More Shippers Turn To Transloading To Streamline Supply Chain

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21st September 2010, 08:49am - Views: 841

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More Shippers Turn to Transloading to Streamline Supply Chain

NEWARK, N.J., Sept. 21 /PRNewswire- AsiaNet/ --

    Retailers and manufacturers anxious to reduce costs, lower their risk and

get goods into the right place at the right time are making key operational

changes in their supply chains to remain lean and flexible. Industry experts

report an increase in a tool known as transloading on the West Coast over

direct shipping to the Midwest via intermodal rail, according to the cover

story in this week's edition of The Journal of Commerce.

    (Photo: )

    By repacking inbound container shipments into larger domestic containers,

shippers save on inland transportation costs and gain more inventory

flexibility. Various goods can be combined in a shipment to one store, and

decisions on where goods should end up can be made later in the distribution

chain. The tactic adds some handling costs and complexity at the front end

when imports arrive, but more companies are saying the trade-off works

because they end shipping fewer containers inland, and the ability to

postpone destination decisions is important in the fragile economy.

    There is a troubling trade-off for U.S. exporters, however, because the

practice leaves fewer ocean containers available at inland distribution

points, exacerbating a shortage of equipment for agriculture and light

manufacturer companies looking to send goods abroad.

    The Intermodal Association of North America estimates 29 percent of U.S.

import shipments were transloaded into 53-foot containers last year, up to

30.2 percent in the first half of 2010. Carriers -- who often end up

responsible for the repositioning costs -- are encouraging the shift by

lowering ocean rates from Asia to the West Coast.

    Stronger growth of the method, The Journal of Commerce reports in this

week's Cover Story

(, will depend on strategic

management of equipment to avoid costly

container repositioning, increase of customers with a year-round commitment

to transloading and generating two-way traffic to balance the flow of


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SOURCE: The Journal of Commerce

    CONTACT: Paul Page, The Journal of Commerce, Editorial Director,


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