Ritchie Bros. Returning To Perth, Australia To Conduct Large Mining Equipment Auction - Every Item,

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6th August 2009, 08:34am - Views: 2197

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Ritchie Bros. Returning to Perth, Australia to Conduct Large Mining Equipment Auction - Every

Item, From Dozers to Rock Trucks, to Be Sold With No Minimum Bids or Reserve Prices

PERTH, Aug. 6 /CNW-AsiaNet/ --


    Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers (NYSE and TSX: RBA), the world's largest industrial auctioneer, is

returning to Perth, W.A. to conduct a large mining equipment auction for Orion (WA) Pty Ltd and other

owners on September 22, 2009. Among the equipment being sold in the unreserved public auction:

rock trucks, wheel loaders, dozers, water vehicles and hydraulic excavators. Ritchie Bros. will sell

every item to the highest bidder on auction day, regardless of price. Interested buyers can bid in

    "We conducted our first Australian auction in Perth and we're excited to be back with another

unreserved auction featuring a first-class line-up of equipment," said Finlay Massey, Ritchie Bros.

Regional Manager. "Our upcoming Perth auction offers an excellent opportunity for members of the

mining and construction industries in Australia and beyond. We're selling a large selection of high

quality, well-maintained used heavy equipment and every item will be sold on auction day, with no

minimum bids or reserve prices. It's a great time to be buying equipment - especially when the bidders

are setting the prices, not the sellers. And for sellers, it's a great opportunity to sell their equipment to

bidders from around the world."

    Orion (WA) is a large mining equipment rental company based in Hazelmere, W.A. Managing

Director Richard Harding will sell close to 40 items in the Perth auction on September 22nd, although

he has never sold equipment at a Ritchie Bros. auction before. The equipment was used at a nickel-

mining project in Kalgoorlie.

    "We wanted to put the equipment back to work when that operation ended, because it's still in great

shape, but with the downturn in the mining industry there isn't the work available - so we decided to

clean the cupboard," said Mr. Harding. "I chose to sell through Ritchie Bros. because they have a good

reputation, they run their auctions well, they reach an international base of customers and they only do

unreserved auctions, so I know all of the equipment will sell on September 22nd and I will have money

in the bank afterwards."

     Auction details:

     -   Location: 33 Beard Street, Naval Base, W.A. 6165, Australia

     -   Auction site phone: +61.1.300.139.344

     -   Time and date: Tuesday, September 22, 2009 starting at 9:00 a.m.

     -   Auction is open to the public; registration to bid is free

     -   How to bid:

         1. In person at the auction site - registration begins at the site

            several days before the auction. Photo I.D. is required.

         2. Online in real time - register online at www.rbauction.com, at

            least 2 - 3 days before the auction for first-time internet


         3. By proxy - phone the auction site to place a proxy bid.

     -   Equipment details, including photos, are available on the

         Ritchie Bros. web site www.rbauction.com.

    More equipment will be added to the Perth auction in the coming weeks. Anyone that is interested in

selling equipment at the auction can contact Ritchie Bros. at +61.3.5245.3333.

    Established in Canada in 1958, Ritchie Bros. now conducts hundreds of unreserved public auctions

worldwide each year. The Company has 39 auction sites worldwide, including sites in Brisbane,

Queensland and Geelong, Victoria. Ritchie Bros. conducted its first Australian auction in Perth in

Business Company Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers 3 image

1990 before establishing its first permanent auction site in Australia inBrisbane in 1995. Ritchie Bros.

conducts four regular auctions each year at its Brisbane and Geelong auction sites, as well as off-site

auctions like the upcoming Perth auction. People from as far away as North America, the Middle

East and Europe participated in Ritchie Bros.' most recent Australian auctions.

    About Ritchie Bros.

    Established in 1958, Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers (NYSE and TSX: RBA) is the world's largest

industrial auctioneer, selling more equipment to on-site and online bidders than any other company in

the world. The Company has over 110 locations in more than 25 countries, including 39 auction sites

worldwide. Ritchie Bros. sells, through unreserved public auctions, a broad range of used and unused

industrial assets, including equipment, trucks and other assets utilized in the construction,

transportation, agricultural, material handling, mining, forestry, petroleum and marine industries. The

Company maintains a web site at www.rbauction.com and sponsors an equipment wiki at

    PHOTOS: You can download equipment and auction photos to use with your articles from

  SOURCE:  Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers

CONTACT:  Finlay Massey, 

                     Regional Manager, 

                     Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers, 

                     Geelong auction site, 

                     phone: +61.3.5245.3333; Or 

                     Kim Schulz,


                     Corporate Communications, 

                     Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers, 

                     Phone: +1.604.304.3830 or 

                     Mobile: +1.604.788.5379 or 

                     email: kschulz@rbauction.com


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