Ansaldo Sts Releases Preliminary Financial Year 2009 Estimates

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28th January 2010, 02:54pm - Views: 685


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Ansaldo STS S.p.A

Via P. Mantovani, 3-5, 16151 Genoa - Italy

Press Office

Phone +39 010 655 2067 - Fax +30 010 655 2939

A Finmeccanica Company

Ansaldo STS, listed on the Italian Stock Exchange, is an international leading technology company that operates through two Business Units: Transportation Solutions and

Signalling in the global Railway & Mass Transit Transportation business with the provision of traffic management, planning, train control and signalling systems and services.

It acts as lead contractor and turnkey provider on major projects worldwide. Ansaldo STS is headquartered in Genoa, Italy, and employs over 4,300 people in 28 countries.

In 2008, its revenues reached


M, with a gross operating margin of

118M and net profits of 77.6


27 January 2010 

Ansaldo STS Releases Preliminary Financial Year 2009 estimates

New orders at EUR 1,790 million

Order backlog worth EUR 3,760 million

Revenues at EUR 1,175 million

EBIT at EUR 125 million; ROS at 10.6%

Net financial position: EUR 278 million

Financial calendar for 2010 approved

Please note that the figures contained in this press release are currently being audited by

PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS SpA, Ansaldo STS’s external auditing company. The results of

the audit will be released at the same time as the annual report and accounts are approved.

The Board of Directors of Ansaldo STS met today under the chairmanship of

Alessandro Pansa to examine the preliminary estimates for the company’s main

results for 2009, which are as follows:

New orders: EUR 1,790 million (EUR 1,297 million at 31/12/2008); order backlog:

EUR 3,760 million (EUR 3,136 million at 31/12/2008); revenues: EUR 1,175 million

(EUR 1,105 million at 31/12/2008); EBIT: EUR 125 million (EUR 118 million at

31/12/2008); ROS: 10.6% (10.6% at 31/12/2008); net financial position:

EUR 278 million (EUR 196 million at 31/12/2008).

The Board welcomed the results, which confirm that the company has succeeded in

reaching its stated targets.

The Board also approved the financial calendar for 2010.

Financial Calendar 2010

Wednesday 27 January

Approval of financial calendar 2010

Monday 1 March

Approval of the ASTS SpA draft annual report for 2009

Friday 23 April

Approval of first-quarter 2010 report

Thursday 22 April

(1^ conv.)

Friday 23 April

(2^ conv.)

Shareholders’ meetings

Tuesday 27 July

Approval of first-half report

Wednesday 3 November

Approval of third-quarter 2010 report

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Ansaldo STS SpA 


Pursuant to article 2.2.3, paragraph 3 of the Italian stock market regulations, the draft

annual results and the consolidated accounts approved by the Board of Directors will

be published within 75 days of the end of the financial year, instead of the interim

results for the fourth quarter of 2009.

Conference calls/meetings for the presentation of the results to the financial

community will usually be held on the day or the day after the Board of Directors

approves the results.

Any changes to this calendar will be announced immediately.

Alberto Milvio, the director responsible for drawing up the company’s accounting statements,

hereby declares, pursuant to article 154-bis, paragraph 2 of the Testo Unico della Finanza law,

that the information contained in this press release accurately represents the figures in the

group’s accounting records.


The management of Ansaldo STS also assesses the business and financial performance of

the Group and its business segments based on a number of indicators not provided for by

IFRS. As required by CESR recommendation CESR/05 - 17 b, the components of each of the

non-GAAP alternative performance indicators used in this press release are defined below.

EBIT: i.e. earnings before interest and tax (non-adjusted). It excludes income and expenses

relating to the operations of unconsolidated subsidiaries and securities, and gains/losses on

any sales of consolidated shareholdings, which are recorded under “financial income and

expenses”, or in the case of income/expenses relating to shareholdings accounted for using

the equity method, under the item “effect of the valuation of shareholdings at equity”.

Return on Sales (ROS): is calculated as the ratio of EBIT to revenues.

Free operating cash flow (FOCF): this is the sum of the cash flows generated by/used in

operations, cash flow generated by/used in investments in/disposals of tangible and intangible

assets and shareholdings, net of cash flows from the purchase/sale of shareholdings that, due

to their nature or size, are considered “strategic investments”.

Further information:

Riccardo Acquaviva, tel +39 348 0811485

Anne Richardson, tel +61 438 626 909

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