Asa Responds To Treasurer's Action On 'golden Handshakes'

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18th March 2009, 05:55pm - Views: 781

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Level 7, North Tower, 1-5 Railway Street Chatswood NSW 2067 | PO Box 519 Chatswood NSW 2057 | ABN 40 000 625 669


Wednesday 18th March 2009

ASA responds to Treasurer’s action on ‘golden handshakes’

The Australian Shareholders' Association (ASA) welcomes the announcement by the Treasurer,

Wayne Swan, of reforms aimed at reducing excessive termination benefits to company directors

and executives.

“Restricting termination benefits to no more than one year’s base pay is a good place to start

tackling the issue of excessive pay”, says Stuart Wilson, Chief Executive Officer of the Australian

Shareholders’ Association. 

Mr Wilson comments “The ASA has been advocating for shareholder approval of this element of

remuneration.  There is however a good deal of work ahead of the Government in ensuring that

the changes are watertight.”


“We shouldn’t underestimate the ingenuity of senior executives when it comes to finding ways to

secure the best outcome on pay.  The Treasurer has announced that the definition of termination

benefits will be broadened however greater measures might be needed. “

“It is easy to envisage a situation where an executive could stay on as a consultant for a period

and earn the benefits in that position, thereby avoiding the requirement of shareholder approval.

“What we do know is that even before the ink is dry on the legislation there will be an army of

lawyers and remuneration consultants looking for ways to avoid it.”

Mr Wilson says, “The amendments, if successful, will certainly assist in curbing executive

remuneration.   It is currently within the power of every board to ensure that remuneration is not

excessive.  The fact that the Government has been forced to take this action is an indictment on

the performance of Australian boards on the issue of remuneration.”

“Shareholders are being given the final say on golden hand shakes because of boards’ chronic

failure to act.”


Stuart Wilson 

Chief Executive Officer

Phone: 1300 368 448

Mobile: 0421 705 251


The Australian Shareholders’ Association (ASA), a not-for-profit organisation, has been protecting and advancing the rights

of shareholders in Australian listed companies since 1960. With a focus on good company performance and governance,

the ASA has been successful in raising the standard of corporate behaviour in Australia. Our extensive network of

experienced company monitors review company performance and governance issues, analyse financial statements, raise

concerns and vote at annual general meetings and report all of their insights to members. Shareholders can nominate the

ASA to vote on their behalf at company meetings. The ASA also provides access to value for money, independent

education seminars and workshops, regular meeting and discussion groups and a monthly magazine, Equity. 

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