Crisil Upgrades Ratings Of First Microfinance Ptcs

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28th October 2009, 03:19am - Views: 686

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CRISIL Upgrades Ratings of First Microfinance PTCs

MUMBAI, Oct. 27 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    Following the first rated securitisation of micro-loans

in India, the pass-through certificates (PTCs or securities) from the

transaction have received a rating upgrade from CRISIL. The ratings of the

senior and junior tranches of PTCs have been upgraded to AAA (so) and A (so),

from their original ratings of AA (so) and BBB (so) respectively.

    The transaction, which was concluded by IFMR Capital in

March 2009, involved securitisation of micro-loan portfolio of Rs 157 million

(principal outstanding) originated by Equitas Micro Finance India Pvt Ltd.

The upgrade is based on the performance of the pool, the timeliness of

payments to the SPV and the extent of credit enhancement in relation to the

outstanding cash flows on the pool.

    Capital Structure of Securitisation


    PTC     Yield  Principal Principal Principal   Legal    Expected Upgraded

            Terms    (Rs mn)   % (At   Outstanding Final    Maturity Rating

                               issue)    (Rs mn)   Maturity Date



     A1     Fixed     125.4       80%      59.0    22 Oct   07 May   AAA (so)

                                                            2010     2010


     A2     Residual   31.3       20%      31.3    22 Oct   22 Oct   A (so)

                                                            2010     2010


     Collateral        18.3     11.7%      18.3                      Unrated

                             of Issue

                              Size of


     As on 22 October 2009. Source: Report from IDBI

Trusteeship Services Pvt Ltd (Trustee for SPV)

    IFMR Capital, the sole structurer and arranger, has

provided second loss credit enhancement in the form of an investment in 100%

of the Series A2 securities and the Series A1 securities have been fully

underwritten by a bank investor.

    For credit enhancement, Equitas had provided a first

loss facility in the form of cash collateral equal to 11.7% of the original

principal amount of the portfolio. This cash collateral together with the

excess interest spread (EIS) being trapped in the SPV are used to cover any

shortfall in repayments on both tranches of securities. The cash collateral

is intact since the beginning of the transaction, and the EIS has built up to

an amount of Rs 13.4 million as on 07 October 2009.

    The upgrade in the ratings marks a reiteration of the

effective origination capabilities of Equitas, backed by its strong systems

and processes for management of micro-loan portfolios.

    IFMR Capital, which structured and invested in the

landmark transaction with Equitas, is promoting microfinance loans originated

by high-quality MFIs as an attractive asset class for a new category of

securities in the ABS market. The securitisation structure pioneered by IFMR

Capital in India is expected to open up new sources of debt capital such as

mutual funds, insurance companies, NBFCs and foreign banks, for the

microfinance industry.

    Banks are also expressing interest in rated

microfinance paper due to their liquidity and also due to the expected

adoption of Basel-II capital adequacy norms, which favour rated assets as

against unrated assets on the books of banks.

    "The ratings upgrade strengthens our confidence in

microfinance as a promising new asset class for debt and equity investors

across the globe. The upgrade by three notches together, reflects the

strength of the underlying assets. This puts microfinance firmly on the map

of mainstream capital markets," said Sucharita Mukherjee, CEO, IFMR Capital.

    "Equitas' unique set of processes and MIS systems have

helped demonstrate the quality of our portfolio and our originating

capabilities. With this rating upgrade, Equitas is now more confident of

accessing the full range of capital market instruments. In the medium term,

this development will usher in wider capital access for the entire

microfinance sector as well," according to S. Bhaskar, COO, Equitas.

    According to Mr.Ajay Dwivedi, Director-Structured

Finance Ratings, CRISIL, "The rating upgrades reflect the increased cover

that the transaction's credit enhancement provides to the PTCs as a result of

the strong collection. Continued strong collection performance in the

transaction could lead to a further upward movement in the rating for the

Series A2 PTCs."

    About IFMR Capital

    IFMR Capital is a non-banking finance company based in

Chennai, whose mission is to provide efficient and reliable access to capital

for institutions that impact poor households. IFMR Capital acts as a bridge

to mainstream capital markets for under-served sectors such as microfinance

institutions, small and medium enterprises, agri-commodity backed financing

and low-income housing finance.

    IFMR Capital will develop smooth and efficient access

to capital markets by creating transparent & robust underwriting standards

and evaluation frameworks for these new asset classes, standardizing

investment structures, and using financial structuring tools to generate high

quality assets; leading to price discovery, liquidity and growth in these new

markets. This will enable institutions in critically important sectors to

reach out to new sets of investors thereby expanding the sources of capital

available to them.

    About Equitas

    Equitas Micro Finance India (Pvt) Ltd aims to extend

micro credit to people who are otherwise unable to access finance from the

mainstream banking channels. Equitas commenced business in December 2007 with

the objective of making available finance at reasonable cost and in a

Business Finance IFMR Trust (Institute For Financial Management & Research) 3 image

transparent manner to women who are engaged in micro enterprise activities.

    Equitas has 98 branches with portfolio outstanding of

Rs 4,304.7 million as on September 30, 2009, and net worth of Rs 1,315.4

million as on the same date. Equitas currently serves more than 600,000

households across Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh. Equitas has

received a credit rating of BBB- with 'Stable' outlook from CRISIL in July

2009, on a proposal for long-term borrowings of Rs 5.0 billion. Also, Equitas

has obtained an mfR3 grading from CRISIL.


    For press queries, please contact:

    Susmitha Chakkungal (


    SOURCE: IFMR Trust (Institute for Financial Management & Research)

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