Ncp Vpn Client For Juniper Systems With Expanded Services

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27th July 2010, 02:31pm - Views: 915

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NCP VPN Client for Juniper Systems With Expanded Services

NUREMBERG, Germany, July 27 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet / -


    - New Release of NCP IPsec Clients for Juniper Operating Systems 


    The NCP engineering GmbH, leading supplier of integrated Remote Access VPN solutions announces the

release of a new version of the "NCP Secure Client - Juniper Edition" for Juniper operating systems. After the

successful launch of the VPN Client for ScreenOS, it can now also be used for Juniper Junos operating

systems. A further highlight is the security quality seal "FIPS Inside" (Federal Information Processing


    The NCPs Ipsec VPN Client which is available for all Windows operating systems (32/64 bit) replaces the

NetScreen Remote VPN client and can now also be used in Juniper Junos environments as part of the

currently formed alliance (NYSE: JNPR). The NCP Secure Client Juniper Edition offers broad service features

which have the aim of simplifying the use and reducing documentation, training and support costs to a

minimum. This also means an increase of "uptime", which is the time where employees can work productively.

    Facts and highlights

    - FIPS Inside is a reliable statement for companies and public authorities to the high security level from

official authorities. The NCP IPsec Client integrates the cryptographic algorithms as of version 9.23 as per the

international FIPS standard. The relevant cryptography module is certified according to FIPS 140-2 (certificate


    - The graphical, intuitive user interface of the VPN Client makes external communication easier for the

users and reduces the normal source of errors.

    - The VPN IPsec Client supports all 64 Bit operating systems by Microsoft (Windows 7, Windows Vista and

Windows XP) and the Juniper operating systems ScreenOS and Junos.

    - Supported by WWAN cards (Wireless Wide Area Networks NDIS  6.2) for WiMAX, UMTS or GPRS in

notebooks under Windows 7.

    Further Information

    - Details of the NCP Secure Client - Juniper Edition can be found here:

    - A Screenshot of the NCP Secure Client - Juniper Edition can

    - Follow the NCP Blog on or follow

      us on Twitter (



Headquartered in Nuremberg, Germany, NCP engineering helps IT network managers secure data

transmission in public networks and across the Internet. Organisations that employ remote access, mobile

computing, teleworking and e-commerce throughout the world rely on NCP for key secure communications

technology including Remote Access, IP-Routing, VPN and Firewall solutions, Identity and Access

Management (IAM) and Network Access Control (NAC). The firm is devoted to avoiding vendor-lock for

customers through regular compatibility testing and full integration with

Business Company NCP Engineering GmbH 3 image

PKI-Infrastructures, as well as support for two-factor authentication on end-devices. NCP serves customers

through a network of technology, reseller and VAR, and OEM partners, including WatchGuard, T-Systems,

Lancom and Astaro.

    Press Contact:

    NCP engineering GmbH

    Jurgen Hönig

    Telefon: +49-911/99-68-151

    Fax: +49-911/99-68-299


    Twitter: @JuergenVPN

    SOURCE: NCP engineering GmbH


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