Audit Reveals Gusmao Government's Woeful Financial Management

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27th October 2009, 10:36pm - Views: 690




Dili, 27 October 2009

Audit reveals Gusmao government’s woeful financial

management: Action looms on “Referendum Package”

The Gusmao de facto government’s Minister for Finance, Ms Emilia Pires, stated to a parliamentary

committee that she would not take any responsibility for budget implementation, blaming other

ministries, which failed to spend budget monies for vital social and other infrastructure. “This is

another appalling piece of evidence of this Minister’s incompetence and lack of responsibility for

her legal duty”, said a FRETILIN MP and Party Vice President Mr Arsenio Bano today.

Finance Minister Pires was named by the country’s anti-corruption watchdog for abuse of power in

relation to a government tender contract last year. She is also at the centre of a jobs-for-mates on

huge salaries scandal, involving World Bank administered money.

Mr Bano was speaking to journalists after a hearing by the Parliamentary Economy, Finance and

Anti-corruption Committee on the 2008 financial year audit. He said that the Minister confirmed

that the claimed “reform policies” in public finance management of the Gusmao de facto

government have failed abysmally.

“A key ministry, Social Solidarity, has according to the Minister’s own report spent only 7.2% of

their capital and development budget, and less than half of their minor capital budget, with an

overall spending of 51% of their total budget.

“The Infrastructure Ministry only spent 12% of their capital and development budget and 20% of

their minor capital budget, and a total of 16% of their overall budget for 2009.  The Ministry of

Tourism, Commerce and Industry spent only 7.1% of their capital and development budget.  The

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, has only spent 36.9% of its capital and development

budget, only 3.6% of its minor capital budget and overall only 35.7% of their 2009 budget.

“Health spent a mere 27.5% of its capital and development budget, and only 18.7% of minor

capital,” said Mr Bano.

“These are the engine house ministries that move development along and that deliver most of the

country’s basic services. Yet the Minister did not accept any responsibility for this parlous public

finance management. All this after such large amounts of donor assistance, such as the US$26

million Public Finance Management Capacity Building Project, to which countries like Australia

have contributed, and which employed ‘advisors’ on salaries of hundreds of thousands of dollars

each per year,” said Mr Bano.

The government’s auditors, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Chartered Accountants from Darwin, stated

that they were unable to “obtain appropriate audit evidence to support the validity of salary and

wages payments to certain employees as their contracts of employment were not available for us to

inspect.” The auditors could not obtain evidence “to support the validity of pension payments,” as

well as being “unable to attend cash counts and hence obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence

to support the validity of cash advances at year end.”

The auditors’ report also said they were “unable to review the prior year audit working papers and

were not able to perform alternative audit procedures to enable us to form an opinion on the

opening cash balance 31 December 2007, or on the adjustment of US$73,270,000 referred to in

Note 7, regarding the accounts to prior years.”

Mr Bano commented: “These Audit qualifications are clear evidence of public finances being a

shambles. There were never any such qualifications for all the audits undertaken prior to and

including the 2006-2007 financial years.

“Why were the previous auditors’ working audit documents not available to the current auditors? 

We know that the government had issues with the previous auditor being intransigent on their audit

report for the transition six months 1 July to 31 December 2007.  The Minister failed to explain why

the current auditors can’t say where these monies are. Just as she has failed to explain whether

advances reported as missing last January have all been recovered.  It seems from the auditor’s

report that they were not recovered,” Mr Bano said.

The auditors’ report qualified “receipts amounting to US$817,000 and payments amounting to

US$116,746,000 being post 31 December 2008 transactions.” They say: “We were unable to satisfy

ourselves as to the completeness of these receipts and payments as we have not audited all receipts

and payments for the period 1 January 2009 to 30 June 2009 and we were unable to satisfy

ourselves as to completeness through alternative audit procedures”.

Mr Bano commented: “Nearly US$200 million worth of transactions cannot be verified by the

auditors.  That is unacceptable in anyone’s books. All this after the purported ‘reform’ too.  It is a

joke for this government to continue to paint the rosy picture it has been of public finances, or to try

to blame others, such previous governments for their incompetence and corrupt elements.  It’s their

doing and their incompetence,” Bano said.

During questioning on the highly controversial sole sourcing of government public works projects,

the so called “Referendum Package” of August 30 this year, the Minister expressly shifted

responsibility for answering the myriad of questions and accusations raised by both the Opposition

as well as government MPs to the Prime Minister himself. She evaded it totally.

"The US$34 million “Referendum Package” was announced by the de facto Prime Minister after he

dragged together unspent budget monies from varied ministries to spend on purportedly urgent

infrastructure projects. There has been no tender, but contracts were coordinated by, and contractors

from, handpicked businesspeople with close political and family ties to the de facto Prime Minister.

It included an advance payment of 20% of the contract price before any works commenced. There

have been allegations by civil society, business, and MPs from all parties, of over-pricing and

phantom projects.

“We know that the Finance Minister herself was against the ‘Referendum Package’ from the outset. 

We hear she told the Prime Minister that it is was illegal and he responded as usual that he knew

where the Dili prison was located. But it is a joke for the Finance Minister to say that it is the Prime

Minister’s responsibility to answer questions on it because she did not know.  The law says she has

to know, that she is the Minister responsible for implementing the state budget.  It is her legal

responsibility. She cannot just say, ‘it’s not me, it’s the others’. If she is not happy with having to

do so, then she should resign. We intend to hold her accountable whether she wants it or not,” said

Mr Bano.

“Now the Minister comes before the parliament and when questioned about the shambles that has

become the ‘Referendum Package’, involving procurement of goods and services worth in excess of

US$34 million, she simply diverts all questions and responsibility to the Prime Minister and other

Ministers.  She says that the atrociously low budget spending is because of other minister’s

management.  Will she ever be held responsible for anything?” asked Bano.

“This ‘Referendum Package’ is a big disaster.  It has been an irresponsible and illegal attempt by

the de facto Prime Minister to spend, spend, spend, so that he does not have to face the

embarrassment of having asked parliament for more than the government could handle, just as we

had told them when they brought the budget to parliament for approval. It has totally disregarded

procurement and public finance laws and regulations.

“This is totally unacceptable and we will be taking legal action,” Mr Bano warned.

For further information, please contact Arsenio Bano MP on +670 741 9505 or Jose Teixeira MP on

+670 728 7080

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