Urban Marketing Limited To Provide Interactive Advertising For $100m Eco Project

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20th October 2010, 08:00am - Views: 851

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Title:  Urban Marketing Limited to provide interactive advertising for $100m Queensland theme park.

Sydney, Australia, 20th

October 2010: Urban Marketing Limited to provide interactive outdoor advertising

services for planned $100M World Discovery Solar Park under a recently signed agreement.

Urban Marketing Limited has received a letter of intent for the supply interactive services for the planned

$100M World Discovery Theme Park to be built in Queensland. The World Discovery Solar Park will

showcase the latest in eco-friendly technology from around the world sponsored by eco-friendly brands

from multiple industries. Energy will be supplied to the park from roofing composed of solar panels which

in turn will run interactive billboards, multimedia kiosks, lights and other infrastructure.

The agreement covers supply of the Mobiactions® advertising platform, search and selection of eco-

friendly sponsors, technology selection and project support. 

Urban Marketing estimates the project will generate approximately $5-10M in revenue over the project life

and will showcase the Mobiactions® converged media platform for potential advertisers and brands.

Urban Marketing will deliver eco-themed in-game and advertising content to a network of outdoor digital

displays and multimedia kiosks within the theme park which visitors can play and interact with using their

mobile phones or provided touch screens. The themed in-game & dynamic advertising will promote

sponsors from automotive, energy, white goods and FMCG industries. 

In-game advertising has been used by the likes of the US Presidential candidate Barrack Obama, FIFA,

Lexus and The Ford Company across a range of game types and platforms. In-game advertising is

especially good for targeting the 18-34 male demographic, which since 2003 has been decreasing in TV

viewing figures - part of which has been attributed to the uptake of gaming consoles.

“Urban Marketing is greatly looking forward to providing its ground-breaking entertainment and

advertising platform for this eco-friendly project. Incorporating advertising content into games is a perfect

way to target consumers who are tired of traditional advertising. Our experience indicates we can connect

with the consumer for the entire game time, anywhere from 15 seconds to 5 minutes. Try getting a

consumer to look at a static billboard for longer than the average of 4 seconds and I’ll be impressed!”

Says Wilson.

“You see the real trick is making the experience NOT advertising - make it a game and deliver something

of value to the consumer. Our platform enables one-on-one brand engagement, all the while making the

experience fun and unique. In-game advertising is definitely the way to go for targeting the tricky

consumer demographic!”


Urban Marketing is a public company on the Australian Small Scale Offerings Board (ASSOB: UML).

Urban Marketing provides interactive converged media advertising and content delivery services through

the Mobiactions® converged media platform. Mobiactions® enables advertisers and content owners to

deliver interactive content to mobile, online and outdoor digital channels either as part of an integrated

advertising campaign, or to monetise their existing video content. Urban Marketing is based in Sydney,


See http://www.urbanmarketing.com.au for further information and case studies.

Contact: Sam Wilson CEO

Mob: 0412 097 771

Email: sam@urbanmarketing.com.au

Keywords: outdoor advertising, mobile, interactive, advertising, OOHD, online, TV, IVVR, call-to-action,

australia, Sydney

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