Adelaide Small Businesses Need To Get Set For Growth

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26th May 2010, 01:12pm - Views: 1023

Economy expected to gain pace in second half of 2010
Small businesses need to review cash flow management for growth
Free small business forum being held in Adelaide on 8th June

26 May 2010: With signs that the economy is recovering, the Commonwealth Bank is supporting the Adelaide small business community to get ready for this new stage of growth by hosting a free small business forum.

The small business forum will be held on Tuesday 8th June 2010 between 7am and 9am at The Hilton (233 Victoria Square, Adelaide) and is open to all business owners to attend.

Attendees will hear from independent financial commentator and small business expert, Peter Switzer, as well as multi-award winning small business woman, Angela Vithoulkas. Craig James, who is Chief Economist of the Bank's stockbroking firm CommSec, will also share his thoughts on the state of the
South Australian economy.

The workshop will highlight why it's important for small businesses to be prepared for the expected upturn in the economy and will provide practical tips and information to help business owners re-engineer their finances so they can make the most of better business conditions.

Symon Brewis-Weston, Executive General Manager Local Business Banking, believes the forum will empower local businesses to re-examine their finances so they can take advantage of current and future business opportunities.

"The forum will provide information to assist business owners with managing their cash flow to ensure they can operate in both good times and bad economic times. Those who attend will get an understanding of how to balance growth with prudence to ensure they are positioned well for sustainable success.

"The forum will not only provide attendees with the opportunity to hear independent financial information, they'll also be able to ask seek feedback on their current situation," Mr Brewis-Weston added.

According to small business expert Peter Switzer, the key to business growth is good cash management, which is why he'll be sharing some of his insights and knowledge on how business owners can improve their cash flow at the forum.

"Cash flow is the number one threat to business owners, so it's surprising that most aren't experts on collecting money that is owed to them. I'll be discussing this issue on the 8th June, as well as providing tips on how to develop a cash flow projection."

Small business owners who would like to attend the event will need to register by 2 June 2010 (

If you would like to attend the forum or to arrange an interview, please contact: Kate Powditch :
Commonwealth Bank :
02 9118 1667 :
[email protected]

SOURCE: Commonwealth Bank
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