Para'kito(tm), The Consumer Prize Winning, French Made Natural Mosquito Repellent Responds To Deman

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17th July 2009, 09:31am - Views: 961

Business Company Evergreen Land Ltd. 1 image


Para'Kito(TM), the Consumer Prize Winning, French Made Natural Mosquito Repellent,

                                   Responds to Demand by Expanding Online

PARIS, July 17 /PRNewswire-Asia-AsiaNet/ --

    Following the successful launch of Para'Kito(TM), a natural, extremely long lasting and stylish mosquito

repellent wristband in France last year, Evergreen Land Ltd. today announced the launch of a new online

store ( ), making Para'Kito(TM) available worldwide for the first time. In 2008,

Para'Kito(TM) was recognized by IPSOS, an independent French consumer research company, as the

country's preferred natural mosquito repellent.

    Now, to meet growing global demands, the website is expected to play a key role in the future sales of

Para'Kito(TM). Oliver Partrat, one of the three Evergreen Land Ltd. founding partners, attributes the quick

market response to the association of lifestyle elements (colorfully styled wristbands) with cutting-edge

patented technology.  Mr. Partrat said, "In addition to being natural, long lasting and effective, we also

designed our mosquito repellent wristbands to be practical and fun to wear. We wanted to make sure they

were usable by adults and children alike in all situations such as travel, sports, outdoor and water based

activities, in all climates and all conditions. We have applied the same concept to our online store -- keeping a simple, colorful and informative environment."

    Mosquitoes are a problem for people around the world.  Having existed for over 30 million years, they

have had ample time to refine their skills, and are estimated to transmit diseases to over 700 million people

annually.  One of the principle vectors of attraction to humans is smell. Para'Kito(TM) technology utilizes

two distinct patented processes to interfere with this attraction. Firstly, the combination of several natural

essential oils with food molecules to improve their stability, and secondly, the impregnation of these oils into

the heart of a polymer pellet.  Each active pellet will then successfully repel mosquitoes for over two weeks. 

There is also an ecological benefit to the technology -- mosquitoes are not able to mutate against the

complex essential oils spectrum as easily as against a chemical based repellent.

    Through the new online store the Company intends to give consumers worldwide the opportunity to deal

with this timeless problem in a fun, naturally effective and long lasting way. 

    For more information, visit

    Press contacts: 

    Olivier Partrat

    Tel:   +852-2522-3947 


    Nicolas Moulin 


    SOURCE:  Evergreen Land Ltd.

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