Microequities 2009 "rising Stars" Micro-cap Conference 1

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25th May 2009, 01:01pm - Views: 1356

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Microequities 2009 “Rising Stars” Micro-Cap Conference

2 June 2009, 8:30-5:00pm, 488 George St, Hilton Sydney

A selection of Micro Cap companies with attractive investment cases will be

presenting to investors at the Microequities 2009 “Rising Stars” Micro-Cap

Conference, at the Hilton, Sydney.

The event provides an opportunity for investors and financial media to meet senior

management from eight companies within the Micro Cap universe with established

business models, all of which are EBITDA profitable. 

Companies represented and the presenters include: 

Dr. Ian Brown (CEO)  

          Clover Corporation Ltd  (ASX- CLV)

Ian Buddery (Executive Chairman)  eServGlobal Limited      (ASX- ESV)

Trent Bagnall (CEO) 



Lachlan Armstrong (CFO)                DWS Limited                 (ASX-DWS)

Mike Verveka (CEO)                        Manaccom Corporation (ASX- MNL)

Kim Lindsay (MD)  

          Lindsay Australia           (ASX- LAU)

Clive Stein (CEO) 

          Amcom Limited              (ASX- AMM)

Graham Griffiths (MD)                      Ipernica Limited             (ASX- IPR)                    

Media interested in attending should contact:

Carlos Gil, Managing Director, MicroEquities on +61 2 9231 6169 or 0424 957 437 or

email cgil@microequities.com.au

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