Microlife-WatchBP Series is Proud to Present its Total Concept at the World Hypertension Congress
TAIPEI, Oct. 30 /PRNewswire-Asia-AsiaNet/ --
Be Part of the Great Movement of Preventing Stroke and Heart Diseases: "From bench to bedside and
According to the theme of WHC 2009 in Beijing: from bench to bedside and community, Microlife is
promoting a total solution for hypertension management. This solution entails a series of innovative
professional blood pressure measurement devices designed for risk factor screening, diagnosis, and treatment
follow-up. Microlife successfully developed several physician-guided blood pressure measurement devices
totally adapted to the needs of physicians, patients, and home health care screening. This concept of Microlife
shall enable government, industrial and academic sectors to control hypertension and prevent strokes in the
To initiate "working together for better health", Microlife is inviting all GP's and physicians at the WHC
congress to share their knowledge and to discuss how authorities from healthcare, pharmaceutical industry,
medical device companies, non-profit organizations, and governments should collaborate to prevent stroke
and hypertension.
Momentarily, Microlife successfully developed the world's first blood pressure measurement devices
equipped with patented atrial fibrillation detectors. Several studies have shown that atrial fibrillation and
hypertension are the most important risk factors of stroke development and heart disease. Regularly, atrial
fibrillation should be diagnosed by the ECG devices and interpreted by clinically experienced specialists. With
the Microlife blood pressure measurement devices atrial fibrillation can be diagnosed with high accuracy (ref.
1,2), in a cost effective and time efficient manner.
To fulfill the clinical needs of physicians, Microlife successfully developed the WatchBP series. These
validated devices, adapted to clinical needs with implemented guidelines (ref.3) consist out of:
-- WatchBP Home: home blood pressure measurement device, with 7-day
diagnostic schedule
-- WatchBP O3 (Out-Of-Office): 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure
measurement device, with professional software to enable easy and
accurate diagnosis.
-- WatchBP Office: the first double-arm office blood pressure measurement
device. The simultaneous double arm measurement accurately reveals
any inter arm difference.
The WatchBP series is not like any other blood pressure measurement device on the market today. The
WatchBP is physician-guided, designed for screening, diagnosis, and treatment follow-up. "The WatchBP is
the only blood pressure measurement tool on the market, that has proven to meet professional medical
demands and supported by scientific evidence."
The WatchBP already has earned its reputation in the professional field. It is largely purchased by well-
known pharmaceutical companies such as BI, Bayer (G), Lacer (S), DS (J), and Servier, etc., who use the
devices for improving clinical services.
Momentarily, WatchBP has been launched in: the US, Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Greece, France, and
Switzerland. In the coming days: more countries in different regions will launch WatchBP, such as Japan,
Taiwan, China, Thailand, other Asia regions and South America.
About Microlife
Microlife is a global leading medical company in healthcare technology innovation. Microlife is specialized
in digital medical measurement devices and healthcare services, with competence in R&D innovation, product
manufacturing, and global marketing. The digital medical measurement devices, which are the core products
of Microlife, include fever and blood pressure measurement. Microlife provides products and services for
different demands, tailored to the needs of patients, physicians, and home healthcare. Nowadays Microlife
has well established its market channel with successful branded products and excellent services.
Microlife Corp. was founded by KY Lin in Taiwan in 1981. A branch office was established in Switzerland in
1996. Next to Europe, the Middle East is one of the important markets for Microlife.
In 1997, Microlife built a solid marketing team for the USA market, to penetrate the North and South
American market. This marketing team together with the marketing team of Asia Pacific succeeded in
establishing a global marketing network for Microlife.
In 2004, the business revenue of branded products in Europe excelled the business revenue of ODM for 55-
60%. Located in China, the Microlife manufacturing plant is in charge of all production and distribution.
Microlife's vision is to empower all individuals on this globe to be capable of managing their own health.
1. Stergiou GS, Karpettas N, Protogerou A, Nasothimiou EG, Kyriakidis M.
Diagnostic accuracy of a home blood pressure monitor to detect atrial
fibrillation. J Hum Hypertens 2009.
2. Wiesel J, Fitzig L, Herschman Y, Messineo FC. Detection of Atrial
Fibrillation Using a Modified Microlife Blood Pressure Monitor. Am J
Hypertens 2009.
3. Parati G, Stergiou GS, Asmar R, Bilo G, de Leeuw P, Imai Y et al.
European Society of Hypertension guidelines for blood pressure
monitoring at home: a summary report of the Second International
Consensus Conference on Home Blood Pressure Monitoring. J Hypertens
2008; 26: 1505-1526.
WatchBP Franchise Director Eric Wang
Tel: +886-2-8797-1288#358
SOURCE: Microlife Corp.