Risi Announces Launch Of New Online Initiatives

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15th July 2009, 07:01am - Views: 863


                           RISI Announces Launch of New Online Initiatives

BOSTON, July 15 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    RISI, the leading information provider for the global forest products industry, today announced

initiatives include a complete transformation in the appearance and organization of the site as

well as an increase in the amount of free content that is available. 

    Rhiannon James-van Beuningen, Senior Vice President of Marketing Services at RISI

commented, "Investing in online products is important to the future of our business. In order to

remain the leading information provider for this industry, we must also be the leader in innovative

ways of distributing that information. These most recent enhancements reflect our commitment to

deliver top quality information in the most efficient way possible and to continuously review our

offerings and expand on them to enhance customer experience." 

    Website Redesign

    Several enhancements have been made to make the website easier to navigate and add value

to the www.risiinfo.com user experience including:

   -- An overhaul of the site's home page, which now has a structure that will 

      allow readers to quickly scan the page and find what's new and of 

      interest deeper in the site's pages. The site's broader columns make 

      stories easier to read and allow for larger ad units that will yield 

      better results for advertisers. 

   -- Unique web-only content will now be available in addition to republished 

      articles from PPI Magazine, the most widely read global magazine on the 

      pulp and paper industry. RISI's editorial staff will continuously 

      produce this unique content that will only be available on the RISI 


   -- More frequently updated content will now be available due to new tools 

      that have been added for RISI editors to give them greater control of 

      what appears on the home page and how long it remains there. This will 

      ensure that the content is always fresh and that content of greater 

      significance to RISI readers is easier to find. 

   -- Improved technology channels will also result from this greater 

      editorial control. At www.risiinfo.com/technology, visitors can read 

      about the latest technical information related to specific pulping and 

      papermaking topics. These stories are organized by category into the 

      following channels: Papermaking, Pulping, Chemicals, Automation & IT, 

      Mill Maintenance & Upgrades, Power & Energy and a new addition, 


    White Paper Library

    In addition to the changes made to editorial areas of the site, another new feature on the site is

RISI's White Paper Library. The library will be a tremendous resource for those doing research to

make additions or improvements to their business operations. 

Business Company RISI 2 image

    Readers can browse white papers on a number of pulp and paper manufacturing topics

including: automation & IT, environmental sustainability, mill maintenance and more. Readers

may download as many papers as they like for free after filling out a simple registration form.

    Businesses interested in adding their own white papers to the library may do so free of charge

    International Jobs Board

    RISI has also made improvements to their industry jobs board. The jobs board, which can be

found at www.risiinfo.com/jobs, features thousands of listings for open positions at pulp, paper,

wood, timber, tissue and nonwovens businesses around the globe.

    Posted jobs range from administrative to executive-level positions throughout the global forest

products industry. The jobs board features openings from top companies and recruiting agencies

including: Smurfit Stone, International Paper, Georgia Pacific, Acme Paper, Dixie Paper Co., and

many more.

    PPI Mills & Technology eNewsletter Redesign

    The web site upgrades are accompanied by recent updates to the PPI Mills & Technology

eNewsletter. This free publication is delivered weekly to subscribers' inboxes and is a great way

to keep on top of developments in the industry. Included are each week's top stories, blogs and

features, as well as new job listings and items for sale in the RISI Market Place. Those interested

in receiving the Mills & Technology eNewsletter, should visit

    About RISI

    RISI is the leading information provider for the global forest products industry. The company

works with clients in the pulp and paper, wood products, timber, tissue, nonwovens, printing and

publishing industries to help them make better decisions.

    Headquartered in Boston (Bedford), Massachusetts, RISI operates offices in Brussels,

Belgium; Atlanta, Georgia; San Francisco, California; Helsinki, Finland; Portland, Oregon; Sao

Paulo, Brazil; Shanghai, China; Singapore; and Charlottesville, Virginia. More information can be

found at www.risiinfo.com.


    Thom Smith


    4 Alfred Circle

    Bedford, MA 01730 USA

    Tel: +1.781.734.8990



    CONTACT:  Thom Smith of RISI,

                         +1-781-734-8990, tsmith@risiinfo.com


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