Cba Agri Indicators Report

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8th November 2010, 08:22pm - Views: 2228

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Analysts forecast golden future for agribusiness sector 

EMBARGOED UNTIL: 0.00 Hours 9 November 2010: After lagging other sectors for the first half of

2010, the listed Agribusiness Sector took off in the third quarter of 2010, according to the latest

Agribusiness Index released by the Commonwealth Bank.

The Index, which comprises 16 rural-dependent companies* in the All Ordinaries Index that directly

grow food or fibres, produce raw materials and fuels or provide agricultural services in Australia, not

only outperformed the S&P/ASX 200 Index, but generated higher returns than a composite



Energy, Materials and Utilities S&P/ASX200 Sector Indices.

Over the three months to September 30, the Index returned 20.6 per cent to shareholders (including

dividends), driven higher by recent robust reporting season results and takeover talk within the Sector.

The Index outperformed the S&P/ASX 200 Index, which returned 8 per cent to investors.

Based on consensus analyst forecasts, the Forecast Fundamental Return

indicator suggests the

Agribusinesses Sector will return 33.8 per cent for the 12 months to September 2011; well above the

18.7 per cent forecast return for the broader share market. That indicator rose from 23 per cent in the

June quarter, reflecting improved market conviction.

On a risk-adjusted basis, the Agribusiness Sector is forecast to out-perform the broader market over

the next 12 months, with the expected return per unit of risk second only to the Utilities Sector.

Forecast volatility for the Sector has also declined from 25.9 per cent to 24.2 per cent for the year to

September 2011, with a smoother market ride expected in the months ahead. 

The improved forecasts will please agribusiness investors who experienced a loss of 4.5 per cent over

the 12 months to September 2010, compared to a modest 0.6 per cent gain for the S&P/ASX200


According to Brendan White, Executive General Manager of Regional and Agribusiness Banking at

the Commonwealth Bank, the outlook for the Agribusiness Sector is bright, with rallying commodity

prices and bumper seasonal conditions contributing to rising confidence and returns.

“Tight global grain supplies, rising demand for dairy products, particularly milk powder, rallying

commodity prices and strong east coast seasonal conditions are expected to push up prices of

agribusiness stocks over the next 12 months, underpinning

the sector’s outperformance,” said Mr



To be considered for inclusion in the Agribusiness Index, the prime source of revenue for the company must be Australian.

A full copy of the report is attached.


Media Inquiries:

Louisa Galligani

Phone: 02 9118 1784

Mobile: 0468 987 335


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About the Commonwealth Bank Agri Indicators Report 

The Commonwealth Bank Agri Indicators is created around three 12 month forecasting models –

Fundamental Return (consensus forecasts of earning and dividends for individual stocks in the sector),

Exuberance (proprietary measure of market mis-pricing), and Volatility (derived from proprietary methods of

modelling realised volatilities, detecting changes in long-run levels and correcting for switchbacks and other

correlation patterns in the data).

The Commonwealth Bank Agribusiness index measures the performance of the Commonwealth Bank

defined „Agribusiness sector over time. The Agribusiness stock universe covers any stock in the All

Ordinaries index that directly grows food, fibres, raw materials and or fuels in Australia. To be considered for

inclusion, the prime source of revenue for the company must be Australian. Agricultural food products include

the cultivation of cereals, vegetables, fruit and or meat. Cotton, wool and wood are examples of agricultural

fibres and raw materials. Fuels such as methane, ethanol and biodiesels are also considered agricultural


The Commonwealth Bank Agribusiness sector currently consists of 16 rural-dependent companies:

Australian Agricultural Company Limited (AAC), Australian Vintage Limited (AVG), AWB Limited (AWB),

Clean Seas Tuna Limited (CSS), Elders Limited (ELD), GrainCorp Limited (GNC), Gunns Limited (GNS),

Incitec Pivot Limited (IPL), Nufarm Limited (NUF), Primeag Australia Limited (PAG), Ruralco Holdings Limited

(RHL), Ridley Corporation Limited (RIC), Select Harvests Limited (SHV), TFS Corporation Limited (TFC),

Tassal Group Limited (TGR) and Warrnambool Cheese & Butter Factory Ltd (WCB). Companies previously

included in the sector but since removed due to delisting or exiting the All Ordinaries index include

Queensland Cotton Holdings Limited (QCH), Auspine Limited (ANE), Great Southern Limited (GTP),

Timbercorp Limited (TIM), ABB Grain Limited (ABB) and Forest Enterprises Australia Limited (FEA). 

The Commonwealth Bank Agribusiness index is a non-float adjusted, market-cap weighted index constructed

using the same methodology as the S&P index series. To be considered for inclusion in the index, each stock

must be a in the All Ordinaries index. The Commonwealth Bank Agribusiness index commenced on 3 April

2000 which is the same date as the launch of the S&P/ASX index series in Australia. At inception there were

8 stocks included in the index. This number is currently 16.

The Commonwealth Bank Agri Indicators should be used as a guide only to the performance of the

Agribusiness sector, as a way to measure its performance and potential return over the coming months and



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