Mobile Steel House-frame Factory Ready For Disaster Relief

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16th October 2009, 01:05pm - Views: 899

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Mobile steel house-frame factory ready for disaster



A completely self-contained mobile steel frame fabrication factory could be a

solution to emergency relief and sustainable reconstruction following natural


FRAMECAD’s™ Mobile Factory will be unveiled at the Steel Frame Building Expo at

Yarraville in Melbourne next week from October 19-23. 

Housed in a modified 20 foot (6.1m) shipping container, the FRAMECAD™ Mobile

Factory can be airlifted into virtually any location and made operational within 24


With its own diesel generator and computer-operated steel frame fabricating

machine, the Mobile Factory can manufacture precision engineered framing at a

rate of 700 metres per hour, allowing construction of structures such as hospitals

relief centres and homes to begin immediately and proceed quickly.

FRAMECAD™ Global Marketing Manager, Ms Natasha Urlich, says that while the

speed at which the Mobile Factory can be deployed is an important advantage,

there are many other benefits, particularly in remote areas and less developed


“There is a seriously unfilled need for the manufacturing of pre-engineered

structures that can be produced, assembled and maintained by the local labour

force - even where skill levels are low and there is no reliable infrastructure.

“Production is computer controlled and every piece of framing produced is

numbered and coded so it can be easily assembled on site.

Ms Urlich said the Mobile Factory was originally designed for commercial building

companies wanting to build multiple homes in large-scale developments. 

“However recent events such as the tsunami in Samoa and Tonga and the

earthquake in Indonesia have highlighted the potential for the Mobile Factory to

assist in disaster relief. A major need in these crises is for housing. Mobile Factory

fast tracks the establishment of housing via rapid deployment; rapid start-up;

and low skill level support requirements.

“FRAMECAD™ is talking to various aid and relief organisations to see how we can

work together.”


The FRAMECAD™ Mobile Factory, which was developed and

manufactured in New Zealand, will be unveiled in Melbourne next week at a Steel

Frame Building Expo at

Yarraville from October 19-23. There will be two

presentations each day at 10:00am and 5:30pm

The Expo is open to anyone associated with the building industry and will be held

at Denim Park, 341 Francis Street, Yarraville in Melbourne. 

More information: Those interested in attending should contact Peter Blythe at or at +61 419 101 639.

Media: David Park parkyoung 0418 159-231 or

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