Woolworths Slashes Shelf Price Of 3,500 Grocery Lines

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28th January 2010, 10:00pm - Views: 734
Woolworths Slashes Shelf Price of 3,500 Grocery Lines

* Customers will save $120 million a year thanks to long term shelf price reduction strategy
* Customers will pay less for 3,500 grocery products than they did a year ago
* Greater business efficiencies lead to greater savings for customers
* 3,500 products are just the beginning....

January 28, 2010: Woolworths has today announced a campaign to address Australian grocery consumers' number one concern, by reducing the shelf price of thousands of supermarket products. At a time when consumers are dealing with increased costs for utilities, health, insurance and other essential services, Woolworths has committed to bringing downward pressure on food prices, permanently.

3,500 everyday grocery products have had their standard shelf price reduced over the last few months and are now cheaper than they were a year ago. These lower prices are in addition to the standard 2,000 weekly specials which will of course remain a key part of the Woolworths offer. And this is just the beginning. The new long term pricing strategy will deliver cost savings back into the hands of customers each and every time they shop, with thousands more price cuts to come.

Woolworths Director of Supermarkets Greg Foran said: "At the end of the day, customers simply want the lowest possible price from their supermarket and Woolworths will absolutely deliver it. The reason we can do this is because we've spent a decade driving costs out of our business and becoming as efficient as we can. We are putting those efficiency gains to good use by rewarding our customers with meaningful savings.

"For many years, Woolworths has been the price leader in the Australian supermarket sector and in 2008 was the first national chain to move to state-based pricing. With 12,000 products priced identically regardless of where you shop and now more than 3,500 products priced cheaper than this time last year, there is clearly only one choice for customers wanting better value at the checkout," he added.

Examples of nationally consistent price reductions:

PRODUCT /Feb 10 /Feb 09 /Saving

Duo Ultra Laundry Powder, Top Load Aromatics 500g /$2.90 /$3.59 /$0.69

Pura Meadowvale Cream Thickened 600ml /$2.90/$3.19/$0.29

White Wings Cake Choc on Choc 97% f/free 530g /$4.73/$4.93/$0.20

John West Tuna Slice in Springwater 125g /$2.59/$2.69/$0.10

Colgate Toothpaste Whitening + Tartar 120g /$4.79 /$4.97/$0.18

Palmolive Handwash Refill Milk/Honey 750ml /$5.59/$5.79/$0.20

My Dog Food Chicken Supreme 6x100g /$6.18/$6.39/$0.21

Sorbent Facial Tissues White Large 95pk /$2.48/$2.56/$0.08

Blast Dishwasher Liquid Zesty Citrus 600ml /$2.87/$2.96/$0.09

Head & Shoulders Shampoo Clean 750ml /$16.49/$16.99/$0.50

Easy Off Bam Cleaner Stain & toilet 735ml /$5.62/$5.79/$0.17

Annalisa Tomatoes diced 400g /$1.37/$1.41/$0.04

Creative Gourmet Raspberries 500g /$7.77/$7.99/$0.22

Copperpot Dip Chunky Roasted Pepper, Cashew, Parmesan 150g /$3.89/$3.99/$0.10

Nestle Milo Energy Bar Snack with milk 160g /$4.59/$4.69/$0.10

Moccona Coffee Freeze Dried Classic 400g /$19.49/$19.89/$0.40


A TV advertising campaign will go to air this evening. A copy of the TVC is available to view on request.


For further information please contact Clare Buchanan on 0404 829 033 or the Woolworths Press Office on
(02) 8885 1033.

SOURCE: Woolworths

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