Accc Rejects Complaint Against Cba By Leading Mortgage Broker

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14th July 2009, 02:54pm - Views: 792

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Refund Release re CBA Threat                                        PAGE 1 OF 1                                            JULY 14 2009





The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has advised that it has

investigated a formal complaint by Wayne Ormond, founder and executive chairman of

innovative mortgage broker Refund Home Loans (Refund), against the Commonwealth Bank of

Australia (CBA) alleging abuse by the bank of its market power under the Trade Practices


In response the ACCC advised that the act had not been breached and that “it is

unlikely the CBA possesses a substantial degree of power in he market”.

CBA, in a letter to mortgage brokers last week, repeated and escalated a demand first

made in January this year on brokers to terminate their accreditation to write new home loans

for failure to place sufficient loan volumes with the CBA. 

Mr Ormond claims CBA’s decree will have two significant and seriously retrograde

effects in that it threatens the freedom of choice of every Australian homebuyer whose options

for a home loan will be severely reduced and that it also creates a conflict for and pressure on

Australia’s 14,000 mortgage brokers who find themselves torn between meeting CBA’s volume

criteria and appropriately servicing the needs of their customers.

“It removes the confidence that consumers have that mortgage brokers provide them

with the most suitable deal from a panel of lenders. Brokers will be forced into ensuring that

they offer a specified number of their clients CBA loans in order to remain accredited,” Mr

Ormond said.

He said the attack on brokers’ integrity and independence forces a bias of a particular

lender regardless of the customer’s needs, the inevitable result of which will be to destroy

competition previously provided by brokers who have serviced the needs of smaller lenders

including banks, building societies, credit unions and international banks which has allowed

these lenders to provide an alternative to the Big 4 banks.

“CBA’s action gives every appearance of a brazen attempt to exercise its market

dominance by reducing market competition and I am surprised and disappointed that the

ACCC disagreed with this proposition

“As we claimed in our complaint to the ACCC, CBA’s action appeared to be a blatant

abuse of market power with the potential to be copied by others of the Big 4 banks, which

would only strengthen the dominance they now hold in the marketplace. Recent takeovers by

and mergers with major banks – of Wizard, Bankwest and Aussie Home Loans by CBA and

Rams by Westpac – have already significantly reduced competition in the home loan market as

confirmed by the recent announcement that CBA and Westpac have a combined share of  70%

of home loan funding. 

“Some banks give every appearance of wanting to keep the market to themselves and

to remove the freedom of choice that home buyers have enjoyed from the independence of

brokers who provide an alternative option and competition in the market.

“We do not intend to allow CBA to succeed in this matter and are adamant that the best

interests of homebuyers and independent mortgage brokers must be protected by our

continued action,” said Mr Ormond


Issued: July 14t


2009 by Sawyer Public Relations              On behalf of:

Refund Home Loans

Further information: Wayne Ormond (07) 3872 3070 / 0413 860 944


                     Peter Sawyer 

(07) 3262 3192 / 0417 626 605


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