New Managing Director Appointed

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5th November 2009, 06:05pm - Views: 783
New Managing Director Appointed

Dairy Australia Chairman Max Roberts today announced the appointment of Mr Ian
Halliday as the new Managing Director of the industry service body.

Mr Halliday will commence on 1st January 2010 and comes to Dairy Australia with an impressive reputation in the food industry.

His career has spanned across the supply chain, including the dairy industry, and features a wide range of management roles in companies including SPC, White Wings, Kraft Foods and KR Castlemaine.

Most recently Ian was the Chief Executive Officer of Vesco Foods Pty Ltd.

Mr Roberts said that Mr Halliday.s background in the food industry means he has a strong understanding of the dairy industry supply chain, the increasing issues facing agriculture and the need for Australian dairy to continue developing sustained competitiveness in the world market.

"Reporting to the Board, Mr Halliday will have total responsibility for the strategic direction and leadership of Dairy Australia. He will lead the organisation to deliver programs that add value to all facets of the dairy supply chain.

"Another key aspect of Ian.s role will be the development of strong relationships between industry, research providers, governments and other bodies - nationally and internationally, for the benefit of Australian dairy farmers."

Mr Roberts welcome Ian.s vision, energy and business acumen to help build on the
successes of Dairy Australia and lead the organisation to the next level.

Mr Roberts also thanked outgoing Managing Director Dr Mike Ginnivan.

"Dr Ginnivan has led Dairy Australia for approximately six years and in that time he has overseen tremendous change and development in the Australian dairy industry.

"He has helped guide Dairy Australia to provide the best possible support to Australian dairy farmers. We are very grateful for his contribution and leadership and we wish him all the best in his future."

The industry will celebrate Dr Ginnivan.s many achievements and recognise his
contributions at the conclusion of his tenure in late December 2009.

For more information, contact
Adele Buhagiar on 03 9694 3894 or 0400 923 221 or
email [email protected]

SOURCE: Dairy Australia

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