Banco Bradesco S.a. Announces First Quarter 2009 Earnings Results

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5th May 2009, 08:46am - Views: 701

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Banco Bradesco S.A. Announces First Quarter 2009 Earnings Results

SAO PAULO, May 5 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    Banco Bradesco S.A. (NYSE: BBD) announces 1st Quarter 2009 Earnings Results. 


    The main figures obtained by Bradesco in 1Q09 are presented below: 


    1. Net income for 1Q09 totaled R$1.723 billion (a -9.6% variation relative 

to the adjusted net income of R$1.907 billion in 1Q08), corresponding to EPS 

of R$2.42 (accumulated over 12 months) and a 21.0% return on Average 

Shareholders' Equity(1). 


    2. Net income comprised R$1.073 billion from financial activities, which 

represented 62% of the total, and R$650 million from Insurance and Private

Pension Plan activities, which accounted for 38% of total Net Income. 


    3. Market capitalization as of April 30, 2009 stood at R$76.389 billion. 


    4. Total Assets reached R$482.141 billion in March 2009, an increase of 35.6%

in relation to the same period in 2008. Annualized return on average Assets

reached 1.5%, vis-a-vis 2.2% in the same period of last year. 


    5. The Expanded Loan Portfolio(2) stood at R$214.291 billion, 26.5% higher 

on a y-o-y analysis. Loans to individuals totaled R$73.630 billion (up by 18.3%),

while loans to corporations totaled R$140.661 billion (up by 31.2%). 


    6. Assets under Management reached R$640.347 billion, an increase of 26.7% 

vis-a-vis the R$505.365 billion of March 2008. 


    7. Shareholders' Equity stood at R$35.306 billion in March 2009, a 7.3%  

y-o-y growth. The Capital Adequacy Ratio (Basel II) stood at 16.0% in 1Q09, 13.2%

of which are Tier I Capital. 


    8. Remuneration to shareholders in the form of Interest on Shareholders' 

Capital and Dividends paid and provisioned in 1Q09 amounted to  

R$2.528 billion, R$ 647 million of which related to the income generated in the

quarter, equivalent to 37.6%, and R$1.881 billion related to the fiscal 

period of 2008. 


    9. The Efficiency Ratio in March 2009 stood at 41.5% (41.7% in March 



    10. In the quarter, investments in infrastructure, information technology 

and telecommunications amounted to R$793 million, up by 43.9% y-o-y. 


    11. In the period, taxes and contributions, including social security, paid

or provisioned, totaled R$3.159 billion, R$1.686 billion of which stemmed 

from main activities developed by the Bradesco Organization, equivalent to 97.85%

of the Net Income and R$1.473 billion related, mainly, to financial

intermediation taxes withheld and paid by third parties. 


    12. Bradesco has a comprehensive distribution network, with 4,559 Branches 

(3,375 branches + 1,184 mini-branches(PABs)), 29,764 ATMs in the Bradesco

Dia&Noite (Day&Night) Network, 16,710 Bradesco Expresso outlets, 5,959 Banco 

Postal (Postal Bank) Branches, 2,695 Electronic Service Branches and 152 

branches of Finasa Promotora de Vendas. 5,679 ATMs in the Banco24Horas 

(24HourBank) Network are also available to Bradesco clients. 

Business Company Banco Bradesco S/A 2 image


    13. Awards and Acknowledgements received in 1Q09: 


    - The highest profitability in the private sector of U.S. and Latin 

America  (Consultoria Economatica); 

    - Most valuable brand of the banking sector in Latin America and 12th

worldwide (Brand Finance/The Banker); 

    - 5th world's most valuable brand among retail banks (The Banker); 

    - Best Private Banking in Brazil for the second consecutive year 


    - The most liquid bank in Latin America (Global Finance); 

    - Sustainability International Award (Golden Peacock Global Award for

Corporate Social Responsibility 2009); 

    - The leader in the Insurance Market in 2008 (Insurance Brokers Union of 

São Paulo (Sincor-SP)/Valor Economico); 

    - The largest private agent of the National Bank for Economic and Social 

Development (BNDES) in 2008 (Gazeta Mercantil); and 

    - Banco Bradesco and BMC - the leaders in payroll deductible loans for the 

Social Security National Institute (INSS) benefit recipients (Ministry of Social



    14. Socially, aiming at contributing to a better education in Brazil,

Bradesco has been developing for over 52 years a broad social and educational 

program through Fundacao Bradesco, maintaining 40 schools mainly located in

regions of acute socio-economic poverty throughout all Brazilian states and 

Brasilia, the Federal District. In 2009, with a budget estimated at R$231.343 

million, Fundacao Bradesco will be able to service over 642 thousand people in 

the various segments of operation. Among these services, 111,762(3) students 

will receive free-of-charge quality education. 


    (1) Excluding the assets valuation adjustment recorded in Shareholders'


    (2) Considering Sureties, Guarantees, credit cards receivables (cash 

purchases and credit purchases from storeowners) and loan assignment 

(Receivables Securitization Funds - FIDC); and 

    (3) Forecast. 



    Jean Philippe Leroy  

    Ivani Benazzi de Andrade 

    +5511 2178-6229 / +55 11 2178-6218  


SOURCE: Banco Bradesco S/A 

     CONTACT: Jean Philippe Leroy, 


              or Ivani Benazzi de Andrade, 



              or  +011-5511-2178-6218, 

              both of Banco Bradesco



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