Westinghouse Agreement With Infotech Enterprises Ltd. Augments Engineering Staff In India

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28th April 2010, 03:54pm - Views: 1134

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Westinghouse Agreement with Infotech Enterprises Ltd. Augments Engineering Staff in India

HYDERABAD, India, Apr. 28 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    Westinghouse Electric Company today announced it has finalized a master

agreement with the global engineering services provider Infotech Enterprises

Ltd., headquartered here and its U.S. affiliate, Infotech Enterprises

America, Inc., (collectively, "Infotech") for the provision of engineering

services in India and the United States by creating the Westinghouse India

Engineering Center ("WIEC").

    WIEC will be located at Infotech's campus in Hyderabad and will be

staffed with Infotech employees dedicated solely to working for Westinghouse.

    The agreement will enable Westinghouse to augment its engineering

resources as it prepares for continuing growth in the global nuclear energy

business and will lay the foundation for Westinghouse AP1000(TM) nuclear

power plant work in India. The official inauguration of the newly formed

Westinghouse India Engineering Center will be held this morning with leaders

from both Westinghouse and Infotech in attendance.

    "Our partnership with Infotech will further strengthen Westinghouse's

capabilities in the region, and it serves as another sign of our commitment

to the Indian market," said Aris Candris, President and CEO of Westinghouse.

"Having skilled people working on our projects is critical to success," said

Candris. "The people of Infotech have the proper skills, experience and

resources to help ensure the success of our projects in the region."

    Westinghouse Electric Company, a group company of Toshiba Corporation

(TKY:6502), is the world's pioneering nuclear energy company and is a leading

supplier of nuclear plant products and technologies to utilities throughout

the world. Westinghouse supplied the world's first PWR in 1957 in

Shippingport, Pa. Today, Westinghouse technology is the basis for

approximately one-half of the world's operating nuclear plants, including 60

percent of those in the United States.

SOURCE: Westinghouse

    CONTACT: Vaughn Gilbert, 

             Office: +1-412-374-3896,

             Mobile: +1-412-491-9820

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