Ubm Techweb's Hdi Announces New Desktop Support Advisory Board, Expanded Offering For The Desktop Su

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12th June 2010, 09:50am - Views: 934

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UBM TechWeb's HDI Announces New Desktop Support Advisory Board, Expanded Offering for

the Desktop Support Community

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., June 12 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    HDI (http://www.thinkhdi.com), a global association for IT service and technical

support professionals and the premier certification body for the industry, today

announced two inaugural desktop support advisory groups: the HDI Desktop Support

HDI Desktop Support Leadership Council (http://www.thinkhdi.com/hdi.aspx?c=593).

    Desktop support responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the

provisioning of hardware, software applications, operating systems, and network

connectivity. The mission of the HDI Desktop Advisory Board is to provide HDI

guidance in the development of industry standards, best practices, research, and

professional development specific to the unique needs and responsibilities of the

desktop support community. The HDI Desktop Support Leadership Council will review and

provide feedback on initiatives presented by the Desktop Support Advisory Board.

    Combined, these two groups represent six countries (Australia, Canada, India, the

Philippines, Switzerland, and the United States) and eleven Fortune 500 companies,

including Alcoa, Citigroup, FedEx, First Data Corp, Hewlett-Packard, MassMutual

Financial Group, Mattel, Pepco Holdings, Texas Instruments, United Health Group, and

Williams Companies.

    Earl Begley, ITSM Implementation Project Manager for the University of Kentucky,

has been selected to chair the HDI Desktop Advisory Board. Other board members


    Ronald Ables, IT Support Center Manager, EPCO, Inc.

    Earl Begley, ITSM Implementation Project Manager, University Of Kentucky

    Thomas Blazek, Regional Infrastructure Delivery Services Manager,

     Alcoa Inc.

    Frankie Bravo, Desktop Support Supervisor, Carnival Cruise Lines

    Shannon Cepica, Managing Director, Texas Tech University

    Eric Decker, Director, US Support and Operations, Merial

    Rosanne Delaney, Senior Vice President, Mesirow Financial

    Malcolm Fisher, Global Manager, IT Services, O-I

    Mark Fitzgerald, Manager, User Services, Boise State University

    Leo Forget, Delivery Director, Technisource

    Gaurav Gupte, Manager, Global Operations and Support, SunGard

    Jean-Christophe Guyot, Manager, Assets and Service Management, Philip

     Morris International

    Lucia Jenkins, Director, IT Support Operations, Network Alliance

    Scott Kessler, Director, Client Management Services, TechTeam Global, 


    Phillip Kimball, Service Management Manager, University of Utah


    Brad Kramer, Customer Solution Architect, CA

    Lawrence Lenzini, Senior Engagement Manager, CDC Global Services

    Brantley Lott, Senior Information Systems Technician, EMS

     Technologies, Inc.

    Vince Lyons, PC Services Manager, Corporate /Mid-Atlantic Regions,

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     Ricoh Corporation of America

    Kathleen Oden, Information Resource Support Specialist, Texas

     Department of Transportation

    Chris Ohlandt, Director, Division of Customer Support /Center for

     Information Technology, National Institutes of Health

    David Sharp, Director of Network Convergence, LiquidHub

    Kristy Trice, Manager, End User Computing Services, L.L.Bean


Jason Tryon, Service Desk Delivery Manager, Hewlett-Packard

    Eddie Vidal, Manager, Enterprise Services Support, University of Miami

    Currently, HDI offers a Desktop Support Technician

The training course, available both online and in the classroom, focuses on key

support center processes and concepts to improve overall support operations, as well

as customer service and interpersonal skills that improve the customer's experience.

In addition, HDI members are provided with articles and resources to assist with the

advancement of desktop support operations. Future HDI plans include the release of

Desktop Support Manager certification and training.

    About HDI

    HDI is the world's largest IT service and technical support membership

association and the industry's premier certification and training body. Guided by an

international panel of industry experts and practitioners, HDI is the leading

resource for help desk/support center emerging trends and best practices. HDI

provides members with a vast repository of resources, networking opportunities, and

the largest industry event, the HDI Annual Conference & Expo. Headquartered in

Colorado Springs, Colo., USA, HDI offers training in multiple languages and

countries. For more information, visit http://www.ThinkHDI.com or call +1-719-268-

0174. HDI is part of UBM TechWeb.

    About UBM TechWeb (http://www.ubmtechweb.com)

    UBM TechWeb, the global leader in technology media and professional information,

enables people and organizations to harness the transformative power of technology.

Through its core businesses - media solutions, marketing services, and professional

information - UBM TechWeb produces the most respected and consumed brands,

applications, and services in the technology market. More than 14.5 million business

and technology professionals (CIOs, IT and IT Support managers, Web and digital

professionals, software and game developers, government decision makers, telecom

providers and business executives) actively participate in UBM TechWeb's communities.

UBM TechWeb brands include: global face-to-face events such as Interop, Game

Developers Conference (GDC), Web 2.0, Black Hat, and VoiceCon; large-scale online

networks such as InformationWeek, Light Reading, and Gamasutra; research, training,

and certification services, including HDI, Pyramid Research, and InformationWeek

Analytics; and market-leading magazines such as InformationWeek and Wall Street &

Technology. UBM TechWeb is part of UBM, a global provider of media and information

services for professional B2B communities and markets.


    CONTACT: Allison Wroe, 

             Executive Director of Marketing of HDI, 



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