Ntt Com To Exhibit Cloud Computing And Virtualization During Vmworld Europe 2010 In Copenhagen

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5th October 2010, 03:32am - Views: 1385

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NTT Com to Exhibit Cloud Computing and Virtualization during VMworld Europe 2010 in


TOKYO, Oct. 4 /Kyodo JBN-AsiaNet/ --

NTT Communications (NTT Com) announced on October 4 that it will exhibit its global

capabilities in cloud computing and virtualization, and also hold a breakout session

on these topical subjects, during VMworld Europe 2010 in Copenhagen, Denmark from

October 12 to 14.

NTT Com's exhibit (Booth No. 14) will feature advanced services and technologies

available from the comprehensive ICT service provider, including:

-Global Virtualization Service (GVS), provided in Europe, Asia and the United 

States to enable companies to easily deploy virtualized systems in a secure 

environment using a comprehensive array of virtualization services via NTT 

Com's global network of premium data centers.

-Smart Media Delivery (SMD), a complete solution for both live and on-demand 

streaming of video and audio content, encompassing the entire streaming value 

chain from signal acquisition, encoding, multi-format transcoding and 

streaming to customized web player interface design. It also enables 

advertising to be inserted into both live and on-demand streaming.

-Group company Integralis's managed security services, such as early-detection 

security systems for virtualized IT environments.

"It will be a great pleasure to demonstrate and explain our cutting-edge cloud

computing and virtualization services to customers from Europe and beyond at VMworld

Europe 2010," said Masaaki Moribayashi, Managing Director of NTT Europe.

NTT Com will host a 60-minute breakout session on October 13 (Room 18, 10:30am -

11:30am) featuring Moribayashi, Lydia Leong, Senior Analyst, Gartner, Inc., a world-

leading information technology research and advisory company, and Tristan Brandt,

Managing Director of NTT Com customer Lebara, the Mobile News Awards' MVNO of the Year


The session will enable visitors to learn more about NTT Com's virtualization

infrastructure and other global capabilities, recent research into cloud computing,

marketplace forecasts, latest trends in the U.S., practical experiences of suppliers

who are taking the lead in this growing field, and the strategic selection of NTT Com

as a key outsourcing partner.

Leong will provide a practical overview of implementing infrastructure via either the

public or outsourced private cloud, including how to evaluate vendors, address

security concerns, choose the right service levels and SLAs, and create hybrid

solutions incorporating legacy infrastructure.

Brandt will explain how his company's massive growth led to a strategic decision to

outsource and centralize ICT functions, and how virtualization and application

management provide the foundations for further growth and profitability. He said, "Our

infrastructure choices and strategic ICT decisions, including partnership with NTT

Com, have been central to our rapid expansion into eight countries since 2001, and are

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vital to our next phase of growth. I will be happy to share how we have achieved our

goals, including through effective partnerships."

VMworld Europe 2010 is a leading trade show expected to draw nearly 5,000 ICT


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(Ms.) Yasuko Oka or (Ms.) Akiko Suzaki

Public Relations Office

NTT Communications Corporation

Tel: +81-3-6700-4010


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