Overhead Lines A Thing Of The Past With New Catenary-free Power Supply Sy

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22nd June 2009, 04:12pm - Views: 878


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A Finmeccanica Company

Ansaldo STS is listed on the Milan Stock Exchange. It is a leading technology company operating in the global Railway & Mass Transit Transportation business with the provision of traffic management,

planning, train control and signalling systems and services. It acts as lead contractor and turnkey provider on major projects worldwide. Ansaldo STS is headquartered in Genoa, Italy and employs over

4,200 people in 28 countries. In 2008, its revenues reached

1.106 M, with a gross operating margin of

118 M and net profits of

77.6 M.

22 June 2009 

Overhead Lines to become a thing of the past with new Catenary-Free Power Supply

System for Trams

A new ground-level power supply system that feeds electrical current to tramlines safely and

efficiently without using catenaries or batteries and without creating traffic barriers has been

launched by Ansaldo STS.

The new ‘Tramwave’ system completely eliminates the need for traditional overhead lines

because power is provided through a contact line that activates a small section of the line only

as the tram passes over it. 

Significantly, ‘Tramwave’ is extremely flexible and can be integrated into virtually any kind of

tram, regardless of the supplier. This means that it can be smoothly and seamlessly

introduced into existing fleets, facilitating the replacement of catenaries in historical locations.

Additionally ‘Tramwave’ can be used without any modification for multi-modal use, such as

allowing the power line to be shared with rubber tyred electric vehicles.

‘Tramwave’ enables operators to dispense with on-board power storage systems for vehicle

control and avoids the possibility of stray current by using traction return current independent

of the rails.

It ensures safety and operability under all working conditions and enables easy insertion of the

power line between the rail tracks of a new or existing tram line, positioned at the same level

as the rail head.

Based on proven and tested core technology, ‘Tramwave’ is already in wide use on the

AnsaldoBreda manufactured Sirio trams. 

Media Contact: Anne Richardson, tel. +61 438 626 909 richardson.anne@ansaldo-sts.com.au

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