Risi European Conference Proves Valuable In Economic Crisis

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16th April 2009, 09:38am - Views: 883

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RISI European Conference Proves Valuable in Economic Crisis

BRUSSELS, Apr. 16 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

               Attendees Gain Industry Intelligence and Networking Opportunities

    RISI today announced that its European Pulp and Paper Outlook Conference, held in Berlin on March 29-31

exceeded attendance expectations. Attendees from 28 countries gathered to hear varying perspectives on

papermaking in a post-crunch world from top executives in the business such as:

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    - Michal Jarczynski, CEO, Arctic Paper

    - Christian Rynning-Tonnesen, President and CEO, Norske Skog

    - Salim Karadsheh, CEO, Nuqul Group

    - Berry Wiersum, CEO, Sappi Fine Paper Europe

    - Dermot Smurfit, Chairman, Powerflute

    - Duncan Pollard, Director, Conservation Practice & Policy, WWF


    - Teresa Presas, Managing Director, CEPI - Confederation of

      European Paper Industries

    - And more

    Rhiannon James van-Beuningen, Senior Vice President, Marketing Services at RISI commented,

"Delegates came to the conference looking for answers, to discuss issues with key industry figures, to talk with

current customers and to forge new business relationships... exactly what these conferences are for. Taking

an active role in the industry is more important than ever in this market. Our European Conference attendees

recognized, and will benefit from, this valuable opportunity."

    "The best thing about my time in Berlin was making new contacts outside of the printing business and into

associated areas. I found listening to the problems being experienced by the paper makers very informative

and this helped increase my awareness of the challenges facing all of us," Philip Dodd, Managing Director,

Healeys Printers, UK stated.

    Attendees included representatives from:

    - UPM-Kymmene

    - Stora Enso

    - SCA Hygiene Products Gmbh

    - Procter & Gamble

    - Norske Skog

    - Mondi Uncoated Fine Paper Sales Gmbh

    - Mayr-Melnhof Karton

    - International Paper

    - Domtar Paper

    - And more

    For a full list of companies that attended the conference, please visit

    StepChange Consulting and CME Group sponsored this year's event. Joachim Klein, Founder/Managing

Director, StepChange Consulting described the conference saying, "[This was a] very informative event with

excellent networking opportunities and exposure to potential business partners."

    "RISI is pleased with the attendance at this year's conference and we are looking forward to this continued

success at our other industry events later this year," James van-Beuningen commented.

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    For a listing of RISI's upcoming events, visit www.risiinfo.com/events

    About RISI

    RISI is the leading information provider for the global forest products industry. The company works with

clients in the pulp and paper, wood products, timber, tissue, nonwovens, printing and publishing industries to

help them make better decisions.

    Headquartered in Boston (Bedford), Massachusetts, RISI operates offices in Brussels, Belgium; Atlanta,

Georgia; San Francisco, California; Portland, Oregon; Sao Paulo, Brazil; Shanghai, China; Singapore;

Helsinki, Finland; and Charlottesville, Virginia. More information can be found at www.risiinfo.com


    Jennifer Rahall


    4 Alfred Circle

    Bedford, MA 01730 USA

    Tel: +1.781.734.8949



    CONTACT: Jennifer Rahall of RISI, 



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