Newland Communities Selects Aconex For Symphony Park Las Vegas Development

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26th March 2010, 09:28am - Views: 1012

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Newland Communities Selects Aconex for Symphony Park Las Vegas Development

LAS VEGAS, Mar. 25 /Medianet International-AsiaNet/ --

    Aconex, the world's largest provider of project collaboration solutions to the

construction industry, will service Newland Communities and its project partners on

the US$6 billion Symphony Park mixed-use development in downtown Las Vegas. 


    The web-based Aconex system will enable Newland Communities to manage the large

volume of information generated during the development, and communicate more

efficiently with City representatives and the project team. 


    Symphony Park is a public-private urban redevelopment project that, when

complete, will be a 10 million square foot, 61-acre mixed-use community that will act

as a catalyst for further development in the downtown area. Newland Communities, the

project manager, will also be the developer for five city blocks in Symphony Park,

which will include urban-style residences, medical facilities, hotels and retail.


    Newland Communities' VP Operations, Sam Gladstein, found that the tools

previously utilized for managing project information weren't sufficient to handle a

project of such scope and magnitude and were leading to inefficiencies and

potentially increased project risk. 


    Gladstein said: "We were using typical MS Office products and storing information

on a shared drive. Before long there were just too many documents and too many

folders, and no simple way to locate things at a moment's notice. Document transfer

was always cumbersome, either through the use of email, which limits your file size,

or through the use of an FTP site, which is difficult to operate in a secure



    He added, "The biggest problem, particularly when dealing with consultants and

City representatives, is that everyone had their own system for managing data. If we

needed a document, we had to call them and ask them to send it over, and vice-versa.

The result was that a lot of time was being wasted. Having gone through these

frustrations, we came to a point where we needed a better way of managing things."


    Newland Communities and the city of Las Vegas selected to implement Aconex for

the duration of the development. The system allows all project participants to

access, distribute, track and store their documents and correspondence in real time

using a single, common platform. 


    "As project managers, data control is everything. With Aconex, its ease of use

and the time savings it provides are fundamental. In particular, the ability to

disseminate information to parties as quickly as possible is extremely valuable. If a

third party developer needs a document, we can just give them access to the system.

It's a much cleaner collaborative process," said Gladstein. 


    For Newland, the main benefit of using Aconex remains that is centralizes and

streamlines project communication. Instead of each organization having its own silo

of information, there will be a single, common, transparent platform for managing

project data.


    Gladstein added, "Aconex will help to link Newland's efforts at Symphony Park

with the City, consultants, lawyers and any other stakeholders. These days it's all

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about being collaborative and instantaneous and so it's essential to have effective

systems like Aconex in place."


worth of projects across 65 countries. The system is delivered using the Software as

a Service - SaaS - model and clients include AECOM, Parsons Brinckerhoff, Las Vegas

Sands, IKEA and McDonald's Restaurants.


    Newland Communities, America's largest privately-held community developer,

focuses on creating residential and urban communities across the United States.

Headquartered in San Diego, the company currently has nearly 40 communities underway

in 14 states. 


    The five city blocks within Symphony Park that Newland Communities is the

developer for will include the Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health, The

Smith Center for the Performing Arts, The Charlie Palmer boutique hotel, The World

Jewelry Center, Forest City casino-hotel, and medical and office facilities.


    SOURCE: Aconex


    Will Turbet

    Marketing Communications


    Project success. Easy as Aconex.

    696 Bourke Street, Melbourne, Victoria 3000, Australia 

    Tel: + 61 3 9240 0263    

    Fax: +61 3 9240 0299 


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