Wisekey Nominated By The World Economic Forum (wef) As One Of The Global Growth Companies

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13th September 2010, 01:19pm - Views: 1014

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WISeKey Nominated by the World Economic Forum (WEF) as One of the Global Growth Companies

GENEVA, Sept. 13 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    WISeKey, the leading eSecurity and Digital Trust company, has

been nominated by the World Economic Forum as a Global Growth Company. The

World Economic Forum's Global Growth Companies (GGC), founded in 2007,

nominates leading enterprises from around the world that have the potential

to become tomorrow's industry leaders and a driving force of economic and

social change. The GGC Community has admitted, as of June 2010, 250 companies

from over 50 countries and from all sectors. These rapidly growing emergent

multinationals are supported by the GGC as they navigate new geographies,

markets, cultures and regulatory systems to become a major driving force in

social and economic development.

    The GGCs, Technology Pioneers and Young Global Leaders are the

three pillars that form the Forum's Community of New Champions.

    Companies selected as Global Growth Companies must demonstrate

an annual growth rate exceeding industry and regional average by 15%, a

minimum turnover between US$ 100 million and US$ 5 billion depending on the

industry, a demonstrated growth potential, the capacity and intent to build a

global business and exemplary executive leadership.

    WISeKey is the global leader on Digital Identification and

Trusted Secure Electronic Transactions over the Internet. WISeKey's

disruptive technology and business model excel at knowing the digital

identification and transaction market, staying close to customers, and using

this technology to contribute to the Web and communications over the long

term by improving every kind of trusted data exchange.

    "We are honored that the World Economic Forum has again

nominated WISeKey as a Global Growth Company this year. This nomination is

the recognition that WISeKey is making a profound contribution to securing

the Net and to allowing hundreds of million of users equipped with WISeKey

technologies to perform highly secure electronic transactions over the

Internet" said Carlos Moreira, founder and CEO of WISeKey. "This recognition

is also proof that Geneva, Switzerland is emerging as one of the hottest

places in the world to start and develop a tech company."

    Mr. Pierre-Francois Unger, Minister of the Department of

Economy and Health added that, "Geneva is in itself a sort of natural

incubator that allows innovation that stems from our specialized schools to

be brought to the forefront in the creation of new technologically advanced


    WISeKey was also part of the founding members of the World

Economic Forum's Community of Global Growth Companies, formed in 2007 to

engage dynamic high-growth companies with the potential to be tomorrow's

industry leaders and to become a driving force of economic and social change.

The Global Growth Companies will be meeting at the "Summer Davos" in Asia's

Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2010 Tianjin, People's Republic of China

13-15 September.


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    WISeKey SA

    Olivia Ward





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