Updated: 22 October 2009, 11:30pm - Green Packet To Secure Singapore Wimax License

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UPDATED: 22 October 2009, 11:30pm - Green Packet To Secure Singapore WiMAX License

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct. 23 /PRNewswire-Asia/ --

    Bursa Malaysia Main Board listed Green Packet Berhad ("Green Packet"), a leading developer of WiMAX

products and solutions, has, via its subsidiary, Packet One Sdn Bhd, the holding company of Packet One Networks

(Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, entered into an agreement with Pacnet for the transfer of Pacnet's redundant Facilities-based

Operator ("FBO") license in Singapore and its associated Wireless Broadband Access ("WBA") spectrum right to

Green Packet's newly incorporated company, Packet One (S) Pte Ltd ("P1 Singapore").

    Transfer of this WBA associated FBO license will not impact Pacnet's facilities based position in Singapore as

the company retains all necessary licenses to operate its core businesses in the SME, Enterprise and Carrier

space. Formed by the operational merger of Asia Netcom and Pacific Internet, Pacnet remains a leading

independent telecommunications service provider in Singapore and across the region. Pacnet owns and operates

EAC-C2C, the region's largest privately owned subsea cable network, which has its Network Operations Center in


    The successful transfer of this license and its WBA spectrum right, upon final approval from the Infocomm

Development Authority of Singapore ("IDA"), will be seen both as a proof point and catalyst to P1's leadership in

the global WiMAX operator space. The Company currently ranks amongst the top five WiMAX operators in the

world in terms of network size and subscriber base.

    "The transfer of this WBA spectrum right and FBO license in Singapore to P1 is in line with our strategy of

divesting non-core assets and growing our partner network to better serve our customers," said Jacques Gr¨¦zaud,

Country Manager, Pacnet Singapore. "Pacnet has a long history serving thousands of SME customers across the

region. Our latest partnership will enable Green Packet to support the highly demanding mobile data market in

Singapore, enabling consumers to enjoy world class WiMAX solutions."

    According to Informa's 3G Wireless Broadband report, high speed mobile subscriptions for Singapore's top three

operators increased on average by close to 150% in 2008-09 to 710,000 subscribers. And this growth is expected

to continue as subscribers move from home to personal broadband.

    Green Packet's Group Managing Director and Group CEO, Mr. CC Puan said, "P1's extension into Singapore is

a first step towards the Company's mission to build a multi-market, pan-regional footprint and to become South

East Asia's leading 4G WiMAX operator.

    "P1 and Green Packet aim to deliver superior user experience for mobile broadband access in any market. To

this end, Singapore offers an excellent reference platform and test-bed as an advanced market for us to develop

innovative seamless mobility technology and applications."

    As part of the business strategy, P1's entry into Singapore is also expected to deliver the immediate benefit and

competitive proposition of roaming for its subscribers. As an indication of the market size and demand for roaming

services, cross-border visitor arrivals between the two countries totalled 11.65 million in 2008 according to tourism


    Mr. Michael Lai, CEO of P1 Malaysia said, "Since we launched, we've worked hard to build the P1 brand equity

and to deliver superior service experience. Our entry into Singapore to become a multi-market player will enable us

to offer a robust alternative to compliment mobile operators and create a compelling proposition for both our

individual and corporate customers via roaming services. We look forward to bringing the P1 experience beyond

Malaysia further down south."

    Mr. Lai added that Singapore presents a tremendous growth opportunity to P1 due the Republic's advanced

mobile data demand. The proximity to Malaysia will also allow the Singapore operations to tap into the existing KL

services such as the billing systems, customer service support and so forth for substantial CAPEX savings.

Business Company Pacnet & Green Packet Berhad 3 image

    P1 Singapore would offer supplementary bandwidth to which existing telcos could offload data traffic to minimize

network congestion. It also plans to bundle mobility to FTTH players to complement their services.

    About Green Packet Berhad

    Listed on the Main Board of the Malaysian Bourse, Green Packet Berhad's ("The Group") aims to be the

visionary global leader providing best connectivity to enrich lives. Bringing forth best-of-class technologies, devices

and services to simplify and enhance connectivity and communications, The Group fulfills a wide array of targeted

needs by employing its two key business pillars of Products & Solutions and Converged Communications Services;

the latter via WiMAX operator and service provider arm, Packet One Networks (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd; WiMAX global

services, Packet One International Pte Ltd, and provider of discounted and wholesale voice services via its

    About Pacnet

    Named "Company of the Year for Excellence in Growth" by Frost & Sullivan in 2009 and "Best Wholesale

Carrier" at the Telecom Asia Awards 2009, Pacnet is Asia's leading independent telecommunications service

provider, formed from the operational merger of Asia Netcom and Pacific Internet. Pacnet owns and operates EAC-

C2C, the region's largest privately-owned submarine cable network at 36,800 km, with a design capacity of 10.24

Tbps. The company offers a comprehensive portfolio of industry leading IP-based solutions for carriers, large

enterprises and SMEs. Pacnet is headquartered in Hong Kong and Singapore, with offices in all key markets in

Asia and North America. For more information, please visit: http://www.pacnet.com

    SOURCE: Pacnet & Green Packet Berhad

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