White Mountain Reports Successful Completion Of Stage 2 Pilot Plant Test Work Program Culminating In

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16th December 2009, 12:10pm - Views: 786

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White Mountain Reports Successful Completion of Stage 2 Pilot Plant Test Work Program Culminating

in Continuous 60 Hour Test Run

SANTIAGO, Dec. 16 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    White Mountain Titanium Corporation ("White Mountain" or the "Company") (OTC Bulletin Board: WMTM)

reports that it has successfully completed a detailed Stage 2 pilot plant test work program culminating in one

60 hour continuous test run. The test work program, which was carried out at SGS Lakefield ("SGS") in

Ontario, Canada was monitored and verified by Company management, technical staff from the Santiago

office of AMEC, the Company's principal engineering consultant, and SGS engineering personnel with

expertise in the beneficiation of natural rutile.

    The primary objective of the Stage 2 pilot plant test work was to produce a natural rutile, titanium dioxide

concentrate which meets the chemical and particulate specifications of titanium pigment and sponge metal

producers. Drawing upon a process flow sheet and procedures which have been developed and refined over

the past 2 years, equipment for the pilot plant was assembled over a 3 week period leading up to the

commencement of the test work program. All test work was conducted on a 275 tonne bulk sample

representative of currently identified, at and near surface natural rutile mineralization sourced from the Las

Carolinas prospect at the Company's Cerro Blanco project. The bulk sample, which was taken from an area of

the Las Carolinas prospect which could be chosen to provide initial mine feed to a full scale process plant,

assayed 2.9% TiO2.

    Once assembly of the equipment was complete, the first step in the process flow sheet involved a crushing

and grinding circuit. The bulk sample was delivered to SGS as bagged, -8 inch material and needed to be

crushed to -1/2 inch before it could be used as raw feed material for the pilot plant. Once the sample had been

crushed to -1/2 inch, a front end loader was used to deliver the plant feed material to a hopper, which in turn

fed a rod mill via a 12 inch belt conveyor. The feed rate to the rod mill was set at 1.2 tonnes per hour. The rod

mill discharged ground material onto a vibrating screen which separated oversize material requiring additional

grinding in a ball mill from tramp material which was discharged to tailings. Through a closed circuit system

involving two vibrating screens, -100 mesh materials from both the rod and ball mills was then fed to de-

sliming cyclones. Cyclone underflow, which contained the majority of the entrained natural rutile, was

fed to the gravity pre-concentration circuit and cyclone overflow was discharged to tailings.

    The second step in the process flow sheet involved a gravity pre-concentration circuit which consisted of a

fine fraction recovery cyclone as well as middlings and coarse fraction mechanical vibrating tables. The

mechanical vibrating tables concentrated the higher specific gravity, natural rutile while rejecting some 50% by

volume of the lower specific gravity feed material. The result of gravity pre-concentration was to upgrade the

natural rutile being processed from an initial grade of 2.9% TiO2 to a grade of approximately 5.0% TiO2.

    The third step in the process flow sheet involved a conventional flotation circuit. Upgraded material from the

gravity pre-concentration circuit was fed first to a conditioning tank for pH adjustment and from there

to a conventional flotation circuit for further recovery, concentration and cleaning. Conditioned flotation feed

was first passed to rougher and scavenger flotation cells where the majority of the natural rutile was

recovered and concentrated. A combination of relatively minor amounts of commercially available chemicals

and injected air were introduced into the flotation cells to aid in recovery of the natural rutile. Concentrate from

the rougher and scavenger floatation cells was then cleaned in 6 cleaning stages. Using a natural rutile-

specific combination of flotation chemicals, SGS maintained the pH in the flotation circuit at approximately 3.5

in the rougher and scavenger cells and approximately 4.75 in the cleaning stages. Tailings from the flotation

circuit could form the feed source for a feldspar recovery circuit. The Company has engaged SGS to develop a

process flow sheet for the recovery of commercial feldspar concentrate from flotation tailings and the results

from initial locked cycle test work at a lab scale are expected shortly.

    The final step in the process flow sheet involved magnetic separation. Following the final flotation cleaning

stage, the natural rutile, titanium dioxide concentrate was fed to a high intensity magnetic separator to remove

magnetic and para-magnetic minerals. Magnetic separation resulted in two concentrate products: a high grade

natural rutile, titanium dioxide concentrate and a magnetic and para-magnetic minerals by-product


    In their final report to the Company which gave full process details, recoveries and product grades in the

respective unit recovery stages, SGS made the following statements regarding the continuous 60 hour pilot

plant test run:

    'After several years of development test work, a unique treatment process was developed that is capable of

producing a high grade rutile concentrate with low impurity levels.

    The flow sheet and reagent scheme developed in the laboratory test work was tested in a continuous pilot

plant operation. The results obtained in the lab were closely reproduced in the pilot plant.

    Sufficient engineering data was collected during the pilot plant operation, which will allow for feasibility

studies and future plant design. 

    After magnetic separation, a titanium concentrate grade assaying 97% TiO2 was produced. This is

considered to be a premium grade.'

    The following table provides a chemical analysis of the final product from the 60 hour test run for both + and

-75 micron fractions after magnetic separation:

            Table 17.  Magnetic Separation Results from the Concentrate

               produced during Continuous Operation - Non-magnetics

          Element                                 Assays

                                 +75 Micron Fraction    -75 Micron Fraction

    Titanium      TiO2     %              96.8                  97.3

    Iron         Fe2O3     %              0.70                  0.86

    Silica        SiO2     %              0.95                  0.80

    Alumina      Al2O3     %              0.11                  0.08

    Magnesia       MgO     %             <0.01                 <0.01

    Calcium        CaO     %              0.06                  0.17

    Sodium        Na2O     %              0.07                  0.03

    Potassium      K2O     %              0.02                  0.02

    Phosphorus    P2O5     %             <0.01                 <0.01

    Manganese      MnO     %             <0.01                  0.01

    Chromium     Cr2O3     %              0.39                  0.42

    Vanadium      V2O5     %              0.23                  0.26

    LOI                    %              0.17                  0.18

    Whilst full particulate analyses will be provided in due course as the final Stage 2 reports are made

available by SGS, through screening the final product at 75 microns the Company expects to be able to deliver

a coarser product to potential buyers of the natural rutile, titanium dioxide concentrate for paint and pigment


    As previously reported, the Company has engaged SGS to further simplify the Stage 2 pilot plant process

flow sheet with optimization test work. Prior to disassembling the pilot plant, SGS tested the use of spirals and

Knelson concentrators in the gravity pre-concentration circuit and the use of sea water as the aqueous

medium in the flotation circuit. The Company will release results from this additional test work in due course as

the optimization reports are made available by SGS.

    "Successful completion of the Stage 2 pilot plant test work program marks a major milestone in the

advancement of the Cerro Blanco project towards a development decision," said Michael Kurtanjek, the

Company's President and CEO. "We have now demonstrated that the process flow sheet works, not just at

a lab scale but also on a continuous basis at a pilot plant scale. Results obtained from this piloting program will

prove invaluable in the final design of a full scale process plant for the project. As important, we have

demonstrated the ability to recover a high grade natural rutile, titanium dioxide concentrate from Cerro Blanco

material at a pilot plant scale and on a continuous basis which meets the chemical and particulate

specification requirements of paint and pigment buyers as well as sponge metal producers. This is a long-

awaited and major achievement for our Company."

People Feature White Mountain Titanium Corporation 3 image

    About White Mountain Titanium Corporation

    The Company holds mining concessions on the Cerro Blanco property currently consisting of 33 registered

mining exploitation concessions and five mining exploration concessions in the process of being constituted,

over approximately 8,225 hectares located approximately 39 kilometres west of the City of Vallenar in the

Atacama, or Region III, geographic region of northern Chile. The Company's principal objectives are to

advance the Cerro Blanco project towards a final engineering feasibility, and to secure off-take

contracts for the planned rutile concentrate output. It would be the intention to sell the rutile concentrate to

titanium metal and pigment producers. Work also continues to investigate the commercial viability of

producing a feldspar co-product. The feldspar could find applications in the glass and ceramics industries.

    The OTC BB has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this

release. This news release may contain forward-looking statements including but not limited to comments

regarding the timing and content of upcoming work programs, geological interpretations, receipt of property

titles, potential mineral recovery processes, etc. Forward-looking statements address future events and

conditions and, therefore, involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from

those currently anticipated in such statements.

    Cautionary Note to U.S. Investors -- The United States Securities and Exchange Commission permits

mining companies, in their filings with the SEC, to disclose only those mineral deposits that a company can

economically and legally extract or produce. We may use certain terms in our press releases and on our

website, such as 'reserves,' 'resources,' 'geologic resources,' 'proven,' 'probable,' 'measured,' 'indicated,' and

'inferred,' that the SEC guidelines strictly prohibit us from including in our filings with the SEC. U.S. investors

are urged to consider closely the disclosure in our annual report on Form 10K for the year ended December

31, 2008, File No. 333-129347, and in subsequent filings with the SEC. You can review and obtain copies of



White Mountain Titanium Corporation

    Michael Kurtanjek, President

    (56) 2 657 1800


    Brian Flower, Chairman

    (604) 408-2333

SOURCE: White Mountain Titanium Corporation


    Michael Kurtanjek, 


    +(56) 2 657 1800, 

    or Brian Flower, 



    both of White Mountain Titanium Corporation

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