Qualcomm Announces Second Quarter Fiscal 2010 Results

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22nd April 2010, 11:07am - Views: 968

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Qualcomm Announces Second Quarter Fiscal 2010 Results

SAN DIEGO, Apr. 22 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

                      Revenues $2.7 Billion, EPS $0.46

                            Pro Forma EPS $0.59

                     Raises Fiscal 2010 Earnings Guidance

    Qualcomm Incorporated (Nasdaq: QCOM), a leading developer and innovator

of advanced wireless technologies, products and services, today announced

results for the second quarter of fiscal 2010 ended March 28, 2010.

    "We delivered strong financial results this quarter, driven by healthy 3G

device shipments and greater than expected demand for our chipsets. 3G

subscribers have now surpassed 1 billion worldwide and with the 3G auction

process underway in India, the 3G footprint continues to expand globally,"

said Dr. Paul E. Jacobs, chairman and CEO of Qualcomm. "Calendar year 2010 3G

device shipments are progressing in line with our expectations, and although

we're continuing to operate in a competitive chipset pricing environment,

we're positioned to continue to grow share through new partner engagements

and our broad, industry-leading 3G chipset roadmap. Our business is executing

well and we are pleased to be raising our earnings guidance for the fiscal


    Second Quarter Results (GAAP)

    - Revenues: $2.66 billion, compared to $2.46 billion in the prior

      year and $2.67 billion in the prior quarter.

    - Operating income: $776 million, compared to an operating loss of

      $10 million in the prior year* and operating income of $879 million

      in the prior quarter.

    - Net income: $774 million, compared to a net loss of $289 million in

      the prior year* and net income of $841 million in the prior quarter.

    - Diluted earnings per share: $0.46, compared to a diluted loss per

      share of $0.18 in the prior year* and diluted earnings per share of

      $0.50 in the prior quarter.

    - Effective tax rate: 20 percent for the quarter.

    - Operating cash flow: $793 million, down 37 percent year-over-year; 30

      percent of revenues.

    - Return of capital to stockholders: $1.99 billion, including $279

      million, or $0.17 per share, of cash dividends paid, and $1.71

      billion to repurchase 43.9 million shares of our common stock.

    * The second quarter of fiscal 2009 results reflected a $748 million

litigation settlement charge related to a settlement and patent agreement

with Broadcom Corporation.

    Pro Forma Second Quarter Results

    Pro forma results exclude the Qualcomm Strategic Initiatives (QSI)

segment, certain share-based compensation, certain tax items that are not

related to the current year and acquired in-process research and development

(R&D) expense.

    - Revenues: $2.66 billion, compared to $2.45 billion in the prior

      year and $2.67 billion in the prior quarter.

    - Operating income: $1.07 billion, compared to $214 million in the

      prior year* and $1.13 billion in the prior quarter.

    - Net income: $989 million, compared to a net loss of $46 million in

      the prior year* and net income of $1.04 billion in the prior quarter.

    - Diluted earnings per share: $0.59, compared to a diluted loss per

      share of $0.03 in the prior year* and diluted earnings per share of

      $0.62 in the prior quarter. The current quarter excludes $0.05 loss

      per share attributable to the QSI segment, $0.06 loss per share

      attributable to certain share-based compensation and $0.02 loss per

      share attributable to certain tax items.

    - Effective tax rate: 21 percent for the quarter.

    - Free cash flow: $823 million, down 29 percent year-over-year; 31

      percent of revenues (defined as net cash from operating activities less

      capital expenditures).

    * The second quarter of fiscal 2009 results reflected a $748 million

litigation settlement charge related to a settlement and patent agreement

with Broadcom Corporation.

    Detailed reconciliations between results reported in accordance with

generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and pro forma results are

included at the end of this news release. Prior period reconciliations are

    Cash and Marketable Securities

    Our cash, cash equivalents and marketable securities totaled

approximately $18.2 billion at the end of the second quarter of fiscal

2010, compared to $18.9 billion at the end of the first quarter of fiscal

2010 and $14.0 billion a year ago. On April 8, 2010, we announced a cash

dividend of $0.19 per share payable on June 25, 2010 to stockholders of

record as of May 28, 2010.

    Research and Development

                                        Share-        In-

                             Pro         Based      Process

    ($ in millions)         Forma   Compensation      R&D     QSI     GAAP

                           ------   -------------  --------   ---     ----

    Second quarter

     fiscal 2010              $547         $75        $3     $23    $648

    As a % of revenues          21%                          N/M      24%

    Second quarter

     fiscal 2009              $506         $68        $6     $24    $604

    As a % of revenues          21%                          N/M      25%

    Year-over-year change ($)    8%         10%      N/M     (4%)      7%

    N/M - Not Meaningful

    Pro forma R&D expenses increased 8 percent year-over-year, primarily due

to an increase in costs related to the development of integrated circuit

products, next-generation CDMA and OFDMA technologies, the expansion of our

intellectual property portfolio and other initiatives to support the

acceleration of advanced wireless products and services. QSI R&D expenses

were primarily related to our FLO TV(TM) subsidiary.

    Selling, General and Administrative




    ($ in millions)           Pro Forma  Compensation   QSI    GAAP

                              ---------  -------------  ---    ----

    Second quarter fiscal 2010    $305        $69        $56    $430

    As a % of revenues              11%                  N/M      16%

    Second quarter fiscal 2009    $289        $62        $24    $375

    As a % of revenues              12%                  N/M      15%

    Year-over-year change ($)        6%        11%       133%     15%

    Pro forma selling, general and administrative (SG&A) expenses increased 6

percent year-over-year, primarily due to an increase in patent-related costs.

QSI SG&A expenses increased 133 percent year-over-year, primarily due to an

increase in selling and marketing expenses related to FLO TV.

    Effective Income Tax Rate

    Our fiscal 2010 effective income tax rates are estimated to be

approximately 21 percent for GAAP and approximately 21 to 22 percent for pro

forma. Our estimate of the fiscal 2010 GAAP effective tax rate includes tax

expense of approximately $130 million that arises because deferred revenue

related to the 2008 license and settlement agreements with Nokia is taxable

in fiscal 2010, but the resulting deferred tax asset will reverse in future

years when our state tax rate will be lower as a result of California tax

legislation enacted in 2009. This tax expense was excluded from our pro forma

results to provide a clearer understanding of our ongoing tax rate and after

tax earnings.

    Qualcomm Strategic Initiatives

    The QSI segment is composed of our strategic investments, including FLO

TV. GAAP results for the second quarter of fiscal 2010 included a $0.05

diluted loss per share for the QSI segment. The second quarter of fiscal 2010

QSI results included $134 million in operating expenses, primarily related

to FLO TV.

    Business Outlook and Description of Changes to QTL Metrics

    The following statements are forward looking and actual results may

differ materially. The "Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements" at the end

of this news release provides a description of certain risks that we face,

and our annual and quarterly reports on file with the Securities and Exchange

Commission (SEC) provide a more complete description of risks.

    As a result of our analysis of information recently received from

licensee audits and public disclosures concerning licensee market share, unit

shipments and average selling prices (ASPs) as well as our evaluation of the

evolving CDMA-based device industry (particularly the growth of the modem

card/module device segment), we have adjusted some of the underlying

assumptions used to estimate licensee unit shipments and ASPs, which we

believe will improve our estimates. Also, beginning with this earnings

release, we will provide investors with the total subscriber device sales

reported to us by subscriber licensees during the relevant period, without

adjustment for the differences in how licensees report sales information

(e.g., some licensees report selling prices net of permitted deductions, such

as transportation, insurance and packing costs, while other licensees do

not). We believe the changes referenced above will continue to help investors

understand important trends in our licensing business. We plan to discuss

these changes in greater detail on our earnings call beginning at 1:45pm

Pacific Time today.

    For comparative purposes only, we are providing a table herein entitled

"Changes to QTL Metrics" to show for fiscal 2009 and for the first quarter of

fiscal 2010: 1) total reported subscriber device sales; 2) our prior ASP

estimates and subscriber device shipment estimates; and 3) ASP estimates and

subscriber device shipment estimates applying our adjusted estimation


    Our outlook does not include provisions for the consequences of

injunctions, damages or fines related to any pending legal matters unless

awarded or imposed by a court, governmental entity or other regulatory body.

In addition, due to their nature, certain income and expense items, such as

realized investment gains or losses, gains and losses on certain derivative

instruments or asset impairments, cannot be accurately forecast. While we do

not forecast impairments, we have temporary unrealized losses on marketable

securities that could be recognized as other-than-temporary losses in future

periods if financial conditions affecting those securities do not improve.

Accordingly, we exclude forecasts of such items from our business outlook,

and actual results may vary materially from the business outlook if we incur

any such income or expense items.

    The following table summarizes GAAP and pro forma guidance based on the

current business outlook. The pro forma business outlook presented below is

consistent with the presentation of pro forma results elsewhere herein.

    The following estimates are approximations and are based on the current

business outlook:

                       Qualcomm's Business Outlook Summary




                                                        Current Guidance

                                                        Q3 FY10 Estimates


      Pro Forma

      Revenues                                              $2.50B - $2.70B

        Year-over-year change                              decrease 2% - 9%

      Diluted earnings per share (EPS)                        $0.51 - $0.55

                                                    decrease 6% -increase 2%

        Year-over-year change                                             




      Revenues                                              $2.50B - $2.70B

        Year-over-year change                              decrease 2% - 9%

      Diluted EPS                                             $0.40 - $0.44

        Year-over-year change                            decrease 9% - even

      Diluted EPS attributable to QSI                                ($0.02)

      Diluted EPS attributable to share-based

       compensation                                                  ($0.07)

      Diluted EPS attributable to certain tax items (1)              ($0.02)





      MSM shipments                                      approx. 97M - 102M

        Year-over-year change                              increase 3% - 9%

      Total reported device sales (2)                      $24.0B - $26.0B*

        Year-over-year change                            increase 13% - 23%

      *Est. sales in March quarter, reported in June quarter








                                                        Current Guidance

                                                        FY 2010 Estimates


      Pro Forma

      Revenues                                            $10.40B - $11.00B

        Year-over-year change                            even - increase 6%

      Diluted EPS                                             $2.21 - $2.32

        Year-over-year change                            increase 69% - 77%




      Revenues                                            $10.40B - $11.00B

        Year-over-year change                            even - increase 6%

      Diluted EPS                                             $1.71 - $1.82

        Year-over-year change                            increase 80% - 92%

      Diluted EPS attributable to QSI                                ($0.15)

      Diluted EPS attributable to share-based

       compensation                                                  ($0.27)

      Diluted EPS attributable to certain tax items

       (1)                                                           ($0.08)




      Est. fiscal year* CDMA-based device average

       selling price range (2)                          approx. $182 - $188

      *Shipments in Sept. to June quarters, reported in Dec. to Sept.



    CALENDAR YEAR Device Estimates (2)


                                                        Current Guidance

                                                          Calendar 2010



      Est. CDMA-based device shipments

      March quarter                                            not provided

      June quarter                                             not provided

      September quarter                                        not provided

      December quarter                                         not provided

      ----------------                                         ------------

      Est. Calendar year range (approx.)                        600M - 650M

      ----------------------------------                        -----------


      Est. total CDMA-based units                              approx. 625M

      Est. CDMA units                                          approx. 236M

      Est. WCDMA units                                         approx. 389M

      ----------------                                         ------------


    (1)  The estimate of our fiscal 2010 GAAP effective tax rate includes

         tax expense of approximately $130 million that arises because

         deferred revenue related to the 2008 license and settlement

         agreements with Nokia is taxable in fiscal 2010 but the resulting

         deferred tax asset will reverse in future years when our state tax

         rate will be lower as a result of California tax legislation enacted

         in 2009.

    (2)  Total reported device sales is the sum of all reported sales in

         U.S. dollars (as reported to us by our licensees) of all licensed

         CDMA-based subscriber devices (including handsets, modules, modem

         cards and other subscriber devices) by our licensees during a

         particular period.  As with our prior estimates of CDMA-based device

         ASPs and unit shipments, the reported quarterly estimated ranges of

         ASPs and unit shipments are determined based on the information as

         reported to us by our licensees during the relevant period and our

         own estimates of the selling prices and unit shipments for licensees

         that do not provide such information.  Not all licensees report

         sales, selling prices and/or unit shipments the same (e.g., some

         licensees report selling prices net of permitted deductions, such as

         transportation, insurance and packing costs, while other licensees

         report selling prices and then identify the amount of permitted

         deductions in their reports), and the way in which licensees report

         such information may change from time to time.

                       Changes to QTL Metrics        


                                              Fiscal 2009


                             Q1         Q2        Q3          Q4        FY09 

                             --         --        --          --        ---- 


    Total reported                                                   

     device sales                                                    


     billions)(1)          $26.6      $25.8      $21.2      $24.9       $98.5 



    Est. CDMA-based                                                           

     device ASP,                                                              


     reported(2)            $212       $201       $191       $196        $200 

    Adjustment                 2          5          5          7           5 

                               -          -          -          -           - 

    Midpoint(3) of                               

     est. CDMA-based                              

     device ASP                                  




     assumptions)           $214       $206       $196       $203        $205 

    Est. CDMA-based                                                           

     device ASP                                                               




     assumptions)(2)   $211-$217  $203-$209  $193-$199  $200-$206   $202-$208 



    Est. CDMA-based                                                           





     (2)                    125        128        111        127         492 

    Adjustment               (1)        (3)        (3)        (5)        (12)

                              --         --         --         --         ---

    Midpoint(3) of                                      

     est. CDMA-based                                     






     assumptions)            124        125        108        122         480

    Est. CDMA-based                                       


     shipments range                                      



     assumptions)(2)     122-126    123-127    106-110    120-124     472-488




                       Fiscal 2010                      




    Total reported                                    

     device sales                                     


     billions)(1)          $24.5                    



    Est. CDMA-based                                 

     device ASP,                                    


     reported(2)            $184                    

    Adjustment                 8                    


    Midpoint(3) of                                  

     est. CDMA-based                                 

     device ASP                                     




     assumptions)           $192                    

    Est. CDMA-based                                   

     device ASP                                       




     assumptions)(2)   $189-$195                      



    Est. CDMA-based                                   





     (2)                     133                    

    Adjustment                (5)                   


    Midpoint(3) of                                     

     est. CDMA-based                                    






     assumptions)            128                       

    Est. CDMA-based                                    


     shipments range                                   



     assumptions)(2)     126-130                       


    (1)  Total reported device sales is the sum of all reported sales in

         U.S. dollars (as reported to us by our licensees) of all licensed

         CDMA-based subscriber devices (including handsets, modules, modem

         cards and other subscriber devices) by our licensees during a

         particular period.  Not all licensees report sales the same (e.g.,

         some licensees report selling prices net of permitted deductions,

         such as transportation, insurance and packing costs, while other

         licensees report selling prices and then identify the amount of

         permitted deductions in their reports), and the way in which

         licensees report such information may change from time to time.

    (2)  As with our prior estimates of CDMA-based device ASPs and unit

         shipments, the reported quarterly estimated ranges of ASPs and unit

         shipments are determined based on the information as reported to us

         by our licensees during the relevant period and our own estimates of

         the selling prices and unit shipments for licensees that do not

         provide such information.  Not all licensees report selling prices

         and/or unit shipments the same (e.g., some licensees report selling

         prices net of permitted deductions, such as transportation,


         and packing costs, while other licensees report selling prices and

         then identify the amount of permitted deductions in their reports),

         and the way in which licensees report such information may change

         from time to time.

    (3)  The midpoints of the estimated ASP and device shipment ranges

         for the relevant periods are identified for comparison purposes only

         and do not indicate a higher degree of confidence in the midpoints.

    Note : Fiscal year device shipments by licensees occur in the September

to June quarters and are reported to Qualcomm in the December to September

fiscal quarters, one quarter in arrears.

    Sums may not equal total due to rounding.

    Results of Business Segments (in millions, except per share data):


    Q2 - FISCAL 2010


                                                       Pro Forma

                                                      Reconciling     Pro

                                                        Items        Forma

    SEGMENTS                 QCT      QTL       QWI      (1)(5)        (5)

    --------                 ---      ---       ---   ------------    ------

    Revenues               $1,537    $974      $152       ($2)       $2,661

      Change from prior

       year                    17%      2%     (14%)      N/M             9%

      Change from prior

       quarter                (4%)      6%        7%      N/M             0%

    Operating income

     (loss)                                                          $1,065

      Change from prior

       year                                                             398%

      Change from prior

       quarter                                                          (6%)

    EBT                      $344    $821       ($1)      $94        $1,258

      Change from prior


year                    59%    (2%)      N/M       N/M           N/M

      Change from prior

       quarter               (19%)      6%      N/M       N/M           (4%)

    EBT as a % of

     revenues                  22%     84%      (1%)      N/M            47%

    Net income (loss)                                                  $989

      Change from prior

       year                                                             N/M

      Change from prior

       quarter                                                          (5%)

    Diluted EPS                                                       $0.59

      Change from prior

       year                                                             N/M

      Change from prior

       quarter                                                          (5%)

    Diluted shares used                                               1,678





                          Based     Tax       In-

                          Compen-   Items   Process

    SEGMENTS             sation(2)   (3)      R&D       QSI (4)     GAAP (5)

    --------             ---------   -----  --------    -------     --------

    Revenues                                               $2        $2,663

      Change from prior

       year                                              (75%)            8%

      Change from prior

       quarter                                              0%            0%

    Operating income

     (loss)                 ($154)              ($3)    ($132)         $776

      Change from prior

       year                  (10%)              N/M      (69%)          N/M

      Change from prior

       quarter                (2%)              N/A      (27%)         (12%)

    EBT                     ($154)              ($3)    ($136)         $965

      Change from prior

       year                  (10%)              N/M      (33%)          N/M

      Change from prior

       quarter                (2%)              N/A      (27%)          (8%)

    EBT as a % of

     revenues                 N/M               N/M       N/M            36%

    Net income (loss)        ($98)   ($33)      ($3)     ($81)         $774

      Change from prior

       year                    32%    N/M       N/M      (45%)          N/M

      Change from prior

       quarter                 14%    N/M       N/A      (50%)          (8%)

    Diluted EPS            ($0.06) ($0.02)             ($0.05)        $0.46

      Change from prior

       year                    33%    N/M       N/M      (67%)          N/M

      Change from prior

       quarter                 14%    N/M       N/A      (67%)          (8%)

    Diluted shares used     1,678   1,678     1,678     1,678         1,678







    Q1 - FISCAL 2010


                                                       Pro Forma

                                                      Reconciling     Pro

                                                        Items        Forma

    SEGMENTS                 QCT      QTL       QWI      (1)(5)        (5)

    --------                 ---      ---       ---  ------------    ------

    Revenues               $1,608      $917     $142        $1        $2,668

    Operating income

     (loss)                                                            1,134

    EBT                       425       772        9       104         1,310

    Net income (loss)                                                  1,041

    Diluted EPS                                                        $0.62

    Diluted shares used                                                1,691





                          Based     Tax       In-

                          Compen-   Items   Process

    SEGMENTS             sation(2)   (3)      R&D       QSI (4)     GAAP (5)

    --------             ---------   -----  --------    -------     --------

    Revenues                                                $2        $2,670

    Operating income

     (loss)                  (151)        -        -      (104)          879

    EBT                      (151)        -        -      (107)        1,052

    Net income (loss)        (114)      (32)       -       (54)          841

    Diluted EPS            ($0.07)   ($0.02)            ($0.03)        $0.50

    Diluted shares used     1,691     1,691    1,691     1,691         1,691





    Q2 - FISCAL 2009


                                                         Pro Forma

                                                        Reconciling     Pro

                                                          Items        Forma

    SEGMENTS                 QCT        QTL       QWI      (1)(5)        (5)

    --------                 ---        ---       ---  ------------    ------

    Revenues               $1,316       $954     $176            $1    $2,447

    Operating income

     (loss)                                                               214

    EBT                       217        839       25          (934)      147

    Net loss                                                              (46)

    Diluted EPS                                                        ($0.03)

    Diluted shares used                                                 1,651





                          Based     Tax       In-

                          Compen-   Items   Process

    SEGMENTS             sation(2)   (3)      R&D       QSI (4)     GAAP (5)

    --------             ---------   -----  --------    -------     --------

    Revenues                                               $8        $2,455

    Operating income

     (loss)                  (140)       -       (6)      (78)          (10)

    EBT                      (140)       -       (6)     (102)         (101)

    Net loss                 (145)     (36)      (6)      (56)         (289)

    Diluted EPS            ($0.09)  ($0.02)            ($0.03)       ($0.18)

    Diluted shares used     1,651    1,651    1,651     1,651         1,651






    Q3 - FISCAL 2009


                                                         Pro Forma

                                                        Reconciling     Pro

                                                          Items        Forma

    SEGMENTS                 QCT        QTL       QWI      (1)(5)        (5)

    --------                 ---        ---       ---  ------------    ------

    Revenues               $1,786       $807      $148         $3       $2,744

    Operating income

     (loss)                                                              1,122

    EBT                       548        663        (3)        (7)       1,201

    Net income (loss)                                                      903

    Diluted EPS                                                          $0.54

    Diluted shares used                                                  1,675





                          Based     Tax       In-

                          Compen-   Items   Process

    SEGMENTS             sation(2)   (3)      R&D          QSI (4)     GAAP (5)

    --------             ---------   -----  --------       -------     --------

    Revenues                                                   $9       $2,753

    Operating income

     (loss)                  (151)         -         -        (77)         894

    EBT                      (151)         -         -        (66)         984

    Net income (loss)        (127)         -         -        (39)         737

    Diluted EPS            ($0.08)                         ($0.02)       $0.44

    Diluted shares

     used                   1,675      1,675     1,675      1,675        1,675







    6 MONTHS -FISCAL 2010


                                                         Pro Forma

                                                        Reconciling     Pro

                                                          Items        Forma

    SEGMENTS                 QCT      QTL       QWI       (1)(5)        (5)

    --------                 ---      ---       ---    ------------    ------

    Revenues               $3,144  $1,891      $294           $0      $5,329

      Change from prior

       year                    19%    (4%)     (15%)         N/M           7%

    Operating income

     (loss)                                                           $2,198

      Change from prior

       year                                                               83%

    EBT                      $769  $1,594        $8         $195      $2,566

      Change from prior

       year                   100%    (7%)     (71%)         N/M         205%

    Net income (loss)                                                 $2,030

      Change from prior

       year                                                              330%

    Diluted EPS                                                        $1.21

      Change from prior

       year                                                              332%

    Diluted shares used                                                1,685





                          Based     Tax       In-

                          Compen-   Items   Process

    SEGMENTS             sation(2)   (3)      R&D       QSI (4)     GAAP (5)

    --------             ---------   -----  --------    -------     --------

    Revenues                                                  $4    $5,333

      Change from prior

       year                                                 (69%)        7%

    Operating income

     (loss)                 ($304)              ($3)       ($236)   $1,655

      Change from prior

       year                   (7%)                          (36%)      125%

    EBT                     ($304)              ($3)       ($243)   $2,016

      Change from prior

       year                   (7%)              N/M         (22%)      476%

    Net income (loss)       ($211)   ($65)      ($3)       ($136)   $1,615

      Change from prior

       year                    13%    N/M       N/M          (1%)      N/M

    Diluted EPS            ($0.13) ($0.04)                ($0.08)    $0.96

      Change from prior

       year                    13%    N/M       N/M            0%      N/M

    Diluted shares used     1,685   1,685     1,685        1,685     1,685







    6 MONTHS - FISCAL 2009


                                                         Pro Forma

                                                        Reconciling     Pro

                                                          Items        Forma

    SEGMENTS                 QCT        QTL       QWI      (1)(5)        (5)

    --------                 ---        ---       ---  ------------    ------

    Revenues              $2,650     $1,961     $346            $2    $4,959

    Operating income (loss)                                            1,200

    EBT                      385      1,713       28        (1,285)      841

    Net income (loss)                                                    472

    Diluted EPS                                                        $0.28

    Diluted shares used                                                1,665





                          Based     Tax       In-

                          Compen-   Items   Process

    SEGMENTS             sation(2)   (3)      R&D       QSI (4)     GAAP (5)

    --------             ---------   -----  --------    -------     --------

    Revenues                                                $13     $4,972

    Operating income

     (loss)                 (285)         -       (6)      (174)       735

    EBT                     (285)         -       (6)      (200)       350

    Net income

     (loss)                 (243)       (36)      (6)      (135)        52

    Diluted EPS           ($0.15)    ($0.02)             ($0.08)     $0.03

    Diluted shares used    1,665      1,665    1,665      1,665      1,665







    FISCAL YEAR 2009


                                                         Pro Forma

                                                        Reconciling     Pro

                                                          Items        Forma

    SEGMENTS                 QCT        QTL       QWI      (1)(5)        (5)

    --------                 ---        ---       ---  ------------    ------

    Revenues             $6,135    $3,605      $641           $6    $10,387

    Operating income

     (loss)                                                           3,153

    EBT                   1,441     3,068        20       (1,502)     3,027

    Net income (loss)                                                 2,187

    Diluted EPS                                                       $1.31

    Diluted shares used                                               1,673





                          Based     Tax       In-

                          Compen-   Items   Process

    SEGMENTS             sation(2)   (3)      R&D       QSI (4)     GAAP (5)

    --------             ---------   -----  --------    -------     --------

    Revenues                                                 $29    $10,416

    Operating income

     (loss)                (584)        -        (6)        (337)     2,226

    EBT                    (584)        -        (6)        (361)     2,076

    Net income (loss)      (455)      118        (6)        (252)     1,592

    Diluted EPS          ($0.27)    $0.07                 ($0.15)     $0.95

    Diluted shares used   1,673     1,673     1,673        1,673      1,673




       (1)  Pro forma reconciling items related to revenues consist

            primarily of other nonreportable segment revenues less

            intersegment eliminations.  Pro forma reconciling items

            related to earnings before taxes consist primarily of

            certain investment income or losses, research and

            development expenses, sales and marketing expenses and

            other operating expenses that are not allocated to the

            segments for management reporting purposes, nonreportable

            segment results and the elimination of intersegment profit.

       (2)  Certain share-based compensation is included in

            operating expenses as part of employee-related costs but

            is not allocated to the Company's segments as such costs

            are not considered relevant by management in evaluating

            segment performance.

       (3)  During the first and second quarters of fiscal 2010,

            the Company recorded $32 million and $33 million in state

            tax expense, respectively, or $0.02 diluted loss per share

            for each quarter, that arises because deferred revenue

            related to the license and settlement agreements with Nokia

            is taxable in fiscal 2010 but the resulting deferred tax

            asset will reverse in future years when the Company's state

            tax rate will be lower.

       (4)  At fiscal year-end, the sum of the quarterly tax

            provisions for each column, including QSI, equals the

            annual tax provisions for each column computed in

            accordance with GAAP.  In interim quarters, the tax

            provision for the QSI operating segment is computed by

            subtracting the pro forma tax provision, the tax items

            column and the tax provision related to share-based

            compensation from the GAAP tax provision.

       (5)  Fiscal 2009 results included a $783 million charge

            related to a litigation settlement and patent agreement

            with Broadcom Corporation, including $748 million recorded

            in the second quarter of fiscal 2009 and $35 million

            recorded in the fourth quarter of 2009.  The fourth quarter

            of fiscal 2009 results also included a $230 million charge

            related to a fine that had been announced by the Korea Fair

            Trade Commission.


    N/M - Not Meaningful

    Sums may not equal totals due to rounding.

    Conference Call

    Qualcomm's second quarter fiscal 2010 earnings conference call will be

broadcast live on April 21, 2010 beginning at 1:45 p.m. Pacific Time (PT) on

the Company's web site at: www.qualcomm.com. This conference call may contain

forward-looking financial information and will include a discussion of

"non-GAAP financial measures" as that term is defined in Regulation G. The

most directly comparable GAAP financial measures and information reconciling

these non-GAAP financial measures to the Company's financial results prepared

in accordance with GAAP, as well as the other material financial and

statistical information to be discussed in the conference call, will be

posted on the Company's Investor Relations web site at www.qualcomm.com

immediately prior to commencement of the call. A taped audio replay will be

available via telephone on April 21, 2010, beginning at approximately 5:30

p.m. PT through May 21, 2010 at 9:00 p.m. PT. To listen to the replay, U.S.

callers may dial +1-800-642-1687 and international callers may dial

+1-706-645-9291. U.S. and international callers should use reservation number

5349272. An audio replay of the conference call will be available on the

Company's web site at www.qualcomm.com for two weeks following the

live call.

    Editor's Note: To view the web slides that accompany this earnings

release and conference call, please go to the Qualcomm Investor Relations

    Qualcomm Incorporated (Nasdaq: QCOM) is a leader in developing and

delivering innovative digital wireless communications products and services

based on CDMA and other advanced technologies. Headquartered in San Diego,

Calif., Qualcomm is included in the S&P 100 Index, the S&P 500 Index and is a

2010 FORTUNE 500(R) company. For more information, please visit

    Note Regarding Use of Non-GAAP Financial Measures

    The Company presents pro forma financial information that is used by

management (i) to evaluate, assess and benchmark the Company's operating

results on a consistent and comparable basis; (ii) to measure the performance

and efficiency of the Company's ongoing core operating businesses, including

the Qualcomm CDMA Technologies, Qualcomm Technology Licensing and Qualcomm

Wireless & Internet segments; and (iii) to compare the performance and

efficiency of these segments against each other and against competitors

outside the Company. Pro forma measurements of the following financial data

are used by the Company's management: revenues, R&D expenses, SG&A expenses,

total operating expenses, operating income (loss), net investment income

(loss), income (loss) before income taxes, effective tax rate, net income

(loss), diluted earnings (loss) per share, operating cash flow and free cash

flow. Management is able to assess what it believes is a more meaningful and

comparable set of financial performance measures for the Company and its

business segments by using pro forma information. As a result, management

compensation decisions and the review of executive compensation by the

Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors focus primarily on pro forma

financial measures applicable to the Company and its business segments.

    Pro forma information used by management excludes the QSI segment,

certain share-based compensation, certain tax items and acquired in-process

R&D. The QSI segment is excluded because the Company expects to exit its

strategic investments at various times, and the effects of fluctuations in

the value of such investments are viewed by management as unrelated to the

Company's operational performance. Share-based compensation, other than

amounts related to share-based awards granted under a bonus program that may

result in the issuance of unrestricted shares of the Company's common stock,

is excluded because management views such share-based compensation as

unrelated to the Company's operational performance. Moreover, it is generally

not an expense that requires or will require cash payment by the Company.

Further, share-based compensation related to stock options is affected by

factors that are subject to change, including the Company's stock price,

stock market volatility, expected option life, risk-free interest rates and

expected dividend payouts in future years. Certain tax items that were

recorded in reported earnings in each fiscal year presented, but were

unrelated to the fiscal year in which they were recorded, are excluded in

order to provide a clearer understanding of the Company's ongoing pro forma

tax rate and after tax earnings. Acquired in-process R&D is excluded because

such expense is viewed by management as unrelated to the operating activities

of the Company's ongoing core businesses.

    The Company presents free cash flow, defined as net cash provided by

operating activities less capital expenditures, to facilitate an

understanding of the amount of cash flow generated that is available to grow

its business and to create long-term shareholder value. The Company believes

that this presentation is useful in evaluating its operating performance and

financial strength. In addition, management uses this measure to evaluate the

Company's performance, to value the Company and to compare its operating

performance with other companies in the industry.

    The non-GAAP pro forma financial information presented herein should be

considered in addition to, not as a substitute for, or superior to, financial

measures calculated in accordance with GAAP. In addition, "pro forma" is not

a term defined by GAAP, and, as a result, the Company's measure of pro forma

results might be different than similarly titled measures used by other

companies. Reconciliations between GAAP results and pro forma results are

presented herein.

    Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

    In addition to the historical information contained herein, this news

release contains forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and

uncertainties. Actual results may differ substantially from those referred to

herein due to a number of factors, including but not limited to risks

associated with: the rate of deployment and adoption of, and demand for, our

technologies in wireless networks and of wireless communications, equipment

and services, including CDMA2000 1X, 1xEV-DO, WCDMA, HSPA, TD-SCDMA and OFDMA

both domestically and internationally; the uncertainty of global economic

conditions and its potential impact on demand for our products, services or

applications and the value of our marketable securities; attacks on our

business model, including results of current and future litigation and

arbitration proceedings, as well as actions of governmental or

quasi-governmental bodies, and the costs we incur in connection therewith,

including potentially damaged relationships with customers and operators who

may be impacted by the results of these proceedings; our dependence on major

customers and licensees; our dependence on third-party manufacturers and

suppliers; our ability to maintain and improve operational efficiencies and

profitability; the development, deployment and commercial acceptance of the

FLO TV network and FLO(TM) technology; the development and commercial

acceptance of the mirasol(R) display technology; foreign currency

fluctuations; strategic investments and transactions we have or may pursue;

as well as the other risks detailed from time-to-time in our SEC reports,

including the report on Form 10-K for the year ended September 27, 2009 and

most recent Form 10-Q. The Company undertakes no obligation to update, or

continue to provide information with respect to, any forward-looking

statement or risk factor, whether as a result of new information, future

events or otherwise.

    Qualcomm is a registered trademark of Qualcomm Incorporated. FLO TV and

FLO are trademarks of Qualcomm Incorporated. mirasol is a registered

trademark of Qualcomm MEMS Technologies, Inc. CDMA2000 is a registered

trademark of the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA USA). All other

trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

    Qualcomm Contact:

    Warren Kneeshaw

    Phone: +1-858-658-4813

    e-mail: ir@qualcomm.com

                                     Qualcomm Incorporated


                   This schedule is to assist the reader in reconciling from

                               Pro Forma results to GAAP results

                             (In millions, except per share data)



                                 Three Months Ended March 28, 2010



                               Pro            Based               Tax

                              Forma        Compensation          Items

                             ------       ------------           -----


      Equipment and

       services              $1,593                 $-              $-

      Licensing and

       royalty fees           1,068                  -               -

                              -----                ---             ---

          Total revenues      2,661                  -               -

                              -----                ---             ---



      Cost of equipment

       and services

       revenues                 744                 10               -

      Research and

       development              547                 75               -

      Selling, general


       administrative           305                 69               -

                                ---                ---             ---

          Total operating

           expenses           1,596                154               -

                              -----                ---             ---


    Operating income

     (loss)                   1,065               (154)              -


    Investment income

     (loss), net                193  (a)             -               -

                                ---                ---             ---

       Income (loss)

        before income

        taxes                 1,258               (154)              -

    Income tax


     benefit                   (269) (c)            56             (33) (e)

                               ----                ---             ---

       Net income (loss)       $989               $(98)           $(33)

                               ====               ====            ====


    Earnings (loss)

     per common


       Diluted                $0.59             $(0.06)         $(0.02)

                              =====             ======          ======


    Shares used in

     per share


       Diluted                1,678              1,678           1,678

                              =====              =====           =====



     Financial Data:


    Operating Cash

     Flow                      $908               $(18) (g)         $-

    Operating Cash

     Flow as a % of

     Revenues                    34%

    Free Cash Flow

     (f)                       $823               $(18) (g)         $-

    Free Cash Flow as

     a % of Revenues             31%

    -----------------           ---



                           Three Months Ended March 28, 2010




                               R&D             QSI            GAAP

                               ---             ---            ---- 


      Equipment and

       services                   $-            $2         $1,595

      Licensing and

       royalty fees                -             -          1,068

                                 ---           ---          -----

          Total revenues           -             2          2,663

                                 ---           ---          -----



      Cost of equipment

       and services

       revenues                    -            55            809

      Research and

       development                 3            23            648

      Selling, general


       administrative              -            56            430

                                 ---           ---            ---

          Total operating

           expenses                3           134          1,887

                                 ---           ---          -----


    Operating income

     (loss)                       (3)         (132)           776


    Investment income

     (loss), net                   -            (4)  (b)      189

                                 ---           ---            ---

       Income (loss)

        before income

        taxes                     (3)         (136)           965

    Income tax


     benefit                       -            55   (d)     (191) (c)

                                 ---           ---           ----

       Net income (loss)         $(3)         $(81)          $774

                                 ===          ====           ====


    Earnings (loss)

     per common


       Diluted                $(0.00)       $(0.05)         $0.46

                              ======        ======          =====


    Shares used in

     per share


       Diluted                 1,678         1,678          1,678

                               =====         =====          =====




     Financial Data:


    Operating Cash

     Flow                         $-          $(97)          $793

    Operating Cash

     Flow as a % of

     Revenues                                  N/M             30%

    Free Cash Flow

     (f)                          $-         $(120)          $685

    Free Cash Flow as

     a % of Revenues                           N/M             26%

    -----------------                          ---            ---


    (a)  Included $129 million in interest and dividend income related to

         cash, cash equivalents and marketable securities, which were not

         part of the Company's strategic investment portfolio, $80 million in

         net realized gains on investments and $3 million in gains on

         derivatives, partially offset by $15 million in other-than-

         temporary losses on investments and $4 million in interest expense.

    (b)  Included $3 million in interest expense and $1 million in other-

         than-temporary losses on investments.

    (c)  The second quarter of fiscal 2010 effective tax rates were 20%

         for GAAP and 21% for pro forma.

    (d)  At fiscal year-end, the sum of the quarterly tax provisions for

         each column, including QSI, equals the annual tax provisions for

         each column computed in accordance with GAAP.  In interim quarters,

         the tax provision for the QSI operating segment is computed by

         subtracting the pro forma tax provision, the tax items column and

         the tax provision related to share-based compensation from the GAAP

         tax provision.

    (e)  During the second quarter of fiscal 2010, the Company recorded a

         $33 million state tax expense, or $0.02 diluted loss per share, that

         arises because deferred revenue related to the license and

         settlement agreements with Nokia is taxable in fiscal 2010 but the

         resulting deferred tax asset will reverse in future years when the

         Company's state tax rate will be lower.

    (f)  Free Cash Flow is calculated as net cash provided by operating

         activities less capital expenditures.  Reconciliation of these

         amounts is included in the Reconciliation of Pro Forma Free Cash

         Flows to Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities (GAAP) and other

         supplemental disclosures for the three months ended March 28, 2010,

         included herein.

    (g)  Incremental tax benefits from stock options exercised during the






                                    Qualcomm Incorporated


                  This schedule is to assist the reader in reconciling from

                              Pro Forma results to GAAP results

                             (In millions, except per share data)



                                  Six Months Ended March 28, 2010



                               Pro              Based               Tax

                              Forma          Compensation          Items

                             ------          ------------           -----


      Equipment and

       services               $3,253                  $-             $-

      Licensing and

       royalty fees            2,076                   -              -

                               -----                 ---            ---

          Total revenues       5,329                   -              -

                               -----                 ---            ---



      Cost of equipment

       and services

       revenues                1,502                  21              -

      Research and

       development             1,049                 147              -

      Selling, general


       administrative            580                 136              -

                                 ---                 ---            ---

          Total operating

           expenses            3,131                 304              -

                               -----                 ---            ---


    Operating income

     (loss)                    2,198                (304)             -


    Investment income

     (loss), net                 368  (a)              -              -

                                 ---                 ---            ---

      Income (loss)

       before income

       taxes                   2,566                (304)             -

    Income tax


     benefit                    (536) (c)             93            (65) (e)

                                ----                 ---            ---

      Net income (loss)       $2,030               $(211)          $(65)

                              ======               =====           ====


    Earnings (loss)

     per common


       Diluted                 $1.21              $(0.13)        $(0.04)

                               =====              ======         ======


    Shares used in

     per share


       Diluted                 1,685               1,685          1,685

                               =====               =====          =====




     Financial Data:


    Operating cash

     flow                     $2,246                $(31) (g)        $-

    Operating cash

     flow as a % of

     revenues                     42%

    Free cash flow

     (f)                      $2,094                $(31) (g)        $-

    Free cash flow as

     a % of revenues              39%

    -----------------            ---



                           Six Months Ended March 28, 2010




                               R&D           QSI           GAAP

                               ---           ---           ---- 


      Equipment and

       services                 $-           $4          $3,257

      Licensing and

       royalty fees              -            -           2,076

                               ---          ---           -----

          Total revenues         -            4           5,333

                               ---          ---           -----



      Cost of equipment

       and services

       revenues                  -          101           1,624

      Research and

       development               3           45           1,244

      Selling, general


       administrative            -           94             810

                               ---          ---             ---

          Total operating

           expenses              3          240           3,678

                               ---          ---           -----


    Operating income

     (loss)                     (3)        (236)          1,655


    Investment income

     (loss), net                 -           (7) (b)        361

                               ---          ---             ---

      Income (loss)

       before income

       taxes                    (3)        (243)          2,016

    Income tax


     benefit                     -          107  (d)       (401) (c)

                               ---          ---            ----

      Net income (loss)        $(3)       $(136)         $1,615

                               ===        =====          ======


    Earnings (loss)

     per common


       Diluted              $(0.00)      $(0.08)          $0.96

                            ======       ======           =====


    Shares used in

     per share


       Diluted               1,685        1,685           1,685

                             =====        =====           =====




     Financial Data:


    Operating cash

     flow                       $-        $(183)         $2,032

    Operating cash

     flow as a % of

     revenues                               N/M              38%

    Free cash flow

     (f)                        $-        $(227)         $1,836

    Free cash flow as

     a % of revenues                        N/M              34%

    -----------------                       ---             ---


    (a)  Included $274 million in interest and dividend income related to

         cash, cash equivalents and marketable securities, which were not

         part of the Company's strategic investment portfolio, and $171

         million in net realized gains on investments, partially offset by

         $66 million in other-than-temporary losses on investments, $10

         million in interest expense and $1 million in losses on derivatives.

    (b)  Included $7 million in other-than-temporary losses on

         investments, $6 million in interest expense and $5 million in equity

         in losses of investees, partially offset by $11 million in net

         realized gains on investments.

    (c)  The first six months of fiscal 2010 effective tax rates were 20%

         for GAAP and 21% for pro forma.

    (d)  At fiscal year-end, the sum of the quarterly tax provisions for

         each column, including QSI, equals the annual tax provisions for

         each column computed in accordance with GAAP.  In interim quarters,

         the tax provision for the QSI operating segment is computed by

         subtracting the pro forma tax provision, the tax items column and

         the tax provision related to share-based compensation from the GAAP

         tax provision.

    (e)  During the first six months of fiscal 2010, the Company recorded

         a $65 million state tax expense, or $0.04 diluted loss per share,

         that arises because deferred revenue related to the license and

         settlement agreements with Nokia is taxable in fiscal 2010 but the

         resulting deferred tax asset will reverse in future years when the

         Company's state tax rate will be lower.

    (f)  Free cash flow is calculated as net cash provided by operating

         activities less capital expenditures.  Reconciliation of these

         amounts is included in the Reconciliation of Pro Forma Free Cash

         Flows to Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities (GAAP) and other

         supplemental disclosures for the six months ended March 28, 2010,

         included herein.

    (g)  Incremental tax benefits from stock options exercised during the


                                          Qualcomm Incorporated

                              Reconciliation of Pro Forma Free Cash Flows to

                             Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities (GAAP)

                                    and other supplemental disclosures

                                              (In millions)



                                       Three Months Ended March 28, 2010



                                                      Based            Tax

                                   Pro Forma       Compensation       Items

                                   ---------       ------------       -----

    Net cash provided (used) by

     operating activities               $908          $(18) (a)         $-

    Less:  capital expenditures          (85)            -               -

                                         ---           ---             ---

      Free cash flow                    $823          $(18)             $-

                                        ====          ====             ===


    Other supplemental cash


       Cash transfers from QSI (1)        $1            $-              $-

       Cash transfers to QSI (2)        (130)            -               -

                                        ----           ---             ---

         Net cash transfers            $(129)           $-              $-

                                       =====           ===             ===


                                      Three Months Ended March 28, 2010




                                         R&D           QSI         GAAP

                                         ---           ---         ----

    Net cash provided (used) by

     operating activities                  $-         $(97)       $793

    Less:  capital expenditures             -          (23)       (108)

                                          ---          ---        ----

      Free cash flow                       $-        $(120)       $685

                                          ===        =====        ====


    Other supplemental cash


       Cash transfers from QSI (1)         $-          $(1)         $-

       Cash transfers to QSI (2)            -          130           -

                                          ---          ---         ---

         Net cash transfers                $-         $129          $-

                                          ===         ====         ===






                                        Six Months Ended March 28, 2010



                                                      Based           Tax

                                   Pro Forma       Compensation       Items

                                   ---------       ------------       -----

    Net cash provided (used) by

     operating activities             $2,246          $(31) (a)         $-

    Less:  capital expenditures         (152)            -               -

                                        ----           ---             ---

      Free cash flow                  $2,094          $(31)             $-

                                      ======          ====             ===


    Other supplemental cash


       Cash transfers from QSI (1)       $13             $-             $-

       Cash transfers to QSI (2)        (243)             -              -

                                        ----            ---            ---

         Net cash transfers            $(230)            $-             $-

                                       =====            ===            ===



                                      Six Months Ended March 28, 2010




                                         R&D           QSI         GAAP

                                         ---           ---         ----

    Net cash provided (used) by

     operating activities                    $-        $(183)     $2,032

    Less:  capital expenditures               -          (44)       (196)

                                            ---          ---        ----

      Free cash flow                         $-        $(227)     $1,836

                                            ===        =====      ======


    Other supplemental cash


       Cash transfers from QSI (1)           $-         $(13)         $-

       Cash transfers to QSI (2)              -          243           -

                                            ---          ---         ---

         Net cash transfers                  $-         $230          $-

                                            ===         ====         ===

    (1) Cash from sale of equity investments.

    (2) Funding for strategic debt and equity investments, capital

        expenditures and other QSI operating expenses.






                                    Three Months Ended March 29, 2009



                                                   Based            Tax

                                Pro Forma       Compensation       Items

                                ---------       ------------       -----

    Net cash provided (used) by

     operating activities          $1,359           $(16) (a)         $-

                                   ======               ====

    Less:  capital expenditures      (206)             -               -

                                     ----            ---             ===

      Free cash flow               $1,153           $(16)             $-

                                   ======           ====             ===



                                      Three Months Ended March 29, 2009




                                         R&D           QSI         GAAP

                                         ---           ---         ----

    Net cash provided (used) by

     operating activities                  $-         $(80)     $1,263


    Less:  capital expenditures             -          (28)       (234)

                                          ---          ===        ====

      Free cash flow                       $-        $(108)     $1,029

                                          ===        =====      ======








                                     Six Months Ended March 29, 2009


                                                Share-Based          Tax

                                Pro Forma       Compensation       Items

                                ---------       ------------       -----

    Net cash provided (used) by

     operating activities          $4,988               $(32) (a)      $-

    Less:  capital expenditures      (415)                 -            -

                                     ----                ---          ---

      Free cash flow               $4,573               $(32)          $-

                                   ======               ====          ===


                                      Six Months Ended March 29, 2009




                                         R&D           QSI         GAAP

                                         ---           ---         ----

    Net cash provided (used) by

     operating activities                 $-          $(192)     $4,764

    Less:  capital expenditures            -            (53)       (468)

                                         ---            ---        ----

      Free cash flow                      $-          $(245)     $4,296

                                         ===          =====      ======


    (a) Incremental tax benefits from stock options exercised during the







                            Qualcomm Incorporated                        

                    Reconciliation of Diluted EPS Guidance               


    THIRD FISCAL QUARTER                                                 


                                      Q3 FY09       Current Guidance     

                                      Results      Q3 FY10 Estimates     

          ---------                   -------      -----------------     

      Pro Forma                                                          

      Diluted earnings per share                                         

       (EPS)                            $0.54              $0.51 - $0.55 

        Year-over-year change                   decrease 6% - increase 2%




      Diluted EPS                       $0.44              $0.40 - $0.44 

        Year-over-year change                         decrease 9% - even 

      Diluted EPS attributable to                                        

       QSI                             ($0.02)                    ($0.02)

      Diluted EPS attributable to                                        

       share-based compensation        ($0.08)                    ($0.07)

      Diluted EPS attributable to                                        

       certain tax items                $0.00                     ($0.02)

      Diluted EPS attributable to                                        

       in-process R&D                   $0.00                        N/A 




    FISCAL YEAR                                                          


                                      FY 2009       Current Guidance     

                                      Results      FY 2010 Estimates     

          ---------                   -------      -----------------     

      Pro Forma                                                          

      Diluted EPS                       $1.31              $2.21 - $2.32 

        Year-over-year change                          increase 69% - 77%




      Diluted EPS                       $0.95              $1.71 - $1.82 

        Year-over-year change                          increase 80% - 92%

      Diluted EPS attributable to                                        

       QSI                             ($0.15)                    ($0.15)

      Diluted EPS attributable to                                        

       share-based compensation        ($0.27)                    ($0.27)

      Diluted EPS attributable to                                        

       certain tax items                $0.07                     ($0.08)

      Diluted EPS attributable to                                        

       in-process R&D                   $0.00                        N/A 

      ---------------------------       -----                        --- 


    N/A- Not applicable                                                  






                         Qualcomm Incorporated


                 (In millions, except per share data)






                                                      March 28,          27,

                                                        2010            2009

                                                        ----            ----

    Current assets:

      Cash and cash equivalents                       $2,553          $2,717

      Marketable securities                            8,603           8,352

      Accounts receivable, net                           680             700

      Inventories                                        402             453

      Deferred tax assets                                204             149

      Other current assets                               210             199

                                                         ---             ---

              Total current assets                    12,652          12,570

    Marketable securities                              7,057           6,673

    Deferred tax assets                                1,376             843

    Property, plant and equipment, net                 2,374           2,387

    Goodwill                                           1,483           1,492

    Other intangible assets, net                       3,093           3,065

    Other assets                                         462             415

                                                         ---             ---

              Total assets                           $28,497         $27,445

                                                     =======         =======



    Current liabilities:

      Trade accounts payable                            $545            $636


Payroll and other benefits related

       liabilities                                       368             480

      Unearned revenues                                  592             441

      Income taxes payable                               764              29

      Other current liabilities                        1,061           1,227

                                                       -----           -----

             Total current liabilities                 3,330           2,813

    Unearned revenues                                  3,687           3,464

    Other liabilities                                    760             852

                                                         ---             ---

             Total liabilities                         7,777           7,129

                                                       -----           -----



    Stockholders' equity:

      Preferred stock, $0.0001 par value; issuable in


        8 shares authorized; none outstanding at

        March 28, 2010 and September 27, 2009              -               -

      Common stock, $0.0001 par value; 6,000 shares


        1,640 and 1,669 shares issued and outstanding at

        March 28, 2010 and September 27, 2009,

         respectively                                      -               -

      Paid-in capital                                  7,613           8,493

      Retained earnings                               12,287          11,235

      Accumulated other comprehensive income             820             588

                                                         ---             ---

             Total stockholders' equity               20,720          20,316

                                                      ------          ------

             Total liabilities and stockholders'

              equity                                 $28,497         $27,445

                                                     =======         =======






                            Qualcomm Incorporated


                     (In millions, except per share data)



                                       Three Months Ended  Six Months Ended

                                       ------------------  ----------------

                                         March        March   March   March

                                         28,          29,     28,     29,

                                         2010         2009    2010    2009

                                         ----         ----    ----    ----



      Equipment and services           $1,595       $1,412  $3,257  $2,835

      Licensing and royalty fees        1,068        1,043   2,076   2,137

                                        -----        -----   -----   -----

      Total revenues                    2,663        2,455   5,333   4,972

                                        -----        -----   -----   -----


    Operating expenses:

      Cost of equipment and

       services revenues                  809          738   1,624   1,493

      Research and development            648          604   1,244   1,207

      Selling, general and

       administrative                     430          375     810     789

      Litigation settlement,

       patent license

        and other related items             -          748       -     748

                                          ---          ---     ---     ---

          Total operating expenses      1,887        2,465   3,678   4,237

                                        -----        -----   -----   -----


    Operating income (loss)               776          (10)  1,655     735


    Investment income (loss),

     net                                  189          (91)    361    (385)

                                          ---          ---     ---    ----

           Income (loss) before income

            taxes                         965         (101)  2,016     350

    Income tax expense                   (191)        (188)   (401)   (298)

                                         ----         ----    ----    ----

           Net income (loss)             $774        $(289) $1,615     $52

                                         ====        =====  ======     ===


    Basic earnings (loss) per

     common share                       $0.47       $(0.18)  $0.97   $0.03

                                        =====       ======   =====   =====

    Diluted earnings (loss) per

     common share                       $0.46       $(0.18)  $0.96   $0.03

                                        =====       ======   =====   =====


    Shares used in per share


       Basic                            1,662        1,651   1,667   1,652

                                        =====        =====   =====   =====

       Diluted                          1,678        1,651   1,685   1,665

                                        =====        =====   =====   =====


    Dividends per share paid            $0.17        $0.32   $0.34   $0.32

                                        =====        =====   =====   =====

    Dividends per share

     announced                          $0.17        $0.16   $0.34   $0.32

                                        =====        =====   =====   =====






                              Qualcomm Incorporated


                                  (In millions)



                                    Three Months Ended      Six Months Ended

                                    ------------------      ----------------

                                   March 28, March 29,     March 28,   March 29,

                                   --------- ---------     ---------   ---------

                                       2010        2009    2010        2009

                                       ----        ----    ----        ----

    Operating Activities:

    Net income (loss)                  $774       $(289)   $1,615         $52

    Adjustments to reconcile

     net income (loss) to

     net cash provided by

     operating activities:

       Depreciation and

        amortization                    167         154       329         306

       Revenues related to non-

        monetary exchanges              (31)        (29)      (68)        (57)

       Income tax provision

        (less than) in excess

        of income tax payments          (38)        121        (6)        166

       Non-cash portion of


        compensation expense            153         140       304         285

       Incremental tax benefit

        from stock options

        exercised                       (18)        (16)      (31)        (32)

       Net realized (gains)

        losses on marketable

        securities  and other

        investments                     (80)          -      (182)         33

       Impairment losses on

        marketable securities

        and other investments            16         209        73         601

       Other items, net                  (8)         (5)       (4)        (20)

    Changes in assets and

     liabilities, net of

     effects of


        Accounts receivable, net        (52)        108        35       2,824

        Inventories                     (49)         48        52         113

        Other assets                    (38)        (11)      (70)        (30)

        Trade accounts payable          145          89       (81)       (103)

        Payroll, benefits and

         other liabilities             (115)        764      (239)        710

        Unearned revenues               (33)        (20)      305         (84)

                                        ---         ---       ---         ---

          Net cash provided by

           operating activities         793       1,263     2,032       4,764

                                        ---       -----     -----       -----

    Investing Activities:

      Capital expenditures             (108)       (234)     (196)       (468)

      Purchases of available-

       for-sale securities           (2,382)     (1,710)   (4,480)     (4,296)

      Proceeds from sale of


       securities                     2,228       1,088     4,241       2,461

      Cash received for

       partial settlement of

Business Company Qualcomm Incorporated 3 image

       investment receivables            25         115        33         317

      Other investments and

       acquisitions, net of

       cash acquired                    (22)        (26)      (28)        (40)

      Change in collateral

       held under securities

       lending                            -          11         -         173

      Other items, net                    4          10         3           6

                                        ---         ---       ---         ---

        Net cash used by

         investing activities          (255)       (746)     (427)     (1,847)

                                       ----        ----      ----      ------

    Financing Activities:

      Proceeds from issuance

       of common stock                  332          75       484         101

      Incremental tax benefit

       from stock options

       exercised                         18          16        31          32

      Repurchase and

       retirement of common

       stock                         (1,715)          -    (1,715)       (285)

      Dividends paid                   (279)       (528)     (563)       (528)

      Change in obligations

       under securities

       lending                            -         (11)        -        (173)

      Other items, net                    -          (2)       (1)         (3)

                                        ---         ---       ---         ---

        Net cash used by

         financing activities        (1,644)       (450)   (1,764)       (856)

                                     ------        ----    ------        ----

      Effect of exchange rate

       changes on cash                   (1)         (1)       (5)         (9)

                                        ---         ---       ---         ---

       Net (decrease) increase

        in cash and cash

        equivalents                  (1,107)         66      (164)      2,052

    Cash and cash

     equivalents at

     beginning of period              3,660       3,826     2,717       1,840

                                      -----       -----     -----       -----

       Cash and cash

        equivalents at end of

        period                       $2,553      $3,892    $2,553      $3,892

                                     ======      ======    ======      ======

SOURCE: Qualcomm Incorporated

    CONTACT: Warren Kneeshaw of Qualcomm Incorporated, 



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