Digishow In New York

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23rd May 2010, 03:56pm - Views: 1007

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Digislide Holdings Limited

ABN 75 105 012 066

PO Box 20

North Adelaide SA 5006


100-102 Cavan Road

Dry Creek SA 5094


Phone 61 8 8262 3115

Fax     61 8 8262 8490

Digishow™ now Appearing in New York!

Sunday, 23 May 2010

Digislide Holdings Limited is pleased to announce that the high profile American retail

distribution chain, Fesco, has placed their first order with Digislide. 

Fesco is headquartered in Brooklyn, New York, and services the north east states of the

United States of America. Fesco warehouses and distributes consumer electronics and

household technology products to retail outlets in the most densely populated region of


While the first order is for Digishow™, Fesco is also evaluating the opportunities for distributing

the miniPRO™ and WeSii™ projectors. 

Digishow™ is a vga projector that interfaces with an iPOD,

iPHONE, smart phone, DVD player, digital camera and games


With a vga converter, Digishow™ will also interface with a

laptop, notebook or netbook.

Ms Eilish McCaffrey, Digislide Americas Vice President of Sales said “This is just the

beginning, we are now capturing attention and gaining traction with some major players.”

Digislide’s CEO, Luceille Outhred said “Digislide has always been a market driven

organisation. Our products have been designed and developed with careful attention to market

demands and unidentified market wants.  We will continue to demonstrate to our shareholders, 

and to the wider investment community alike,  that we can design and develop great products,

commercialise them successfully and open up markets around the world.  Furthermore, we will

do this whilst simultaneously planning and following a strategic technology roadmap that will

ensure Digislide remains at the forefront of the projection and multi-media entertainment


About Fesco

Fesco Distributors, Inc., founded in 1962  as a retail store, has grown into a leading distributor

or brand name consumer electronics and home technology products in the North eastern

region of the USA. Fesco offers a wide array of products to their customers including an

extensive line of LCD and plasma TVs, mounts and projectors, home theater systems, portable

audio and mobile electronics.

Fesco is committed to being a partner in its dealers’ success. The company boasts of stocking

cutting-edge products at competitive pricing. Fesco’s web site, fescony.com, allows their

customers to check stock and current deals online.

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Fesco’s focus is on maintaining a high level of customer satisfaction, with retailers being

serviced weekly by their sales reps, thereby achieving a personal relationship with each and

every customer. This also allows Fesco to remain with its finger on the pulse of the industry,

and to stay ever attentive to its customers’ needs.

Fesco distributes a wide range of products from name brand companies such as Sony,

Panasonic, Samsung, JVC, Garmin, and Yamaha, among others, and is always improving its

product mix with additional nationally known brands and accessories. 

The company exhibits in three shows throughout the year and is a member of CEDIA, PMA

and CES. 


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Further information contact:

Jeff King

Company Secretary

08 8262 3115

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