Sydney Window Cleaners Share Their Industry Secrets

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5th October 2016, 05:28pm - Views: 1404
Do you find that window cleaning is one of those tasks that looks easier than it really is?

Observe a professional window cleaner and they seem to effortlessly glide their applicator and squeegee over the glass and not even leave the slightest spot or streak. Try and replicate that process, and the average amateur will not only leave streaks and water spots all over the window pane but will probably end up frustrated and looking for the phone number of their local window cleaner.

Keep reading for the easy solution to spotless windows.

Windows that are hard to access should be left to professional window cleaners that have appropriate equipment to safely access and clean the windows. But in order to assist you in cleaning your windows more effectively, this article will share some awesome window cleaning tips from Sydney's premier window cleaners. These window cleaners have spent years perfecting their craft. They have tried all the trends and know what works and what is a waste of time.

Choose Your Time

Ideally, all windows should be cleaned in the shade, but tinted windows should especially never be washed in direct sunlight. The surface temperature of tinted windows will be far higher than normal windows and makes obtaining a streak free finish incredibly difficult. If you have ever wondered why professional window cleaners in Sydney all have bags under their eyes, it is because they wake up early to try and complete all of their window cleaning jobs before the harsh sunlight starts bearing down on the windows. Schedule your window cleaning early in the day, or late in the afternoon and you will find that it is a much easier task. Not only will it not be too hot, but the water will not dry as quick on the glass and a streak-free result will be easier.

Soap & Water - The Secret Solution

Cleaning industry magazines have pages of advertisements showing the latest technologically advanced window cleaning solutions. There are also a plethora of articles online that highlight homemade window cleaning solutions. Some of these cleaning hacks work. Most of them can cause permanent damage to your windows.

Mixing home chemicals and cleaning solutions can cause your windows to cloud and appear foggy. Additionally, vinegar based cleaning solutions can eat away your window frames and cause rust stains on the perimeter of your window panes.

The majority of window cleaners in Sydney use dishwashing liquid and water. That is it! When you think about it, it makes a lot of sense. Every day we clean our dishes with dishwashing liquid. It breaks down the oils and leaves glasses shining. Similarly, dishwashing liquid eats away the oils, environmental buildups and bird droppings and leaves the glass shining. Your local supermarket will have a massive range of dishwashing liquids. Look for an environmentally safe, pH neutral brand for the best results. Avoid concentrated solutions and stick to traditional dishwashing liquid for the best results.

Natural Sponges Vs Synthetic Sponges

Spend any amount of time with professional window cleaners in Sydney and this conversation will come up. Normally it is started by a window cleaner that is passionate about a particular brand of sponge. But is there a difference between natural and synthetic sponges?

The evidence shows that synthetic sponges are more uniform, even textured and adaptable. On the other hand, natural sponges are more durable, dense and absorbent. Expert window cleaners will use both types of sponges and settle on a type that best suits their needs. Most cleaning supply stores have a wide range of types, sizes and styles for you to try. See what works best for you and stick to it.

Don't Use Blades On Dry Glass

Blades can be a very effective tool for removing decals, tape and paint spots from windows. But they can also permanently damage the glass if they are not used properly!

Make sure that you test on an inconspicuous area first. Using your normal soap and water mixture, apply the solution on and around the spot that you want to remove. Only use professional glass blades, not imitation hardware blades. The lubrication of the cleaning solution will ensure that the class is not etched or scratched when you scrape off the spot.

Blades should only be used on windows that are not tinted or treated. Most new windows have a protective film. Using a blade on these windows will damage the blade and that spot you were trying to remove will be the least of your worries. If you are in doubt, just call a professional window cleaner. They have specialised equipment and should be fully insured. The Glass Association of North America highlights the dangers of using blades, stating that "using 2, 3, 4, 5 inch and larger blades to scrape a window clean carries a large probability for causing irreparable damage to glass." You have been warned!

Glass Is Fragile

We all know that glass is fragile. We carefully wash dishes in the sink and gently place them in the cupboards. But it is surprising how many amateur window cleaners damage glass when they are window cleaning. One of the reasons is that there are so many imperfections in the glass panes that are invisible to the human eye. Poorly cut edges that are covered by the window frames cause torsional tension that can crack and break with excessive pressure.

What is the take home point? Be careful when cleaning your windows. If you are pushing too hard with your applicator trying to rub off stubborn stains, you are at risk of not only breaking the glass but causing injury to yourself or others. As with all building maintenance tasks, if in doubt call the professionals.

Stretch Your Wrists

Ask any professional window cleaner what they would change if they had their time over and the majority would mention that they wish they started stretching their wrists when they first started. About 30% of the population suffer from Osteoarthritis, with window cleaners in the high-risk category. The repetitive strain and range of motion required when cleaning large window panes can cause wear and tear damage to joints and tendons.

Physical Therapists recommend warming up joints in your shoulders, elbows and wrists before you start cleaning windows. Especially is this important in the colder months when joints don't move as smoothly. Integrating stretching activities at the start of a window cleaning session can prevent pain and restricted motion in the future.

Who Is Clean My Windows?

Clean My Windows is a team of professional window cleaners on the North Shore of Sydney that provide first-rate residential and commercial window cleaning services. With a reputation as one of Sydney's premier window cleaning teams, Clean My Windows provides a comprehensive range of window cleaning services.

There is no job too big or small for the #1 window cleaning Sydney team - Clean My Windows.

The Clean My Windows team is based on the North Shore, but services all suburbs on the Northern Beaches, Hills District, Eastern Suburbs, Inner West and Sydney CBD. One of the foundations of Clean My Windows is 'first-rate customer service'. Expect friendly window cleaners that take pride in their work and guarantee expert workmanship.

Each member of the Clean My Windows team has mastered the art of window cleaning and promises streak-free windows. For a free window cleaning quote for your residential, commercial or strata property, visit the Clean My Windows website at

Clean My Windows - Window Cleaning Sydney

Phone: 0416 622 134
Address: Lane Cove NSW, Australia

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