Murray Goulburn's Proposal To Acquire Warrnambool Cheese & Butter

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29th January 2010, 01:58pm - Views: 774

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Murray Goulburn

Co-Operative Co.


ABN 23 004 277 089

29 January 2010

Murray Goulburn’s Proposal to Acquire Warrnambool Cheese & Butter

Murray Goulburn Co-operative Co. Limited (MGC) today advised its supplier-shareholders that it had made a

proposal to acquire all the shares in Warrnambool Cheese and Butter Factory Company Holdings Ltd (WCB).  

The letter explained that MGC put a proposal to the WCB Board in December last year and that this proposal

had been rejected. Just prior to Christmas WCB informed the Australian Securities Exchange that it had

received and rejected two proposals from two unrelated companies without expressly naming MGC.

In his letter to supplier-shareholders MGC Chairman Grant Davies indicated that MGC was currently

considering next steps and would keep supplier-shareholders informed.

Key benefits

Under the MGC proposal WCB and MGC would merge to become a 100% dairy farmer-owned Australian co-

operative. WCB’s milk suppliers would have the opportunity to join a strong, well capitalised and growing co-

operative that is focussed foremost on maximising returns and reducing volatility to its supplier-shareholders.  

MGC believes the key benefits of a merged MGC/WCB entity would be as follows:

To create a stronger merged business post the farmgate in a way that ensures the benefits flow to dairy

farmers and their communities. It would achieve this by building a stronger farmer-owned dairy

cooperative that can improve farmgate milk prices

A stronger dairy farmer-owned company would be better positioned to capitalise on future market

opportunities with the scale and strong financial capacity to continue to invest in the business

Board and management stability and sustainability for WCB

Deployment of WCB’s quality plant and facilities as the pre-eminent cheese processing centre for the

dairy industry in the southern region

Maintenance of WCB’s strong regional branding and community commitment

Leveraging of opportunities for expansion, innovation, long-term growth and job opportunities

through stronger dairy industry as a result of merger

Increased ability to further develop domestic and international markets 

Mr Davies said that the MGC Board believed the proposed merger was good for MGC and was also an

excellent opportunity for WCB suppliers and shareholders.  

“These benefits are a unique proposition for WCB that no other potential buyer can offer”, Mr Davies said in

his letter.

“At this stage our proposal has not been recommended by the WCB Board.  However, we believe it is a very

attractive proposal for the shareholders and suppliers of WCB.

“MGC would bring to the WCB business the commitment and marketing capability for product diversification

and innovation to maximise supplier returns and further develop export and domestic markets”, Mr Davies said.


Mr Davies said that MGC has maintained a very strong balance sheet despite the global financial crisis and

following a recent review of its banking arrangements has in place the financial capacity to fund such an


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“The MGC proposal provides a return to a 100% farmer-owned structure from which WCB was built. The co-

operative structure would remove the conflict between shareholder and farmer interests that exists when a dairy

company has a majority of non-supplier shareholders.

Mr Davies explained that under the proposal MGC is committed to maintaining WCB core operations and

facilities and incorporating these with MGC’s operations in the South-Western region of Victoria and South


“We propose to maintain WCB’s name, brands and strong links to the local community.

“Increasingly, we are seeing the emergence of large multi-national companies as significant players in the

Australian dairy industry and we believe as a co-operative owned by its members we must be positioned with

substantial scale, resources and capabilities in order to continue to successfully serve the supplier-

shareholders”, Mr Davies said.

Mr Davies said that the merged company would be well positioned to support strong farmgate milk prices for

the long term. This merger will help ensure that MGC, as the only large whole-of-chain co-operative,

maximises the milk price in the interests all Australian dairy farmers.

“The MGC Board believes the proposal represents a fair price both for WCB shareholders and for MGC and its


“We are currently contemplating our next steps but we are confident that a merger with WCB is a very positive

step for MGC supplier-shareholders. It is a major opportunity to deliver benefits that flow directly to farmers

and not others in the supply chain and that is good for all dairy farmers and local communities”, Mr Davies


Mr Davies assured suppliers that the Board considered all proposals very carefully to ensure that the Board is

totally convinced that the proposal is in the best interests of supplier-shareholders. 

“In this case we have undertaken comprehensive analysis via our executive team and external advisers. This is

an opportunity to benefit dairy farmers that can only be delivered with strong leadership from MGC and WCB

at this time”.

MGC are advised by KPMG Corporate Advisory and Corrs Chambers Westgarth.


About MGC:

Murray Goulburn Co-Operative has 2,500 supplier shareholders and has grown from modest regional roots to

become Australia’s largest 100% dairy farmer owned co-operative exporting to over 100 countries.  MGC is

Australia’s largest exporter of processed food and employs over 2,000 people in regional Australia. Its flagship

Devondale brand is recognised nationally as a market leader.

About WCB:

WCB is a publicly listed company on the Australian Securities Exchange. It has approximately 600 milk

suppliers in the Western District and Central Victoria, and in the South east region of South Australia, together

with manufacturing and distribution operations at Allansford, near Warrnambool. WCB sells milk products into

numerous established international markets and also has a strong domestic presence.

Media contacts:

Angus Urquhart / Jo Lynch


Tel: 03 9600 1979

Mob: 0402 575 684 / 0411 208 101

MGC contact:

Robert Poole

General Manager Industry and Government Affairs

Tel: 03 9385 6747

Mob: 0408 057 073

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