-Tech Opportunities to Bangladesh

ATLANTA, Sept. 17 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    Mi3 Inc. announces new business outsourcing opportunities for Bangladesh.

    In a unprecedented event, Mi3 invited high profile government and business leaders from Bangladesh to speak

to an audience of CIOs at CIO Summit 2009. In attendance were the Commerce Minister: Honorable Faruk Khan,

the IT Advisor to Honorable Prime Minister: Mr. Sajeeb Wazed Joy, and the FBCCI President: Mr. Annisul Huq, and

the Commercial Counselor at the Bangladesh Embassy, Washington, D.C.: Mr. Kazi Shamsul Alam.

    Commerce Minister, Faruk Khan presented the value proposition of Bangladesh, outlining a number of

governmental incentives for foreign investors and outsourcers to stimulate their presence and involvement in

Bangladesh. Likewise, Advisor Sajeeb Wazed Joy delineated the Digital Bangladesh vision and highlighted current

government strategies to setup the appropriate environment and infrastructure. He pointed out that Bangladesh IT

workers are 30-50% less expensive than Indian IT workers. In addition, low living cost, governmental support and

incentives, hi-tech park initiatives, and massive internet expansion makes Bangladesh a sweet spot as an

alternative outsourcing destination. This sets a new direction for Bangladesh, in IT outsourcing maturity, making

Bangladesh the "new hub" of outsourcing in Southeast Asia.

    Commerce Minister Faruk Khan said, "The CIO event was a first for Bangladesh to increase awareness among

high profile tech leaders in America." He appreciates Mi3 for arranging a high impact event that will make a

difference for Bangladesh. In talking with Dr. Saiful Khandaker, President of Mi3, Kahn expressed his desire for Mi3

to do more such events with Advisor, Sajeeb Wazed Joy.

    Also discussed was the recent government decision to build six hi-tech parks in Bangladesh. This step signals a

strong commitment to grow the hi-tech industry in Bangladesh. CEO, Duke Dickson believes, "Mi3's role has been

to acquaint the government of Bangladesh with the concerns and requirements for IT clients in the United States

and to assist the government in ensuring that its technology roadmap achieves those requirements. Furthermore,

Mi3 is in a unique position to facilitate real change in Bangladesh, bringing big business to an emerging destination

and at the same time, providing significant financial benefits for U.S. businesses."

    Mi3 Inc. is a global technology services firm that innovates, defines, designs, and delivers information technology

(IT) enabled business solutions. Mi3 specializes within the mobile, wireless communications industry. Visit:

    Contact: Melanie Blenis - mblenis@mi3inc.com

SOURCE: Mi3 Inc.

    CONTACT: Melanie Blenis, 

                       Mi3 Inc., 



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