Speakers From Ballarpur Industries, Scg Paper, Vcp Asia And More Join Risi's Asian Pulp And Paper Ou

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10th April 2009, 09:38am - Views: 911

Speakers From Ballarpur Industries, SCG Paper, VCP Asia and More Join RISI's Asian

Pulp and Paper Outlook Conference Program

SHANGHAI, April 10 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    RISI today announced that several high-level speakers have been added to the conference

program of the 10th Asian Pulp and Paper Outlook Conference. The event will be held at the

Four Seasons Hotel in Shanghai, China, on June 8-10, 2009. 

    Speakers recently added to the program include:

    -- R.R. Vederah, Managing Director, Ballarpur Industries

    -- Chaovalit Ekabut, President, SCG Paper

    -- Mr. Ying Guang Dong, Deputy General Manager, Chief Engineer, Shandong 

       Sun Paper 

    -- Liu Hanwen, Vice General Manager, Zhuhai Hongta Renheng Paper

    -- Evandro Muzilli, Chief Representative Officer, VCP Asia, Shanghai Office

    -- Mohit Jain, Director, The Times of India Group

    For a full list of the speakers, please visit: http://www.risiinfo.com/event/asia_conf/program.jsp

    Representatives from leading pulp and paper producers, financial institutions, suppliers and

end-user companies will be attending the event in Shanghai in June.  Annie Zhu, Conference

Chair and Editor of Pulp & Paper International (PPI) China magazine, commented, "Following

the success of our European conference in Berlin, we are looking forward to hosting the RISI

Asian Conference in Shanghai once again and welcoming high-level participants from across

Asia and outside the region."

    Conference attendees will also hear RISI's team of economists and engineers present their

two-year forecasts for supply, demand, profitability, investment and trade for each major grade

of pulp and paper.

    For more information on the RISI Asian Pulp and Paper Outlook Conference, visit

    The early registration and hotel reservation deadline is May 1st!

    Sponsorship opportunities are available for this event. To learn more, please visit

www.risiinfo.com/events/asia_conf/sponsorship.html or email advertising@risiinfo.com

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    About RISI

    RISI is the leading information provider for the global forest products industry. The company

works with clients in the pulp and paper, wood products, timber, tissue, nonwovens, printing and

publishing industries to help them make better decisions.

    Headquartered in Boston (Bedford), Massachusetts, RISI operates offices in Brussels,

Belgium; Atlanta, Georgia; San Francisco, California; Portland, Oregon; Sao Paulo, Brazil;

Shanghai, China; Singapore; Helsinki, Finland; and Charlottesville, Virginia. More information

can be found at www.risiinfo.com


    Jennifer Rahall


    4 Alfred Circle

    Bedford, MA 01730 USA

    Tel: +1.781.734.8949



    CONTACT:  Jennifer Rahall of RISI, +1-781-734-8949, jrahall@risiinfo.com

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