Ethan Minerals Limited (asx:eth) Identifies Multiple Parallel Zones,mary Springs

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15th March 2010, 01:30pm - Views: 1266
ASX Media Release

15 March 2010



* Results have now been received for all of the Reverse Circulation drill holes
* Significant and high grade results include:
- 09MSRC0006 - 46 metres at 5.7% Pb from 31 metres depth including 7 metres at 12.3% Pb from 34 metres depth and including 6 metres at 7.92% Pb from 46 metres depth
- 09MSRCD0016 - 11 metres at 4.17% Pb from 7 metres depth
including 3 metres at 12.26% Pb from 10 metres depth.

Perth based explorer, Ethan Minerals Limited (ASX:ETH) is pleased to announce further significant base metals intercepts at the Mary Springs Prospect, Northampton Project, Western Australia from the last holes of the 24 RC drill hole program.

Diamond drilling is ongoing at the Mary Springs Prospect with three drill holes completed out of a total 5 to 6 drill hole program. The core continues to be logged, cut and sampled and these samples will be dispatched to Ultra Trace Laboratories based in Perth for initial geochemical analysis.

Drilling of 09MSRC0006 intercepted three metres of cavity from 28 metres depth, which is presumed to be historical workings. It is becoming apparent from the drilling results and geological logging of the samples that multiple parallel zones of mineralisation exist at Mary Springs. Some are directly associated with the intrusion of the dolerite dykes whilst others are associated with late stage structural faulting.

Drilling has so far confirmed mineralisation over a strike length of some 250 metres and over a vertical depth extent of some 90 metres from approximately 10 metres below surface to 100 metres below surface. Mineralisation is open along strike in both directions and at depth below the base of RC drilling to date.

Ethan Mineral's Executive Director, Ken Fitzgerald said,

"The reporting of further significant base metals assays from the last of the RC drill holes is extremely encouraging. Some of the RC drill holes are pre collars for diamond tail core drilling which is underway and those diamond core holes completed contain visual verification of base metal mineralisation over significant widths. The diamond drill rig is currently drilling one of three remaining diamond tails and will then complete a twin hole within three weeks, to complete the programmed 500 to 600 metres of diamond core drilling. I look forward to reporting further confirmation of these outstanding results to the market as they become available to us."

For more information contact Rod North, Bourse Communications, (03) 9510 8309 or 0408 670 706.

ACN 124 354 329
Suite 24, 443 Albany Highway
Victoria Park WA 6100
T: +61 8 9472 5502
F: +61 8 9362 2805
E: [email protected]

SOURCE: Ethan Minerals Limited (ASX:ETH)

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