New Data Supports Valdoxan's(r) Unique Clinical Signature

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New Data Supports Valdoxan's(R) Unique Clinical Signature

AMSTERDAM, Sep. 1 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

     Valdoxan(R)/Thymanax(R) (agomelatine) is more efficacious than

both conventional selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) and serotonin

noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) antidepressants, according to new

data presented today at the 23rd European College of Neuropsychopharmacology

(ECNP) Congress.

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    This new data supports the unique clinical signature of

Valdoxan(R), already documented by a significant and continuous improvement

of the patient condition from the first days of treatment, for a true

recovery of depression and effective protection against relapse.[1],[2],[3]

    New data[4]

    The new data is a result of a pooled analysis of four multicentre,

international, randomised, double-blind, parallel-group studies involving

outpatients with major depressive disorder (MDD). In each of these individual

studies, agomelatine demonstrated to offer a distinctive profile of efficacy

leading to an improved treatment of depression.

    Agomelatine was compared head-to-head with SSRI (sertraline

50-100 mg, escitalopram 10-20 mg or fluoxetine 20-40 mg) and SNRI

antidepressants (venlafaxine 75-150 mg) after six to eight weeks of

treatment. Efficacy was assessed using the HAM-D17 total score scale. The

overall analysis included 643 patients treated with agomelatine and 657

randomised to SSRI/SNRI therapy.

    Agomelatine showed significantly greater antidepressant

efficacy than SSRI and SNRI comparators in terms of both HAM-D17 improvement

and percentage of responders. Over the treatment period, there was a

significant 1.37 point difference on the HAM-D17 total score in favour of

agomelatine (p<0.001). Agomelatine's higher efficacy was also evident in the

percentage of responders - patients whose depression improved by a (greater

than or equal to) 50% decrease in baseline total HAM-D17 score. Overall,

71.75% of patients achieved a response to agomelatine, versus 64.52% of

subjects on SSRIs/SNRI - a statistically significant difference in favour of

agomelatine (p=0.005).

    "This new data adds to the already compelling clinical

evidence for Valdoxan's efficacy in treating major depressive disorder, even

in its severe forms," notes Professor Siegfried Kasper, Department of

Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Hospital, Vienna, Austria.

"Valdoxan's(R) excellent antidepressant efficacy - coupled with a unique,

'first-of-a-kind' mode of action - marks Valdoxan(R) out as an exciting and

innovative treatment for depressed patients."

    In patients with severe depression, agomelatine also performed

significantly better than SSRI and SNRI comparators. This severe

subpopulation included 1013 patients (499 treated with agomelatine and 514

with SSRIs/SNRIs) with a baseline HAM-D17 score (greater than or equal to)

25. Agomelatine's antidepressant efficacy again proved significantly better

than SSRIs/SNRIs as evidenced by a significant difference in HAM-D17 total

score in favour of agomelatine (p=0.014) and a significantly higher

percentage of patients responding to agomelatine (71.54% versus 65.29%,


    A unique adherence to treatment[5]

    Agomelatine's clinical efficacy is enhanced by greater

adherence to treatment, where patients continue to take their medication as

prescribed. Adherence is a key factor in deriving maximal therapeutic benefit

from antidepressant medication. Greater adherence to agomelatine is supported

by results from the new meta analysis which found that significantly less

patients on agomelatine (6.3%) withdrew from trials due to treatment-emergent

adverse events, compared to SSRIs/SNRI (10.5%) (p=0.0058).

    Valdoxan(R): a major therapeutic advance in management of depression

    "Although we have a large armoury at our disposal, gaps still

exist in modern depression management" says Professor Raymond Lam, Department

of Psychiatry, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. "As the

first-ever antidepressant to target melatonergic MT1 and MT2 receptors and

5-HT2C receptor, with no impact on serotonin levels, Valdoxan offers a new

approach to tackling this devastating disease."

    Valdoxan(R) is the result of an advanced pharmacological

research programme involving investigation centres all around the world. It

is the first antidepressant that simultaneously acts as a MT1 and MT2

melatonergic receptors agonist and a 5-HT2C antagonist. As a result,

Valdoxan(R) resynchronises circadian rhythms that are profoundly disrupted in

depressed patients, therefore offering a totally innovative approach to

depression treatment.[6],[7]

    Valdoxan(R) was discovered and developed by Servier, France's

leading independent pharmaceutical company. Valdoxan(R) received EU marketing

authorisation in February 2009 and is now available for the treatment of

adult patients with MDD in several countries worldwide.

    Notes to Editors

    Valdoxan(R) international development programme

    The efficacy of Valdoxan(R) in major depressive disorder (MDD)

has been shown in several clinical trials within the international

development programme. This programme documented the unique clinical

signature and the distinctive profile of efficacy of Valdoxan(R) as compared

with placebo, SSRIs and SNRI treatments.

    Results of the studies demonstrated that Valdoxan(R):


    - Is more efficacious than conventional antidepressants at

      every step of depression treatment, showing greater patient improvement 

      from the first week of treatment, whatever the intensity of depressive


    - Significantly reduces the incidence of relapse in depressive

      patients over the long-term[1]

    - Preserves sexual functioning, is weight neutral and offers a

      favourable tolerability profile, thus contributing to a better 

      adherence and remission in depressed patients[5],[9]

    - Is easy to use: one 25 mg tablet taken at bedtime, without

      discontinuation symptoms at the end of treatment[5],[10],[11]

    Major depressive disorder (MDD)

    MDD - also known as unipolar depression - is a common and

disabling mental health disorder. Globally, MDD is increasing in prevalence,

affecting approximately 121 million people worldwide, yet it remains

under-diagnosed and under-treated.[12] Overall, around 60 million Europeans

currently suffer from some form of depression, with an estimated 33.4 million

of them suffering with severe depression.[13] The WHO reported that

depression was the fourth leading cause of health-related disability, and has

estimated that by 2020 depression will rank second only to heart disease as a

worldwide cause of disability. For many patients, depression is a chronic and

recurrent illness. Nearly a third of patients with MDD are still depressed

after one year, and over 10% remain ill after five years. For those patients

who recover from a depressive episode, over a half will suffer a




    [1] Goodwin G et al, Agomelatine Prevents Relapse in Patients

with Major Depressive Disorder Without Evidence of a Discontinuation

Syndromw: A 24-Week Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial. J.

Clin. Psychiatry. 2009;70(8):1128-1137

    [2] Stahl SM, Fava M, Trivedi MH, Caputo A, Shah A, Post A. Agomelatine

in the Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder: An 8-Week, Multicenter,

Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial J. Clin. Psychiatry. 2010;71(5):616-626

    [3] Lemoine P, Guilleminault C, Alvarez E. Improvement in Subjective

Sleep in Major Depressive Disorder With a Novel Antidepressant, Agomelatine:

Business Company Servier 3 image

Randomized, Double-Blind Comparison With Venlafaxine. J. Clin. Psychiatry.


    [4] Kasper S, Hale A, Lemoine P, Quera Salva MA. Superior efficacy

results of agomelatine in pooled analysis versus SSRI/SNRI. Abstract ECNP


    [5] Kennedy S, Rizvi S. Agomelatine in the treatment of major depressive

disorder: potential for clinical effectiveness. CNS Drugs 2010 Review


    [6] Leproult R, Van Ondergergen A, L'Hermite-Balériaux M, Van Cautert E,

Copinschi G. Clin. Endocrinol. 2005;63:298-304

    [7] Hale A, Corral R, Mencacci O, Saiz Ruiz J, Severo A, Gentil V.

Superior efficacy of agomelatine vs fluoxetine in severe MDD patients: a

randomised, double-blind study. J. Eur. College of Neuropsychopharmacol.

2009;19(suppl 3):S418

    [8] Kasper S et al. Efficacy of the Novel Antidepressant Agomelatine on

the Circadian Rest-Activity Cycle and Depressive and Anxiety Symptoms in

Patients with Major Depressive Disorder: A Randomized, Double-Blind

Comparison with Sertraline. J. Clin. Psychiatry. 2010;71(2):109-120

    [9] Kennedy SH, Rizvi S, Fulton K, Rasmussen J. A Double-Blind Comparison

of Sexual Functioning, Antidepressant Efficacy, and Tolerability Between

Agomelatine and Venlafaxine XR. J Clin Psychopharmacol. 2008;28:329-333.

    [10] Montgomery SA, Kennedy SH, Burrows GD, Lejoyeux M, Hindmarch I.

Absence of discontinuation symptoms with agomelatine and occurrence of

discontinuation symptoms with paroxetine: a randomized, double-blind,

placebo-controlled discontinuation study. Int Clin Psychopharmacol.


    [11] Valdoxan(R) Summary of Product Characteristics

(accessed 22 July 2010)

    [13] WHO Europe, Mental health in the WHO European Region Fact sheet 

EURO/03/03, 8 September 2003

    [14] Prevalence, burden and diagnosis - Chapter One, Page One, 5 April 2007

    SOURCE: Servier

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