China Yurun Food Group Limited Announces Its Interim Results For The Six Months Ended 30 June 2009

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9th September 2009, 11:23pm - Views: 742

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China Yurun Food Group Limited Announces Its Interim Results For The Six Months Ended

30 June 2009

HONG KONG, Sept. 9 /PRNewswire-Asia-FirstCall-AsiaNet/ --

Significant margin growth a result of foresight and strategic planning

Optimization of production to capture opportunities arising from economic recovery


                                       For the six months ended 30 June 

         Financial Highlights                  (HK$ in million) 

                                       2009         2008       Change (%)

    Turnover                          5,834        6,043           -3.5%

    Gross profit                        976          821          +18.9%

    (Gross profit margin)            (16.7%)      (13.6%) 

    Profit attributable to                         

     shareholders                       841         615*          +36.9%

    (Net profit margin)              (14.4%)      (10.2%)           

    Diluted earnings per share     HK$0.545    HK$0.398*          +36.9%

    Proposed interim dividend                 

     per share                     HK$0.150     HK$0.110          +36.4%

    * Revised based on 2008 FY audited report

    China Yurun Food Group Limited ("Yurun Food" or the "Company", and together with

its subsidiaries, the "Group" (SEHK: 1068), a leading vertically-integrated meat-

product processor and supplier in China, announced today its interim results for the

six months ended 30 June 2009 (the "Period").

    During the Period, the Group recorded HK$5,834 million (1H2008: HK$6,043 million)

in turnover, representing a 3.5% decrease over the same period last year. The prices

of upstream chilled pork and frozen pork were determined according to market prices

of live hogs. In the face of significant price decrease of live hogs, the Group was

able to increase its sales volume by 35.1% through its well-established sales network

which has, to a large extent, offset the adverse impact of market price fluctuations.

    During the Period, the Group's gross profit and net profit were HK$976 million

(1H2008: HK$821 million) and HK$841 million (1H2008: HK$615 million) respectively,

representing an increase of 18.9% and 36.9% respectively. The Group's gross profit

margin and net profit margin increased significantly to 16.7% (1H2008: 13.6%) and

14.4% (1H2008: 10.2%) respectively. The increase in gross margin was largely achieved

due to a strong underlying foundation built by the Group. In the past few years,

based on its foresight and deep understanding of the pricing trends and cycles of

live hogs, the Group has prudently expanded its capacity and implemented strategic

policies. As a result, it is now reaping the benefits of economies of scale, enhanced

capacity utilization, and significant reduction in unit cost. Furthermore, sales of

relatively higher margin LTMP  (Low Temperature Meat Product) and chilled meat

products during the Period were proportionally higher, aiding to lift the overall

gross margin.

    The board of directors of the Company has resolved to declare an interim dividend

of HK$0.150 per share for the Period. (1H2008: HK$0.110). 

    Mr. Zhu Yicai, Chairman of Yurun Food, said, "Despite the challenging economic

environment, we are pleased to announce our satisfactory 2009 interim results.

Leveraging on its stringent quality control systems, strong brand recognition and

successful strategic planning, the Group's core business was not affected by the H1N1

influenza during the Period; hog slaughtering volume increased by 35.6% as compared

to the same period last year. Furthermore, the fluctuation of hog price in the first

half of the year affected the Group's total turnover, but profit maintained

satisfactory growth as a result of economies of scale, prudent live hog procurement

and flexible inventory management. Looking forward, in view of the supportive

policies implemented by the central government to consolidate the industry, Yurun

Food, as a leading enterprise in the meat products industry will continue to increase

market share, and thereby strengthen market leadership through prudent capacity

expansion. Given the economic recovery and rebounding hog price, the Group is

confident that its business will maintain steady growth in order to maximize

shareholders' returns."

    Business Review

    The Group's business is divided into downstream processed meat products and

upstream chilled and frozen meat segments. 

                                  For the six months ended 30 June

                                          (HK$ in million)       

                               Revenue         Change    Proportion to Total


                            2009      2008       %         2009      2008

    Downstream Processed                                                 

     Meat Products,                                                      

     inter alia:                             

        - LTMP              1,536     1,273     +20.6%     94.5%     90.6%

        - HTMP*                90       132     -31.7%      5.5%      9.4%

        - Segment Total     1,626     1,405     +15.7%      100%      100%

    Upstream Chilled and                                                 

     Frozen Meat,                                                   

     inter alia:                

        - Chilled Pork      3,926     3,728      +5.3%     82.0%     72.4%

        - Frozen Pork         863     1,425     -39.4%     18.0%     27.6%

        - Segment Total     4,789     5,153      -7.1%      100%      100%


     Elimination             (581)     (515)        --        --        --

    Total Revenue           5,834     6,043      -3.5%        --        --

                                         For the six months ended 30 June

                                            Gross Margin          Change

                                           2009    2008    Percentage Points


    Downstream Processed Meat                                            

     Products, inter alia:                                               

        - LTMP                             28.4%   27.5%        +0.9 ppt   

        - HTMP*                            20.5%   18.5%        +2.0 ppt   

        - Overall                          28.0%   26.7%        +1.3 ppt   

    Upstream Chilled and Frozen Meat,                                    

     inter alia:                                                         

        - Chilled Pork                     11.9%    9.5%        +2.4 ppt   

        - Frozen Pork                       6.5%    6.4%        +0.1 ppt   

        - Overall                          10.9%    8.6%        +2.3 ppt   

    *High Temperature Meat Product

    During the Period, despite the competitive environment, the Group achieved

satisfactory growth in its downstream business due to strong brand recognition,

marketing promotion, optimized product mix and the launch of new products with higher

profit margins. With respect to its upstream business, the Group relieved the

pressure on selling price brought by the lowered hog price through increasing

slaughtering volume significantly and proportion of sales of chilled pork with higher

margins. Therefore, the adverse impact of hog price fluctuation was minimized. 

    Production Capacity

    During the Period, the Group acquired several slaughtering plants. One of the

slaughtering plants has commenced trial production in May 2009 and other plants will

commence production in the second half of the year and next year, which lays a solid

foundation for sustaining growth in production capacity. As at 30 June 2009,

slaughtering capacity of the Group reached 19.3 million heads per year, representing

an increase of 1.25 million heads as compared to that as at 31 December 2008. 

    Significant Subsequent Events: Issuance of shares

    The Company issued 130 million new ordinary shares at a price of HK$13.23 per

share in late July, 2009. The net proceeds was HK$1.675 billion and will be used for

capacity expansion in order to capture the business opportunities offered by the

sufficient hog supply to cope with the market demand and the industry consolidation.

The Group's net debt/total equity ratio will be improved significantly and net cash

position will be restored upon the issuance of new ordinary shares. 


    Given the overall economic outlook seems to be promising for the second half of

2009, it is expected that with a continued abundant supply of hogs, the Group is in a

strong position to steadily expand its business operations. Meanwhile, given the

expectation that hog price has reached a bottom and will rebound in the second half

of 2009, the Group plans to expand its capacity in order to capture the business

opportunities offered by the increasing hog price. Besides, the Group will strive to

capture business opportunities offered by industry consolidation and strengthen its

upstream and downstream businesses.

    Looking forward, the Group will continue to ensure the finest quality products by

monitoring the development of the H1N1 influenza and maintaining stringent quality

control systems. The Group will also strive to capture the business opportunities in

the market, continue to enhance its brand competitiveness, expand market share,

accelerate its business development and maximize shareholders' returns by leveraging

on the Group's strong brand recognition, superior corporate image, strategic sales

and distribution channels, successful capacity expansion plan, seasoned management

team and strong government support. 

    About China Yurun Food Group Limited (Stock Code: 1068)

    Leveraging on its vertically-integrated business model and strategically located

production plants, Yurun Food is the leading meat-processor and meat products

supplier in China. With its well-established food brands, state-of-the-art production

facilities and diversified distribution channels, Yurun Food has achieved a solid

track record with robust growth for five consecutive years. By further enhancing its

brand names and product quality, Yurun Food will further strengthen its leading

market position. Yurun Food was included in MSCI Global Standard Index (MSCI China

Index) on 29 August, 2008, which is an important recognition of Yurun Food as a

leading company in the meat processing industry by the investment community.

Business Finance China Yurun Food Group Limited 3 image

    For further information, please contact:

    China Yurun Food Group Limited


     Fax:   +852-3927-3300     

    Elite Investor Relations Limited

     Investor Relations:

     Ms Cindy Xin 

     Tel:   +852-3183-0226 

     Fax:   +852-2155-9165


     Media Relations:          

     Mr Bunny Lee

     Tel:   +852-3183-0282

     Fax:   +852-2155-9165 


SOURCE  China Yurun Food Group Limited    


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