"filling Station Of The Future"

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10th June 2009, 11:12pm - Views: 676

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"Filling Station of the Future"

ESSEN, June 10 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --


    - Cooperation Between RWE and APCOA, Europe's Largest Car Park Operator

    The RWE Group and APCOA Autoparking GmbH are entering into a partnership

in the area of electric mobility. The two companies are launching a joint

roll-out of charging points for electric cars in publicly accessible parking

areas. This will make it possible for drivers to recharge their electric

vehicles very conveniently, for example while they do the shopping.

    Initially, RWE charging points will be set up at 20 APCOA parking

facilities in central locations in Berlin, e.g. at Alexanderplatz or at the

Brandenburg Gate.

    The next step will then be to expand the RWE charging point

infrastructure to car parks in other large cities such as Hamburg,

Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Stuttgart and Munich.

    Thomas Veith, Managing Director of APCOA Autoparking GmbH said, "electric

vehicles will play an important role in mobility in the future. APCOA is

purposefully investing in the filling station of the future and is offering

its customers pioneering services."

    With this strategic partnership, RWE AG has taken one step further

towards its objective of developing a full nationwide network of filling

stations for electric vehicles. "We are delighted to have Europe's market

leader in car park operations as a partner in setting up the necessary

infrastructure for our charging points. Together, we want to demonstrate to

consumers that it will soon be a very simple thing for the general public to

recharge their vehicles," said Carolin Reichert, responsible for electric

mobility at RWE.

    The charging points are being set up in Berlin by RWE and Daimler's joint

pilot project for e-mobility. RWE AG is installing 500 charging points and is using 100 electric Smart cars to

test how the public charging 

infrastructure works, as well as examining the driving behaviour of the 

users. Until 2012, the largest such project in the world will be finding out 

how e-mobility can be brought onto the street.

    Information on APCOA

    APCOA is the largest European car park operator and offers facility

owners a full service package for parking. This includes operating parking

facilities based on leasing or management agreements. The APCOA Group

currently manages some 1.2 million individual parking spaces at more than

5,400 locations in 18 European countries.

    Information on RWE

    The RWE Group is one of the five leading energy utilities in Europe. RWE

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supplies more than 14 million customers with electricity and 6 million with natural gas. In 2008 the company

generated turnover of EUR49 billion. 

E-mobility is a strategic area of innovation for RWE.



    APCOA Parking Holdings GmbH

    Tilman Kube Group

    Marketing Communications

    Flughafenstr. 34+36

    70624 Stuttgart-Airport


    Tel.: +49-711-94791-913 

    E-Mail: Tilman.Kube@apcoa.eu

    RWE AG

    Press Relations

    Harald Fletcher

    Opernplatz 1

    45138 Essen


    Tel.: +49-201-12-15247

    E-Mail: Harald.Fletcher@rwe.com

    RWE AG

    Group External Communications

    Jan-Peter Schwartz

    Opernplatz 1

    45138 Essen

    Tel.: +49-201-12-15023

    E-Mail: jan-peter.schwartz@rwe.com


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