Silicon Valley Tech Star Launches Groundbreaking New Website To Revolutionize Travel Research And Tr

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8th April 2010, 07:08am - Views: 966

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Silicon Valley Tech Star Launches Groundbreaking New Website to Revolutionize Travel

Research and Trip Planning

SILICON VALLEY, Calif., Apr. 8 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    Katrina Garnett, renowned Silicon Valley entrepreneur and start-up investor

launches (MLS) today to save substantial time and

eliminate layers of fees for discerning global travelers and families. Designed for

all types of users, the site caters to those who like to do a lot of research and

seek out a lot of advice, as well as to those who prefer a more turn-key experience -

and because MLS eliminates third party costs, users not only save time, but can also

save a substantial amount of money.

    Garnett founded My Little Swans in October 2007 and has invested more than

$2,250,000 of her own personal capital in the creation of this business. While 2008

was focused on building the site and writing and uploading content, 2009 was focused

on offering limited memberships to gain live user feedback. The site opens to the

public April 7, 2010.

    With such strong roots in Silicon Valley, the software is of course a key

component, making MLS not only extraordinarily efficient, but also able to support

"the next big thing" - that is, whatever comes after Facebook and Twitter - via

superlative content management systems. Once logged in, members enjoy special

privileges and promotions within the community, and the MLS Geo Friends tool and

dedicated social networking platform allow like-minded travelers and groups to share

their experiences through e-dialogues and messaging, images and video. By May, the My

Trips feature will allow members to publish their itineraries and travel details

directly to their iPhone or iPad.

    MLS is a disruptive technology in that it literally saves money by cutting out

the middleman for those who book with the select on-the-ground network of partners

(approximately two per region). The site reflects over 15 years of Garnett family

trips and includes 32 detailed itineraries along with thousands of stunning "real

life" photos and maps. These are personal and vetted experiences, so members can

fully trust the destination content and partner recommendations.

    Creating a unique family journey that's memorable for all the right reasons is a

matter of insider knowledge, special access, the best local guides and a seamless

itinerary. Without a trusted efficient online source, this can take hundreds of

hours. MLS avoids the predictable while simultaneously humanizing the research

experience. MLS will never book trips; it will, however, shed superlative light on

where and how to go, when to go (and when not to) and who are the best local insiders

to call, much like a trusted globe-trotting friend.

    Katrina Garnett Background

    Garnett is an active technology startup investor and her prior early seed and

startup investments include Siebel Software and (NYSE public company,

trades as CRM). Her current Internet and mobile investments include Adchemy, (a

leading online advertising and marketing platform) and Tapulous, (the leading Apple

iPhone applications company with their Tap Tap Revenge music games with over 25mil

users). Garnett also serves on the Tapulous board of directors.

    Prior to MLS, Katrina was the Founder, Chairman and President/CEO of CrossWorlds

Software Inc. from its inception in 1996 to a successful public offering on Nasdaq

Business Company Katrina Garnett 3 image

(CWLD) in 2000 and acquisition by IBM in 2001. Her pioneering CrossWorlds' vision led

to the establishment of a new software industry segment around the concept of

Enterprise Application Integration (EAI), and in the process she built up a global

public company with annual revenues of over $100M and 450 employees.


Garnett has been featured twice on the cover of Forbes, selected by Fortune as

CEO of one of their 25 top startup technology companies in 1997 and has been

regularly interviewed by leading TV shows such as CNBC and CNN. Born in Australia and

educated in American and European schools, Garnett has always believed global

experiences should be part of children's development and has been planning world

adventures with her family from the time her firstborn was less than a year old. When

not traveling or planning the next trip, her favorite hobbies are competitive

Hunter/Jumper horseback riding, clay shooting, photography, fine art and fashion.

SOURCE: Katrina Garnett

    CONTACT: Nina Lora, 



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