Employment, Not Interest Rates Is The Key To Alleviating Mortgage Stress

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25th November 2008, 06:55pm - Views: 809

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For Immediate Release



Sydney, Australia (25th, November 2008) Fujitsu Australia and New Zealand, a leading

service provider of business, information technology and communications solutions today

released the latest edition of the Mortgage Stress-O-Meter through the Fujitsu Consulting

Group.  The Mortgage Stress Survey is based on a rolling 26,000-consumer survey updated


Martin North, Managing Consulting Director, Fujitsu Consulting said the latest results are two

fold. On one hand there is good news about lower interest rates and the costs of living, but on

the other, many households were now concerned about falling investment returns and the

spectre of rising unemployment, both directly linked to the global slowdown. “Until we see

unemployment trends falling, the housing market will continue to experience significant

difficulty, and many households will continue to struggle to keep their heads above water,

despite falling interest rates”, stated North.

The survey results presented findings such as:


Since July, households reported a positive 20% percentage point drop as interest rates have

been cut, and a fall of 7% due to lower prices.  This is offset by a 12.5% increase in

unemployment fears, and a 7% rise in stress caused by falling investment returns. 

In October, there was a 3% fall in stressed households compared with the previous month, to

770,000. However those in severe stress rose by 13% to 291,000.  Severe Stressed

Households are more likely to be forced to refinance or sell in the coming months.

With unemployment now forecast by the Treasury to rise to 5% by June 2009, Fujitsu

Consulting estimates that total stress will rise to over 1.1 million households by the same time

frame, with 433,000 households likely to be in severe stress. This has the potential to

translate to 27,000 defaults in a full year. If unemployment were to rise to 9% by the end of

2009, as some economists are suggesting, then defaults could be expected to rise to over

100,000 in a full year. This is after offsetting additional interest rate reductions and adjusting

for lower levels of inflation through 2009.

35% of workers employed by small businesses reported that overtime was significantly down,

and 21% said they knew of colleagues who had lost their jobs in the last few weeks. “One

reason why severe stress is up is the SME sector, traditionally the engine of the economy, is

under some stress just now, said Mr North. “Households reliant on incomes from the SME

sector are concerned about their future earning prospects. As a result they are pulling back in

their discretionary spending”. 

“We found that a significant number of “Off The Plan” speculative property investors now

faced the prospect of trying to sell in a falling market and are facing potential negative equity

as a result”, Mr North said. In addition, despite recent increases in first time buyer incentives,

concerns about future employment have frozen out many potential first time buyers.  “Affluent

Stress continues to increase as more margin calls and falling stock market returns continue to

have an impact.

The survey results also revealed property prices in many suburbs will continue to drift down

until uncertainties about employment abate.  Fujitsu Consulting’s review suggests this is not

likely to eventuate for the next 12 to 18 months. Mr North said, “It is unlikely that future

interest rate cuts, even if they are fully passed on to households will turn this around”. 

Fujitsu Consulting has been tracking the mortgage industry for more than 5 years with the

Stress-O-Meter reporting month results for he past two years. 

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For Immediate Release

About the Mortgage Stress-O-Meter

Surveying households about their spending patterns using a series of structured questions

that assess their ability to finance their debt feeds the Stress-O-Meter.  Updated monthly,

data is incorporated from the rolling 26,000-consumer sample. 

Households are segmented around 11 groups with discrete and disparate characteristics.

This enables the Stress-O-Meter to highlight where stress is most prevalent. 

Rather than using the blunt 30% of income rule, we ask a series of structured questions to

determine whether households are having to cut back on their spending, put more on credit

cards (mild stress), or have serially refinanced, decided to sell up of been foreclosed (severe


This is a significantly more accurate measure of real stress. On average 5% of people in

severe stress will go on to default on their mortgage. Background information is available in

our Anatomy of Mortgage Stress Report previously published. 

State based data is available on request.

For more information about Fujitsu Australia’s Mortgage Stress Survey or other solutions and

About Fujitsu Australia and New Zealand

Fujitsu Australia and New Zealand is a leading service provider of business, information

technology and communications solutions. Throughout Australia and New Zealand we partner

with our customers to consult, design, build, operate and support business solutions. From

strategic consulting to application and infrastructure solutions and services, Fujitsu Australia

and New Zealand have earned a reputation as the single supplier of choice for leading

corporate and government organisations. Fujitsu Australia Limited and Fujitsu New Zealand

Limited are wholly owned subsidiaries of Fujitsu Limited (TSE: 6702).

About Fujitsu 

Fujitsu is a leading provider of IT-based business solutions for the global marketplace. With

approximately 160,000 employees supporting customers in 70 countries, Fujitsu combines a

worldwide corps of systems and services experts with highly reliable computing and

communications products and advanced microelectronics to deliver added value to

customers. Headquartered in Tokyo, Fujitsu Limited (TSE:6702) reported consolidated

revenues of 5.3 trillion yen (US$53 billion) for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2008. For more

information, please see: www.fujitsu.com 

Media Contact:

Tracy Weller-McCormack

Marketing Manager

Fujitsu Australia and New Zealand


+61 2 9113 9225

Mobile: +61 414 827 044



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