Wdc "world Domain Cup" Starting In May!

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1st April 2009, 05:21am - Views: 804

Business Company Interlink Co. Ltd. 1 image

WDC "World Domain Cup" starting in May!

TOKYO, Apr. 1 /Kyodo JBN-AsiaNet/ --

-Who wants to share the revenue of future.com?-

What is World Domain Cup?

The new generic Top-Level Domain (*gTLD) program currently being discussed within the Internet Corporation

of Assigned Names and Numbers (*ICANN) community will pave the way for people to apply for a new gTLD

(current examples of gTLD include ".com", ".org" and ".net" among others). An expansion to the current limited

range of gTLD could translate into gTLDs such as ".blog" or ".web". While this sounds quite attractive, a

$185,000 entry fee to simply submit your application makes gTLD submissions quite inaccessible to the vast



In the World Domain Cup, Japanese ICANN-accredited registrar Interlink will accept ideas from all over the

world. Once the application period closes, panels from Interlink will first eliminate inappropriate candidates.

Then Internet users will vote and decide which string would be the most needed top-level domain.

Interlink will apply with the winner's string when ICANN's new gTLD application round opens in December

2009. If the application for gTLD successfully passes the evaluation period and TLD operation is delegated to

Interlink, the winner will receive the revenue share of US$1.00 for each domain registration under the new

gTLD. It means that if the name sells as much as ".com", more than $80,000,000 will be rewarded each year

to that lucky person. You will only need Internet access to participate in the contest, and the chance is given to

everyone equally.

*gTLD is a generic top-level domain, such as .com, .net or .org. 

*ICANN is a non-profit organization that manages the domain name system and accredits registrars and


The Winning Prize

- Prize: US$10,000

- Revenue Share: US$1.00 per each domain registration for the first 10 years


- Application Period: May 11, 2009 to September 30, 2009

- Voting Period: October 15, 2009 to November 15, 2009

- Announcement of Winners: November 30, 2009

About Interlink

Interlink Co. Ltd. is an Internet service provider based in Tokyo, Japan. The company was established in 1995,

and became ICANN-accredited registrar in 2006. 

Source: Interlink Co. Ltd.



  Sales Department

  Interlink Co. Ltd.

  Phone: (917) 267-7622

  E-mail: info@worlddomaincup.com


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