Executives Optimistic About The Economy And Investment Prospects For The Gulf Region

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29th April 2010, 12:18am - Views: 1364

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Executives Optimistic About The Economy And Investment Prospects For The Gulf Region

MANAMA, Bahrain, Apr. 28 /CNW-AsiaNet/ --

      An electronic version of the study and bios of Mr. Gibson, Dr. Al-Ammari

      The fundamentals are in place for strong economic growth in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)

countries through the remainder of this year and in 2011, according to a study released by Blake,

Cassels & Graydon LLP (Blakes), a Canadian-based international business law firm. The study,

undertaken for Blakes by mergermarket, is based on interviews with more than 75 corporate executives

from the GCC to gain their perspectives on the outlook for investment and trends in the region over the

near term.

     "Blakes has opened offices in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia, in association

with Dr. Saud Al-Ammari Law Firm, so we are interested in getting the views of

corporate executives in the region," said Brock Gibson, the Firm's Chair.

"Thirty-one per cent of the surveyed executives expect growth in the GCC to

come through continuing improvement in international economic conditions,

while 23 per cent expect it to come as a result of stabilization of oil

prices. At the same time, while the petroleum industry will remain a pillar of

the GCC economies, the region is clearly moving toward less dependence on this

still very vital industry. In fact, diversification is a recurring theme in

the study."

     Eighteen per cent of respondents believe the growth of non-oil industries

will be the most important factor fueling economic growth, with 26 per cent

identifying telecommunications and 30 per cent identifying either natural

resources or transportation-based infrastructure as the sectors that will

develop most quickly. These sectors are also said to offer the greatest

opportunities for both domestic and foreign investors.

     "Saudi Arabia and Qatar are consistently identified as the region's most

active players for both foreign-investment activity and intra-regional

activity, followed by the UAE, which will continue to be an important centre

of economic activity," said Dr. Saud Al-Ammari, Blakes Managing Partner, Saudi

Arabia and Gulf Region. "Forty-six per cent of the respondents expect joint

ventures (JVs) to be the most common deal structure over the next year.

However, a majority identified local ownership rights and legal/enforceability

risks as important factors to foreign investors. With offices on the ground,

this is certainly an area where Blakes can help."

     China and India are identified not only as key markets for GCC-based

investors, but also as the countries that will lead foreign-investment

activity in the region over the next 12 months, exceeding both the United

States and Western Europe.

     M&A and private-equity transactions will continue to be affected by the

global economic climate and the availability of liquidity, with the clear

majority of the study respondents - about 70 per cent - expecting

consolidation in the region to increase while 31 per cent expecting it to

remain constant over the course of the year. The study also highlighted that

most private-equity firms will be focused on restructurings and identifying

new opportunities, while M&A will be largely dependent on attractive

valuations of assets, with opportunities for distressed assets sales.

Business Finance Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP; Mergermarket 3 image

     "There is definitely optimism about the prospects for this year.

Moreover, significant growth and increased liquidity is expected in 2011,"

said Dan Fournier, Blakes Chair for the Gulf Region. "Most corporate

executives believe that growth in the Islamic finance sector will continue,

but there will be considerable demand for general conventional debt as well."

     About Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP

     At Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP, we serve a diverse national and

international client base and our integrated office network provides clients

with access to the Firm's full spectrum of capabilities in virtually every

area of business law. Blakes has offices across Canada and in New York,

Chicago, London, Bahrain, Beijing and associated offices in Al-Khobar and

Shanghai. Thanks to our clients and the challenging work they generate, Blakes

was named "Canada's Law Firm of the Year" for 2009 by Who's Who Legal and, for

the second year running, "Law Firm of the Year: Canada" in the PLC Which

Lawyer? Awards. On December 16, 2009, the Financial Times and mergermarket

awarded Blakes the Legal Advisor of the Year Award and, for the second year in

a row, the Mid-Market Legal Advisor of the Year Canada Award. Blakes

consistently ranks as the top Canadian firm according to rankings in the

Bloomberg, Thomson Reuters and mergermarket M&A league tables. In April 2010,

mergermarket ranked Blakes the sixth busiest law firm in the world in global

mergers and acquisitions. More information on Blakes is available by visiting

the Firm's website at www.blakes.com or by following us on Twitter at


     About mergermarket

     mergermarket is an independent Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A)

intelligence service, with the largest network of dedicated M&A journalists on

the ground in 65 locations across the Americas, Asia-Pacific, Europe, the

Middle East and Africa. This team focuses on gathering actionable proprietary

intelligence, creating the only origination database of live targets and

bidders. mergermarket is also an unrivalled source of deal history. Public and

private deals across a range of sectors can be searched using an exhaustive

database. This proprietary intelligence and historical deals database is

available to over 145,000 individual subscribers from more than 1,500 of the

world's principal advisory firms, investment banks, law firms, private equity

firms and corporates. mergermarket is part of The Mergermarket Group, which

has over 550 employees worldwide and regional head offices in London, New York

and Hong Kong.

SOURCE: Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP; mergermarket

    CONTACT: To book an interview, please contact the following:

International Media: Hassan Al-Jundi, Gulf-Hill & Knowlton, +973-17-533532,

hassan.aljundi(at)hillandknowlton.com; Chris Pratt, Gulf-Hill & Knowlton,

+973-17-533532, chris.pratt(at)hillandknowlton.com; Canadian Media: Jane

Shapiro, Hill & Knowlton, (416) 413-4770, jane.shapiro(at)hillandknowlton.ca;

Celia Bobkin, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP, (416) 863-5806,



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