Eestech Inc - Release From Sec Filing

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19th February 2009, 06:50am - Views: 818

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EESTECH Inc  -  Release From SEC Filing

LOS ANGELES,  Feb. 18/Medianet International - AsiaNet - First Call/ --

The Board of Directors wishes to confirm to Stockholders that at its meeting on

February 4, 2009 it resolved to file a Form 15 with effect from February 17,

2009.  This initiative does not require the approval of stockholders but in the

interests of keeping stockholders and other stakeholders informed the Board is

making this Release.  

The effect of this filing is to release the company from its United States

Securities and Exchange Commission filing obligations. The process also results

in the company’s stock being removed from the Over The Counter Bulletin Board

market listing with the company’s stock, from this date, being recorded on the

OTCBB “Pink Sheets”.  

The Board is cognisant of its obligations to all Stockholders to maintain a

market for the company’s stock.  However there has been little, if any, liquidity

in the stock for some time and despite a number of commercial initiatives the

stock has languished below USD0.10.    This process does not preclude current

stockholders from seeking to trade their stock, although they will have to use

brokers prepared to handle stock from the Pink Sheets.

The company has, historically, been required to engage the services of a PCAOB

Auditor in the United States and Australia at an annual cost of approximately

AUD145,000.  In addition it has incurred associated US SEC Attorney and filing

costs that when added to the audit results in an annual cost of around

AUD250,000.  These costs do not include the fees that will be applicable in 2010

for compliance with the Sarbanes Oxley Act Regulation 404.   

The Board has considered that this cost is not acceptable while the company is

striving to contain its “cash burn” and establish market initiatives in India and


The company has been actively seeking equity funds in international markets but

has experienced extreme difficulties because of the current world economic

downturn. Most institutional investors the company has approached have stated

that they are unwilling to invest in a company that has:

*  No sales

*  No liquidity in its stock

The Board has therefore taken this decision in the interests of cash flow

management and ultimate survival. 


A number of administrative measures have already been implemented including the

resignation of the company’s CFO and those duties being undertaken by Mr Murray

Bailey.  Mr Hutcheson is continuing in the role of Company Secretary on an hourly

rate (Part time).  Mr Bailey has also agreed to reduce his annual consulting fees

by two thirds, effective immediately.  Further, Mr Bailey has not received any

fees for the period since May 2008 and has personally funded the company since

October 2008. 

Administration and accounting costs have been significantly reduced through

personnel moving from full time to part time contracts. 

The Board advises that, in the interests of sound corporate governance, it will

continue to engage a PCAOB registered auditor in Australia to undertake an annual

Audit of the EESTech Inc Group and the company will prepare an annual Report for

engagement is expected to be less than 20% of the current costs.  The Company

believes that this will ensure that with an external audit, moving forward, that

the accounts should provide a transparent indication of the company’s financial


The Board considers that this action will enable it to step out of the market,

with its inherent pricing pressures, and assist it to build a viable business,

based upon a sound business model.  

The Board strategy is to return to the NASDAQ  when it has achieved sales and

strong cash flow.  This will ensure that the pricing at “listing” will reflect 

the fundamental value in the company.  This will also provide a flow on effect to

current stockholders.  

The Board confirms that the company has no external secured or unsecured term

debt and consequently its primary asset, being its Patents and other intellectual

property remains unencumbered.    

Mr Bailey said: “The Board is cognisant of the strong support that has been

provided by stockholders over a number of years.  The Board thanks all

stockholders for this on-going support and advises that it will continue to

strive to add value back into the business and consequential positive effect on

the stock.”

Murray Bailey


February 17, 2009  

Forward Looking Statement:

This stockholders press  release includes statements that may constitute

‘forward-looking’ statements. The statements can generally be identified by

phrases such as  EESTech, Inc or its management ‘believes’ ‘forecasts’,

‘estimates’ or other words or phrases of similar import. These statements are

made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation

Reform Act of 1995.

Similarly, such statements herein that describe the Company’s business strategy,

outlook, objectives, plans, intentions or goals are forward-looking statements.

Forward-looking statements inherently involve risks and uncertainties that could

cause actual results to differ materially from forward-looking statements.

Factors which would cause or contribute to such differences include, but are not

limited to our ability to recruit and retain key personnel, the availability of

funding for future operating requirements, our ability to protect our

intellectual property, our ability to secure contracts for the installation of

our products and our ability to develop and operate such projects successfully.

We urge you to carefully consider these factors and the information detailing

other factors (which could cause actual results to differ materially). The

forward-looking statements are based on current expectations and neither the

Company nor its management assumes any obligation to update these statements.      

For further information on EESTECH or its products please visit the company’s

website at


Released for EESTECH Inc. by Dennis Rutzou Public Relations (

For further information please call:

Dennis Rutzou or Joanna Gitsham on +61 2 9413 4244.




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