S.d. Myers, Inc. Announces 'the California Power Tour,' Targeting The Future Of Intelligent Transfor

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4th August 2010, 07:36am - Views: 1116

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S.D. Myers, Inc. Announces 'The California Power Tour,' Targeting the Future of Intelligent Transformer

Management in the World of Alternative Power Generation

TALLMADGE, Ohio, Aug. 4 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    S.D. Myers, Inc. has been developing training and education for power 

transformer maintenance since 1975 and is known throughout the world as the 

transformer experts. The issues of an aging and retiring workforce, aging and 

failing transformers, lower tolerances in new transformers and the scarcity of 

up-and-coming transformer experts has created "The Perfect Storm," one that 

S.D. Myers addresses in this revolutionary education experience.

    (Logo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20081111/CLTU001LOGO)

    Experience the future of power generation, distribution and repair directly 

related to transformers. The California Power Tour is 4 days, 3 nights and 3 

power destinations, all with valuable technical transformer training from top 

industry experts. Included in the tour are Calpine, Otay Mesa Energy Center, 

San Diego, CA; EnXco Wind Farm Facility, North Palm Springs, CA; and GE rewind 

facility, Los Angeles, CA.

    An added benefit to our international attendees is "The International 

Symposium." This is an experience specifically relating to their transformer 

maintenance concerns on a global level. The topics covered by S.D. Myers 

experts are: Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB's); Intelligent Transformer 

Management: Developing a MaxLife Philosophy in a Budget Conscious Environment; 

and Substation Condition Assessments. For more information: 

    The Power Tour is hands-on experience with practice-based training in 

class, in transit and at three of the most prominent facilities in the 

industry. In 3 days the participant will receive 9 hours in the facilities plus 

8 hours of classroom training. Video training and open forum discussions are 

provided in transit to and from the facilities covering such topics as, 

Principles of Transformer Maintenance and Advanced Concepts in Transformer 


    Each morning will consist of technical training sessions combined with 

overviews of the facility to be visited that day. Evening technical sessions 

will include oil testing, DGA, transformer fundamentals, field and shop 

repairs. Each visit will consist of training directly relating transformer 

maintenance to the generation system and repair/rewind facility.

Business Company S.D. Myers, Inc. 3 image

    There is no educational experience like this and the seating is limited.

    The California Power Tour registration information and promotional video 

     SOURCE:  S.D. Myers, Inc.

    CONTACT:  Paul Myers,

              S.D. Myers, Inc.,

              Director of Marketing,

              +1-330-630-7000 Ext 3215,



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