Asa Welcomes Move By Minister To Protect Investors In Partly Paid Securities

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6th April 2009, 07:55pm - Views: 809

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Level 7, North Tower, 1-5 Railway Street Chatswood NSW 2057 | PO Box 519 Chatswood NSW 2067 | ABN 40 000 625 669


6 April 2009

ASA welcomes move by Minister to protect investors in partly paid


The ASA welcomes an announcement today by Senator Sherry, Minister from Superannuation and

Corporate Law that he will approve changes to the ASX Listing Rules aimed at protecting

prospective investors in partly paid securities.

ASA CEO Stuart Wilson says, “The recent chaos caused by the partly paid units of Brisbane toll road

trust, BrisConnections, has highlighted the lack of warning provided to investors in partly paid

securities.  Investors in BrisConnections bought the units when they were listed at the lowest possible

price on the exchange.  Many investors bought thinking the price could not go any lower, only to

find they had a liability of a further $2 per unit. “

Mr Wilson “The changes will not help the many desperate BrisConnections unitholders who brought

their units without knowing of the liability.  Many of these unitholders’ now face the loss of all of their

assets including their houses and the prospect of bankruptcy.”

Commenting on the changes Mr Wilson said, “The ASA have asked ASIC to ensure investors are

forewarned about the liability attached to these securities.  We’re pleased that the proposed

changes will provide better protection for future investors in these products.”


Stuart Wilson 

Chief Executive Officer

Phone: 1300 368 448

Mobile: 0421 705 251


The Australian Shareholders’ Association (ASA), a not-for-profit organisation, has been protecting and

advancing the rights of shareholders in Australian listed companies since 1960. With a focus on good company

performance and governance, the ASA has been successful in raising the standard of corporate behaviour in

Australia. Our extensive network of experienced company monitors review company performance and

governance issues, analyse financial statements, raise concerns and vote at annual general meetings and

report all of their insights to members. Shareholders can nominate the ASA to vote on their behalf at company

meetings. The ASA also provides access to value for money, independent education seminars and workshops,

regular meeting and discussion groups and a monthly magazine, Equity.


The Hilton, Sydney | 17-20 May 2009 | 

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