Risi Publishes The Latest Ranking Of Global Pulp And Paper Companies In The Ppi Top 100

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1st October 2010, 08:45am - Views: 1004

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RISI Publishes the Latest Ranking of Global Pulp and Paper Companies in the PPI Top 100

BRUSSELS, Oct. 1 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    RISI, the leading information provider for the global forest products industry, today unveiled the latest edition of

the Pulp & Paper International (PPI) Top 100. Published in the September issue of PPI magazine and on the RISI

website, the PPI Top 100 is an annual list of the biggest pulp and paper producers in the world. Once again,

International Paper (IP) sits at the top of the pile but there was a lot of movement elsewhere in the rankings.

    (Logo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/NE51458LOGO )

    Oji Paper moved up three positions but it was enough to crack the top five as the company came in at No. 3

behind IP and Procter & Gamble. Rounding out the top five were SCA and Stora Enso. Fibria made its debut in the

top third of the table, at No. 28, and others making a first appearance in the Top 100 were Hunan Tiger Forest &

Paper at 80, Kapstone at 91, Arctic Paper at 93 and Neenah Paper at 94.

    As could be expected from how the worldwide pulp and paper industry has shaken out over the past few years,

the real movers were the Asians. Making a significant climb up the ladder were Cheng Loong (from No. 88 all the

way to No. 70), Sun Paper, Hokuetsu, Rengo, Yuen Foong Yu, Lee & Man and Shandong Chenming. At No. 35,

Shandong Chenming is still the largest Chinese company listed. Two Indian-based companies, BILT and ITC, also

made a move upwards from No. 98 to 95 and No. 99 to 90 respectively.

    Overall, sales of pulp, paper, board and converted materials showed a significant drop in 2009 compared with

2008, from $313.8 billion to $282.6 billion. This is even below the 2007 total of $296.1 billion.

Total reported paper and board production fell to 187.5 million tonnes from 199.3 million tonnes in 2008. This

marked the second consecutive year of decline. Market pulp production did show a small jump up, to 38.4 million

tonnes from 37.3 million tonnes.

    The annual PPI Top 100 is available for free on the RISI website. This must-read report from the September

issue of PPI magazine can be accessed at: http://www.risi.com/top100. In addition to the Top 100 article, PDFs of

all the tables that relate to the report, which provide access to comparable sales data, earnings for 2008 and 2009,

total assets, and production figures for pulp, paper and board are also available.

    For executives involved in the pulp and paper industry who need more in-depth information than the PPI Top

100 provides, RISI also offers Pulp & Paper Company Profiles. Subscribers get access to comprehensive profiles

of the top 50 pulp and paper producers worldwide, along with interactive ranking tools that let users easily compare

financial results and capacities among companies. Full details are available at http://www.risi.com/pcopro.

    About RISI

    RISI is the leading information provider for the global forest products industry. The company works with clients in

the pulp and paper, wood products, timber, biomass, tissue, nonwovens, printing and publishing industries to help

them make better decisions.

    Headquartered in Boston, MA, RISI operates additional offices throughout North and South America, Europe and

Asia. More information can be found at http://www.risi.com.


    Jennifer Freitas


    4 Alfred Circle

    Bedford, MA 01730 USA

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    Tel: +1.781.734.8949



    CONTACT: Jennifer Freitas of RISI, +1-781-734-8949, jfreitas@risi.com

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