Swirlyspace Launches World's First Mobile Application For Free Mms & Sms Messagi

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12th February 2010, 04:41am - Views: 801

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Business Company Swirly Space AB 2 image


SwirlySpace Launches World's First Mobile Application for Free MMS & SMS Messaging

GOTHENBURG, Feb. 12/PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    Late in 2009, the premier version of SwirlyNet(TM), the new, cool feature

of iPhone application SwirlyMMS(2), was launched. Now more than 10,000

clients have started to use SwirlyNet(TM) to save money when messaging.

SwirlyNet(TM) allows iPhone users to send and receive messages (SMS and MMS)

for free via the Internet, without any expensive carrier fees. Any message

sent to and from a SwirlyNet(TM) attached iPhone, via Wifi or over a flat

rate data plan, is sent without any cost at all.

    Inspired by Skype and enabled by the third-party development supported by

iPhone SwirlyNet(TM) is the world's first mobile application for free MMS and

SMS messaging.

    This extraordinary feature integrates transparently with the normal send-

and receive activities, meaning that you send to your friends by addressing

them with their phone number as usual. An indicator will let you know whether

the message was sent or received via SwirlyNet(TM) or the ordinary carrier

network. Soon you will notice how low your messaging bills are becoming!

    The SwirlyMMS(2) application is available for USD 12 for jailbroken*

iPhones via Cydia Store. SwirlyNet(TM) enabled messaging apps are also being

developed for Windows Mobile and Android cell phones.

    For more info and instructions on how to download and install

    * Jailbreaking is done in order to liberate the iPhone OS from Apple's

rules for third party applications and release the iPhone's true 

technological potential. It is estimated that around 10% of all iPhones, 

equivalent to 4 million units, are jailbroken. Read more on jailbreaking 

here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jailbreaking and on Cydia founder and 

iPhone guru Jay Freemans site http://thebigboss.org/why-jailbreak-iphone/


    SwirlySpace AB is based in Sweden, and is developing advanced 

applications for mobile platforms like the iPhone, Android and Windows 

Mobile units. The products of SwirlySpace are available via Cydia and App 

Store. SwirlySpace AB has already reached a worldwide leading position in 

MMS solutions for the iPhone with more than 3,000,000 downloads of its 

premier product, the SwirlyMMS-application.

Business Company Swirly Space AB 3 image

    SOURCE: Swirly Space AB


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