Risi Announces Finalists For The 2009 Pulp & Paper International (ppi) Awards

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1st August 2009, 08:11am - Views: 852

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RISI Announces Finalists for the 2009 Pulp & Paper International (PPI)


BRUSSELS, Aug. 1 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    RISI today announced the finalists for the 2009 Pulp & Paper

International (PPI) Awards program. The PPI Awards will honor leadership,

vision, innovation and strategic accomplishments of companies, mills and

individuals within the global pulp and paper industry.

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    The winners will be presented with their trophies at the PPI Awards

ceremony on Wednesday, October 28, at the Hilton Munich Park Hotel in

Munich, Germany. The Awards will be held in conjunction with the Metso Pulp

and Paper Technology Days on Thursday and Friday, October 29-30, 2009.

Metso is the headline sponsor for the PPI Awards program. RISI will also be

organizing a half-day educational seminar on the afternoon of Wednesday,

October 28, which will be free for attendees to the PPI Awards event.

    Mark Rushton, Editor of Pulp & Paper International (PPI) and chairman

of the jury for the PPI Awards, commented, "We've been thrilled with the

high quality and number of entries for the first ever PPI Awards. The

finalists should be justly proud of their achievements. Not only does the

PPI Awards event allow us to honor the best in business but it will also

offer fantastic networking opportunities for those who attend."

    Industry renowned names including Rod Young, Chairman of RISI; Kari

Vainio, former Executive Vice President, Communications at Stora Enso; Jim

Keller, President of the International Corrugated Case Association; and

Duncan Pollard, Director, Conservation Practice & Policy, WWF International

judged this year's entries.

    To book your tickets to the industry event of the year, please visit:

    http://www.ppiawards.com/tickets.html or call Eleanor Spreckley at +44

207 955 3751.

    For more information on sponsoring the PPI Awards, please visit

    The finalists are as follows:

    Advanced Use of Bio-Energy - SPONSORED BY METSO (www.metso.com)

     -- Cascades

     -- Stora Enso

     -- UPM

    Efficiency Improvements of the Year - SPONSORED BY METSO

     -- Buckeye Technologies

     -- Cartiere del Garda

     -- Finch Paper

     -- Holmen Paper Braviken


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     -- Chen Hongguo, Shandong Chenming Paper

     -- Christian Rynning-Tonnesen, Norske Skog

     -- Jose Luciano Penido, VCP

     -- Jim Rubright, Rock Tenn

     -- John Faraci, International Paper

    Environmental Strategy of the Year (Company) - SPONSORED BY HP


     -- Grycksbo Paper

     -- Lenzing Papier

     -- Stora Enso

     -- Strathcona Paper

     -- Suzano

    Innovative Product of the Year - SPONSORED BY BTG (www.btg.com)

     -- Bollore Thin Papers - Papeteries Du Leman

     -- Sappi Fine Paper Europe

     -- SCA Graphic Laakirchen

     -- Sodra Cell

    Mill Manager of the Year - SPONSORED BY KADANT (www.kadant.com)

     -- Dumrongsak Dheerakiatkumchorn, Thai Paper mill, Ratchaburi,


     -- Gotz Herold, Propapier mill, Burg, Germany

     -- Jeff Levensailor, Domtar, Columbus mill, MS, USA

     -- Erwin Sversepa, Mondi Neusiedler, Theresienthal mill, Austria

     -- Rikard Wallin, Holmen Paper, Braviken Paper mill, Sweden

    Business Strategy of the Year

     -- Favini

     -- Grycksbo Paper

     -- M-real

     -- Suzano

    Environmental Strategy of the Year (Mill)

     -- Buckeye Technologies - Foley mill, FL, USA

     -- Cascades - Rolland mill, Saint-Jerome, Quebec, Canada

     -- Dalum Papir - Dalum mill, Denmark

     -- SCA Ortviken - Ortviken paper mill, Sweden

     -- Sodra Cell- Varo mill, Sweden

    Promotional / Sales / Marketing Campaign of the Year

     -- Dalum Papir

     -- Grycksbo Paper

     -- Iggesund Paperboard

     -- Longview Fibre Paper and Packaging

     -- SCA Containerboard

    Research Achievement of the Year

     -- FPInnovations, Paprican Division - Richard M. Berry

     -- IP Finland - Kaarlo Niskanen

     -- Indian Agro and Recycled Paper Mills Association - Mahendra Patel

     -- Sodra Cell - Joaquim Nygren

    About Pulp & Paper International (PPI) magazine

    For 50 years, the global pulp and paper industry has relied on the

quality editorial found in Pulp & Paper International (PPI) magazine.

That's why it is the leading magazine for pulp, paper and paperboard

manufacturers in Europe, Asia, North America, Latin America, the Middle

East and Africa. It offers the most comprehensive coverage in the industry

and reaches more people around the globe than any other pulp and paper


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    About RISI

    RISI is the leading information provider for the global forest products

industry. We work with clients in the pulp and paper, wood products,

timber, tissue, nonwovens, printing and publishing industries to help them

make better decisions. More information can be found at www.risiinfo.com


    Jennifer Freitas


    4 Alfred Circle

    Bedford, MA 01730 USA

    Tel: +1.781.734.8949



    CONTACT: Jennifer Freitas of RISI, 



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