Middletons Defies Market Jitters With The Internal Promotion Of...

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7th June 2010, 01:35pm - Views: 958

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      Monday 7 June 2010

Middletons defies market jitters with the internal promotion of four new

partners, one special counsel and nine senior associates 

Today Middletons announces there will be four new partners, one special counsel and nine senior associates

appointed from within the firm. The partner appointments include Adam Fuller and Adam Howell from within the

Banking & Financial Services Group, Stephen Hume from within the Corporate Recovery & Insolvency team under the

Commercial Litigation Group, and Chris Round from within the Intellectual Property team. Stuart Newell will be

appointed special counsel from within the Commercial Litigation Group. Finally, nine senior associates will be

promoted from within the Commercial Litigation and Corporate & Commercial Groups. All appointments will become

effective 1 July 2010.

Middletons' National Managing Partner, Nick Nichola, described the internal promotions as "a very proud moment to

see the culmination of many years of incredibly hard work and dedication to exceptional client service pay off. Above

all, these new appointments possess, display and uphold the firm's vision and values and support the culture of the


When asked about the economic outlook and how the firm was performing, Mr Nichola said, "These new

appointments symbolise the firm's growth over the past 12 months. It is true the legal market has been challenging

and will continue to be so, however so long as we remain committed to delivering the best service imaginable based

on quality and value, we will continue to do well."

Mr Nichola added, "These internal promotions signify the firm's commitment to developing the careers of our talented


New partners 

Adam Fuller acts for debt providers as well as those raising finance on a wide range of domestic and cross border

financings. He has significant expertise in corporate and acquisition finance, asset and structured finance, and

property and development finance as well as credit enhancement.

Adam Howell advises lenders and listed and unlisted borrowers on domestic and cross border financing transactions.

Adam has significant expertise in corporate and acquisition finance, asset finance, project and infrastructure finance

and debt restructuring.

Stephen Hume is a member of our commercial disputes and insolvency team and has particular expertise in banking

litigation, securities enforcement, and corporate and personal insolvency related litigation. He advises listed and

unlisted companies, financial institutions and accounting firms in relation to commercial disputes, security

enforcement and receiverships and restructuring and insolvency matters. 

Chris Round is an intellectual property lawyer with extensive expertise in the registration of intellectual property rights

and associated litigation. He represents clients in copyright, trade mark, patent, designs and associated trade

practices litigation in all courts.  

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New special counsel

Stuart Newell has significant experience in advising clients in the defence of their liabilities arising from the

manufacture and supply of asbestos products. He regularly provides advice on defence strategies and claims and

litigation management in the context of a multi-claim environment.

Senior associates from Commercial Litigation

Savannah Hardingham 

Gautam Mukherji 

Adele Sutton

Senior associates from Corporate & Commercial

Tamara Cardan

Brendon Fong

Nina Hourigan

Louise McAuliffe

Renee Thomlinson 

Catherine Valle

* Photos available upon request

Further information

Jeremy Hyman

Media and Communications Manager

T: +612 9513 2451

F: +612 9513 2399

M: +614 49 953 890

E: jeremy.hyman@middletons.com 

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